Micky Turner
Joined FYI in 2021

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This person's 35 Official Information requests
Chateau Tongariro - Earthquake Strengthening - Work & Estimates
Follow up sent to Department of Conservation by Micky Turner on .
Partially successful.
Thank you,
Ok - there is enough information supplied to allow contractors to provide early estimates.
1676 square meters of carbon fiber wrap is re...
3 WATERS - Deloitte - All Communications
Follow up sent to Department of Internal Affairs by Micky Turner on .
Pages 8 & 9 highlight how Deloitte believe they can supposedly scrap up to 2,387 ‘duplicate’ full time jobs... which fr...
Cook Islands & Niue - recognized as 'sovereign nations' by USA
Response by Jacinda Ardern to Micky Turner on .
Tēnā koe Micky,
Thank you for your email.
The Office of the Prime Minister has withdrawn your OIA request made on Tuesday, 4 October 2022.
Ngā mihi...
3 Waters - Funding - Evidence of Operational Efficiencies
Response by Nanaia Mahuta to Micky Turner on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe Micky
Please find attached information in response to your Official Information
Act request of 22 July 2022.
Nāku noa, nā
3 WATERS - Deloitte - Others - All Communications
Response by Nanaia Mahuta to Micky Turner on .
Tēnā koe Micky
I acknowledge receipt of your official information request dated 22/7/22.
We received your request on 25/7/22. We will endeavour to re...
Covid 19 - Vitamin D - Maori - Pacifica - South Asian - Elderly
Response by Jacinda Ardern to Micky Turner on .
Kia ora
Thank you for taking the time to get in touch with Prime Minister Jacinda
If you are writing about an issue relating to C...
Molnupiravir for Horses, Zebras & Donkeys - offspring born with no teeth & skull missing
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to Micky Turner on .
Thank you for emailing Pharmac enquiries.
* [1]View a list of all currently funded medicines (the Pharmaceutical
* [2]View the progress o...
COVID-19 Early Treatment Options - where are they?
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to Micky Turner on .
Tēnā koe Micky
Pharmac is continuing to evaluate potential treatments for COVID-19 as
evidence emerges.
We are happy to consider funding a...
According to the reply to a recent OIA request, 25 people were treated with Remdesivir in Auckland during the recent outbreak (there may be more since...
Three Waters - Jacinda Ardern - why no questions during interviews?
Follow up sent to Television New Zealand Limited by Micky Turner on .
Thanks Brent,
I guess there could be match fixing happening via private phones - but will give your Political Editor the benefit of the doubt.
If i...
COVID-19 Early Treatment Options
Follow up sent to Ministry of Health by Micky Turner on .
So the vaccine has been signed off by the Minister of Health.
Remdesivir - we actually don't know which doctor signed this off from the...
COVID-19 Early Treatment Options - where are they?
Response by Andrew Little to Micky Turner on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Micky
On behalf of Hon Andrew Little, Minister of Health, thank you for your
Official Information request of 13 November 2021.
You requ...
Uttar Pradesh - population 205 million - only 20 covid cases a day - Ivermectin?
Follow up sent to Andrew Little by Micky Turner on .
Thank you for confirming that Hon Andrew Little, Minister of Health - has never thought to investigate the reasons for the low daily case data which...
Uttar Pradesh - population 205 million - only 20 covid cases a day - Ivermectin?
Follow up sent to Ayesha Verrall by Micky Turner on .
Thank you for confirming that Hon Dr Ayesha Verrall, Associate Minister of Health and Associate Minister for Research, Science and Development - has...
Uttar Pradesh - population 205 million - only 20 covid cases a day - Ivermectin?
Response by Ministry of Health to Micky Turner on .
Kia ora,
Thank you for your Official Information Act (the Act) request. This is
an automatic reply to let you know we received it.
Due to...
All written Communication with Anthony Fauci & Tedros Adhanom
Response by Ministry of Health to Micky Turner on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Micky
Thank you for your request for official information received by the
Ministry of Health (the Ministry) on 7 October 2021 for: ...
Written Communication with Anthony Fauci & Tedros Adhanom
Response by Andrew Little to Micky Turner on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Micky
Please find attached a response to your request for official information
from Hon Andrew Little, Minister of Health.
Ngâ mih...
Uttar Pradesh - population 205 million - only 20 covid cases a day - Ivermectin?
Follow up sent to Radio New Zealand Limited by Micky Turner on .
Thanks George,
RNZ's journalists wouldn't want to look too deeply into why Uttar Pradesh is only getting around 10 cases a day - it would likely expo...
Uttar Pradesh - population 205 million - only 20 covid cases a day - Ivermectin?
Follow up sent to Television New Zealand Limited by Micky Turner on .
Hi Brent,
Thank you for for confirming that not a single journalist or member of the news team at TVNZ has made 'any' attempt to contact health offi...
Advertising Revenue from Pharmaceutical Companies
Follow up sent to Television New Zealand Limited by Micky Turner on .
Hi Brent,
Thank you for confirming that TVNZ has received approximately $23.9m from pharmaceutical companies over the last 5 years (approximately 2%...
Uttar Pradesh - population 205 million - only 20 covid cases a day - Ivermectin?
Follow up sent to Chris Hipkins by Micky Turner on .
Thank you for confirming that Minister Chris Hipkins has not been in contact with the Uttar Pradesh Health Department or Director of Health.
Covid 19 - Contingency Plan - if lockdowns fail
Response by Jacinda Ardern to Micky Turner on .
Kia ora
Thank you for taking the time to get in touch with Prime Minister Jacinda
If you are writing about an issue relating to CO...
Ivermectin as a Covid 19 treatment - including up to date data analysis and conversations
Follow up sent to Ministry of Health by Micky Turner on .
Thanks Nicks,
So essentially anyone can import it and apply for Medsafe approval as either a prescription or over the counter product.
This is the...
Lithium mining - environmental issues - dangerous working conditions - child labour
Maori Health Authority vs Human Rights Article 25
Information not held.
Many thanks to Micky Turner for providing the other link.
This person's 4 annotations
An incite into how the medical elite collaborate and operate the media.
Safe treatment of Covid-19 with Ivermectin
Long overdue.
Have asked for up to date information from the Ministry of Health.
FYI have already censored 2 of these requests saying "either not a valid request,...
Lithium mining - environmental issues - dangerous working conditions - child labour
Electric Vehicle Power Infrastructure plan
Thanks Paul,
When they say 'consultation' - I now take it to mean their lawyers are being paid tens of thousands to do everything they can to not re...