Television New Zealand Limited

A public authority, also called TVNZ

100 requests
Kia ora Ms Whittome   Please see the attached response to your request for Official Information.   Ngā mihi,   Official Information Act Req...
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to James on .
Kia ora James   Please see the attached response to your request for official information.   Ngā mihi,   Official Information Act Requests...
Travel costs
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to James on .
Kia ora   Please see the attached response to your request for official information.   Ngā mihi,   Official Information Act Requests e. [...
Editorial processes
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Eli Templeton on .
Kia ora Eli Templeton   Please see the attached response to your Official Information Act request.   Kind regards TVNZ OIA Team   From: E...
Kia ora   Please see the attached response to your request for official information.   Ngā mihi,   Official Information Act Requests e. [...
Name of song
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Noah Fitzgerald on .
Partially successful.
Dear Noah Fitzgerald   Your email requesting the name/source of the Border Patrol song has been received.   Border Patrol is an external produ...
Social media posts of journalists
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to R S Grant on .
Dear R S Grant   Please see the attached response.   TVNZ Official Information Act Team     From: R S Grant <[FOI #26024 email]> Sent: T...
Dear Mr Palmer   Resending the below as it appears it may not have sent at our end.   Kind regards   OIA Response Team   From: OIA Sen...
Dear Luke   Please see the attached response.   TVNZ Official Information Act Team   From: Luke <[FOI #25902 email]> Sent: Tuesday, Februa...
Average salaries for Māori in the Newsroom
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to X Brown on .
Dear X Brown   Our response to your OIA request of 27 August is attached.   Regards   Official Information Act Requests e. [TVNZ request...
Footage from Holmes in 1994
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Dael Armstrong-West on .
Hi Dael,   The cost to provide one Holmes story is $78.00 (inc GST) and any subsequent items are $46.00 (inc GST) so the cost to purchase the 3 Ho...
Dear Ms Whittome   Official Information Act request dated 25 August 2023   We refer to your email dated 25 August 2023 requesting information u...
Seismic performance of network
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Frank on .
  Dear Frank   We refer to your request below for a list of TVNZ infrastructure required for our organisation to operate after a seismic event....
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to James on .
Dear James,   We refer to your request below.   TVNZ contributed $500,000 towards the broadcast production budget for Te Matatini in 2023. The...
Historical Documentaries
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Brendon Mills on .
Partially successful.
Dear Brendon   This would be a very long list and take considerable time and resource to assemble.  Is there something specific you are looking fo...
Historical Documentaries (II)
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Brendon Mills on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Brendan   We refer to your separate requests for information on historical documentaries aired since TVNZ’s Charter was abolished in 2011...
Tvnz+ platform capabilities.
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to F.smith on .
Dear F Smith   Our response to your request of 9 November is attached.   Regards     Official Information Act Requests e. [1][TVNZ requ...
Police Ten 7 and Police Ten 7 Aotearoa
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Mike Hunua on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mike,   We refer to your request for information on the cancellation of Police Ten 7.  We deal with each of your requests in turn.   Coul...
Kia ora Thomas   We refer to your request below and attach a copy of TVNZ’s Brand Guides.   Regards   Official Information Act Requests e...
Dear Alex I can confirm that the first episode of Season 2 of Boss Babes was streamed 22,346 times, in the period you have requested. In addition, th...
Dear Mr Watkins Please find attached our further letter and attachment. Regards Brent McAnulty General Counsel & Corporate Affairs Director Michele...
Passing of the Queen
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Luke on .
Hi Luke We can confirm that we have considerable procedures in place. These involve interrupting regular programming for extended periods, appropriate...
Hi Micky My apologies, in answering about Three Waters I omitted the answer relating to contact with the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister does not...
Dear Micky I can confirm we have not made any contact with any health officials in Uttar Pradesh, and therefore no correspondence exists. Regards Br...
Dear Micky I refer to your request below. The total amount received from pharmaceutical companies is approximately $23.9m over the period. This amoun...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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