Ben Watkins
Joined FYI in 2024
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This person's 12 Official Information requests
Official Information Request to the Meteorological Service of New Zealand Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification and Cloud Seeding
Request to Meteorological Service of New Zealand Limited by Ben Watkins. Annotated by SPENCER JONES on .
Awaiting classification.
Official Information Request to the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification and Cloud Seeding
Request to National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited by Ben Watkins. Annotated by Ben Watkins on .
Official Information Request to the Ministry of Transport Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification, Solar Radiation Management and Cloud Seeding
Response by Ministry of Transport to Ben Watkins on .
Kia ora Ben,
Please find attached a response to your OIA request
Ngâ mihi
From: Carol Rios Diaz
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2024...
Official Information Request to the Ministry for the Environment Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification, Solar Radiation Management and Cloud seeding
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Ben Watkins on .
Kia ora Ben,
Please find attached response to your request for official information.
George Bryson
Advisor | Kaitohutohu
Ministerial Se...
Official Information Request to the New Zealand SIS Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification, Solar Radiation Management and Cloud Seeding
Response by New Zealand Security Intelligence Service to Ben Watkins on .
Information not held.
Tēnā koe
Please find the NZSIS response to your request attached.
Ngā mihi
Te Pi Whakamarumaru
New Zealand Security
Official Information Request to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification, Solar Radiation Management and Cloud Seeding
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Ben Watkins on .
Kia ora,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Coordinator
Interesting answer - unfortunately this agency like all the other agencies asked say they are not aware / involved in these activities yet will not pro...
Official Information Request to Airways Corporation of New Zealand Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification and Cloud Seeding
Response by Airways Corporation of New Zealand Limited to Ben Watkins on .
Hi Ben,
Please find attached our response.
Thank you.
Naoka Iwase
Legal Counsel / OIA Advisor
e. [1][email address]
w. [2]www.a...
Official Information Request to the Climate Change Commission Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification, Solar Radiation Management and Cloud Seeding
Response by Climate Change Commission to Ben Watkins on .
Kia ora Ben
Please find attached, the Climate Change Commission’s response to your
request for information, below.
If you have any pātai, please l...
Official Information Request to the Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon, Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification, Solar Radiation Management and Cloud Seeding
Response by Christopher Luxon to Ben Watkins on .
30 August 2024
Ben Watkins
[FOI #28004 email]
Ref: PMO OIA 054-2024-25...
Official Information Request to the Ministry of Defence Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification and Cloud Seeding.
Response by Ministry of Defence to Ben Watkins on .
Kia ora Ben,
Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act
Kind regards
Ministry of Defence
Official Information Request to the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification and Cloud Seeding
Response by Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand to Ben Watkins on .
Kia ora Ben,
I refer to your official information request dated 9/08/2024 for " Please provide any and all information known or held by your departmen...
This person's 2 annotations
Official Information Request to the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification and Cloud Seeding
Request to National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited by Ben Watkins. Annotated by Ben Watkins on .
"This response from NZDF does not equal having no information on this topic. I wonder why the response was worded in that particular way and not someth...