Alan Thompson
Joined FYI in 2014
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This person's 149 Official Information requests
Aircraft Hours
Follow up sent to Fire and Emergency New Zealand by Alan Thompson on .
Information not held.
Thank you for your advice re my request for information on aircraft use.
I had assumed that these details would be available via your Air Desk s...
Kia ora Alan,
Please find attached the Department of Conservation’s response to your
request, which we received on 20/11/2024.
If you have any que...
Tēnā koe Alan
Please find attached correspondence from Fire and Emergency New Zealand |
Whakaratonga Iwi.
Ngā mihi,
Information Requests...
Tēnā koe Alan
Please find attached correspondence from Fire and Emergency New Zealand |
Whakaratonga Iwi.
We note your follow-up communica...
Port Hills 2024 IAPs (2)
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Alan Thompson on .
Information not held.
Tēnā koe Alan
Please find attached correspondence from Fire and Emergency New Zealand |
Whakaratonga Iwi.
Ngā mihi,
Information Requ...
Port Hills 2024 Fire Costs
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Alan Thompson on .
Tēnā koe Alan,
Please find attached correspondence from Fire and Emergency New Zealand |
Whakaratonga Iwi.
Ngā mihi,
Information Req...
Matakana 2023 Fire ICAD Report
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Alan Thompson on .
Tēnā koe Alan
Please find attached correspondence from Fire and Emergency New Zealand |
Whakaratonga Iwi.
Ngā mihi,
Information Requ...
Port Hills 2024 IAPs
Follow up sent to Fire and Emergency New Zealand by Alan Thompson on .
Your advice regarding the incorrect information sent to me in response to my request for the Port Hills Incident Actions Plans is noted. I do not h...
Fire Fighter Earnings/Remuneration
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Alan Thompson on .
Tēnā koe Alan
Please find attached correspondence from Fire and Emergency New Zealand |
Whakaratonga Iwi.
Ngā mihi,
Information Requ...
Entrapment Report
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Alan Thompson on .
Reported for administrator attention.
Tēnā koe Alan
Please find attached correspondence from Fire and Emergency New Zealand |
Whakaratonga Iwi.
Ngā mihi,
Information Requ...
National Land Manager’s Forum
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Alan Thompson on .
Tēnā koe Alan
Please find attached correspondence from Fire and Emergency New Zealand |
Whakaratonga Iwi.
Ngā mihi,
Information Requ...
Minutes of CIMS Steering Committee
Response by National Emergency Management Agency to Alan Thompson on .
Information not held.
Kia ora,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Coordinator
Wildfire Incident Costs
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Alan Thompson on .
Tēnā koe Alan
Please find attached correspondence from Fire and Emergency New Zealand |
Whakaratonga Iwi.
Ngā mihi,
Information Requ...
Tangoio Fire Operational REview
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Alan Thompson on .
Tēnā koe Mr Thompson
Further to our letter to you dated 29 January 2024, where Fire and
Emergency made and communicated its decision to you on y...
Wildfire Fighting Qualifications
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Alan Thompson on .
Tēnā koe Alan
Please find attached correspondence from Fire and Emergency New Zealand |
Whakaratonga Iwi.
Ngā mihi,
Information Requ...
Tangoio Fore Operational Report (2)
Follow up sent to Fire and Emergency New Zealand by Alan Thompson on .
Can you please advise when I can expect a response to my request for the Tangoio Fire Operational Report. This response was due by the 4th of April...
Refurbishment Trentham Station
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Alan Thompson on .
Tēnā koe Alan
Please find attached correspondence from Fire and Emergency New Zealand |
Whakaratonga Iwi.
Ngā mihi,
Information Requ...
Incorporate Societies Constitutions
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to Alan Thompson on .
Kia ora Alan,
Please see attached letter in response to your request for information.
Ngâ mihi nui,
Ministerial Services
Te Wha...
Matakana Island Fire Operational Review (3)
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Alan Thompson on .
Information not held.
Do you need email marketing services or databases?
I would like to know if I can send a proposal regarding these services,
and to which email...
Evergreen Operational Report (3)
Follow up sent to Fire and Emergency New Zealand by Alan Thompson on .
Information not held.
I am just a little confused re your reply! This request was for the Evergreen Op Report.
Whilst the heading in your reply includes reference to...
Waiharara Fire Op Report
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Alan Thompson on .
Information not held.
Good afternoon,
Please see attached, a response to your information request.
Kind regards,
Evergreen Operational Report
Follow up sent to Fire and Emergency New Zealand by Alan Thompson on .
Thank you for your prompt reply to my request. I will prefer to wait until the report is released so as to be able to see the recommendations in th...
Tēnā koe Alan,
Please find attached a response to your request for are of Conservation
land burnt as a result of wildfire from 2007/08 to 2014/1...
Kia ora Alan
Thank you for your request received on 17/05/2023 to the Department of
Please find attached our response to your reques...
Rural Fire Cost Breakdowns
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Alan Thompson on .
Kia ora Alan,
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Ngā mihi,
Information Requests Team
Fire an...
This person's 4 annotations
Cycleway delays
Cody C, the response times as detailed are the total time from the time FENZ answers the call until the Appliance arrives at the incident. The 'travel...
Info on Native Kaka birds poisoned at Pukaha Mt Bruce
Request to Department of Conservation by H Enderby (Account suspended). Annotated by Alan Thompson on .
What an comprehensive and thoughtful response DOC prepared in reply the Ms Enderby's request. Well done DOC.
Poisoned by wild boar meat
Partially successful.
You are mis-using the provisions of the Official Information Act to make such statements about this matter via this service. As you are not actually a...
I have kept this OIA Request open as NZ Fire had not completed the action they agreed to undertake. This was to review and re-write the report of this...