Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand

A public authority, also called CAA

103 requests

(page 4)

Aircraft group rating
Follow up sent to Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand by john homer on .
Intresting as all Aircraft in New Zealand has a Performance Group Ratings and it's defined in a CAA NZ Document at the front of all flight manuals...
Investigation into small airline/operator
Request to Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand by Liam. Annotated by Liam on .
Partially successful.
A complaint has been made with the Ombudsman as I believe the audit can be released with the personal information redacted. I also believe that as Orig...
18/OIR/204 Dear Mr Reynolds Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) Request I refer to your request submitted via of 2 April 2018, whi...
Dear Mr Cooper I refer to your request for official information of 21 May 2018, in which you requested the number of aviation security incidents, by a...
Dear Mr Homer,   The Safety Investigator role at the Civil Aviation Authority requires someone with the key attributes of an investigator and a ba...
Because you arent releasing minutes from this meeting, I expect you have information that is damaging to the CAA ,so there needs to be another line o...
Small business closures will culminate at the onset of SMS forced on small operators. FYI in Canada, the Transport authority have limited the SMS exp...
Flying car enquiry
Response by Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand to Sam Shead on .
Waiting clarification.
Dear Mr Shead,   As you can imagine your request covers a substantial amount of information, most of which contains commercially sensitive intelle...
18/OIR/205   Dear Mr Gray,   Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) Request As discussed during the Mar 20 meeting with Mr Johnson, with the...
18/OIR/221 Dear Mr Gray Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) Request I refer to your requests made via FYI on 19 April 2018 in which you again...
18/OIR/179 Dear Mr McIntosh Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) Request I refer to your request, made via FYI, of 8 March 2018 requesting in...
The response for this request was sent directly to the requestor.   Thanks, Tom Wheeler | Official Information & Privacy Advisor Legal Services...
Response by Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand to john homer on .
18/OIR/184 Dear Mr Homer Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) Request I refer to your request, made via FYI, of 12 March 2018 requesting info...
The response for this request was sent directly to the requestor.   Thanks, Tom Wheeler | Official Information & Privacy Advisor Legal Services...
18/OIR/94 Dear Harrison Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) Request I refer to your request made via dated 8 November 2017 reques...
It is little wonder you did not receive a response from Air NZ with 50 questions that are poorly worded.
Dear Mr Chandler,   Unfortunately you did not call concerning your follow up request and did not provide contact details for me to be able to get...
Aviation Security
Response by Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand to Cody C on .
Dear Mr Cooper, I refer to your further question directed to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) on 5 June 2017, in which you clarified an earlier qu...
17/OIR/200 Dear Mr Reynolds Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) Request I refer to your request submitted via on 26 April 2017, wh...
17/OIR/196 Dear Mr Reynolds Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) Request I refer to your request submitted via on 6 April 2017 req...
17/OIR/89 23/12/2016 Dear Mr Rongotaua Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) Request I refer to your request for official information dated 9...
Dear Mr Williams,   Can you please contact me on this email address or phone 04 560-9472?   Thanks, Tom Wheeler | Official Information & Priv...
Commentary 2 – Date and Time Inaccuracies The date/time data, in the CAA RPAS ‘New Rules’ Data, is unreliable, rendering it unusable in its presen...
Hello Grayson, Thank you for your email, which I have forwarded to our Official Information and Privacy Officer to deal with. They will respond to you...
Use of pilot medical information
Response by Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand to ZGO on .
Partially successful.
Dear Grayson,   Please find our letter attached.   In brief, it sets out the CAA’s answers to the question you raised regarding pilots’ medica...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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