Fire Fighter Earnings/Remuneration

Alan Thompson made this Official Information request to Fire and Emergency New Zealand

The request was successful.

From: Alan Thompson

Dear Fire and Emergency New Zealand,

In 2023 FENZ advised the G&A Select Committee (Q164) that 913 out of 1752 (52%) paid firefighters earnt over $100,000 (wages + allowances) in the 2021/22 year. However, the 2021/22 FENZ Annual Report states that 1,175 fire fighters out of 1752 (67%) received remuneration of over $100,000.

In 2023 FENZ also advised the G&A Select Committee (Q164) that no Fire Fighters earned over $100,000 (wages + allowances) in the 2021/22 year. However, the FENZ 2022/23 Annual Report states that the highest paid fire fighter’s remuneration was in the range of $269,999 for the 2021/22 year.

In 2024 FENZ advised the G&A Select Committee (Q189) that only 242 out of 1,807 (13%) paid fire fighters earnt over $100,000 (wages + allowances) in the 2022/23 year. However, the 2022/23 FENZ Annual Report states that 1,563 fire fighters (86%) received remuneration of over $100,000.

Under the provisions of the Official information Act I seek the following information to clarify the numbers that FENZ is reporting:
1. What do the earnings totals for Fire Fighters as advised to the G&A Select Committee include and exclude?
2. What do the remuneration totals as reported in the FENZ Annual Report include and exclude?
3. To clarify the confusion in the published numbers, for the 2022/23 year advise the number of paid Fire Fighters up to Station Officer who received total earnings (including wages, overtime, allowances, bonuses, etc) in each of the following bands:
Less than $80,000
$ 80,000 to $100,000
$100,000 to $120,000
$120,000 to $140,000
$140,000 to $160,000
$160,000 to $200,000
$200,000 to $250,000
$250,000 to $300,000
Over $300,000

Yours faithfully,

Alan Thompson

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From: Official Information Requests
Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Tēnā koe Alan Thompson  
I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your information request, dated 16
May 2024.   

We will respond to your request as soon as possible, and no later than 20
working days after it was received. If we cannot respond to your request
by then, we will notify you of an extension of that timeframe. We may need
to contact you if we need to clarify your request.
The information you have requested may contain the names and contact
details of our staff or volunteers. Please let us know whether you require
these names and contact details. We may need to consult our people before
deciding whether we can release this information, and this may take a bit
more time. If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you do not
require their names and contact details.


Nāku noa, nā

Official Information Team


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From: Official Information Requests
Fire and Emergency New Zealand

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Tēnā koe Alan


Please find attached correspondence from Fire and Emergency New Zealand |
Whakaratonga Iwi.


Ngā mihi,


Information Requests Team


[1]Description: Cato Server:WORK IN PROGRESS:FENZ:FENZ_Assets:FENZ
Logos:FENZ logos _Supplied to FENZ:FENZ Logos png:FENZ Logo_CMYK.png 

 E: [2][FENZ request email]

 W: [3]

A: Fire and Emergency National Headquarters

     Level 7, 42-52 Willis Street, Wellington Central

     PO Box 2133, Wellington 6011



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