There is more than one person who uses this site and has this name. One of them is shown below, you may mean a different one: Adam Parkinson
Adam Parkinson
Joined FYI in 2019
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This person's 22 Official Information requests
Engine Braking rules and enforcement
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Adam Parkinson on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Adam
The part of your request about engine braking was transferred to Auckland
Council by Auckland Transport, who had, in turn, received...
Engine braking noise camera trial
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Adam Parkinson on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Adam
Please find attached the response to your request of 23 February 2024 for
information under the Official Information Act 1982.
Kia ora Auckland Transport,
The AT website states:
'The Auckland freight plan identifies the critical challenges for freight movement, desired outco...
Te Komitianga CCTV and other recording/measuring devices
Response by Auckland Transport to Adam Parkinson on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Adam
I’ve attached the official information you asked for
On 31/01/2024 you asked for measuring devices installed on various
Costs of Recent Resurfacing Works Union & Wellington Streets
Response by Auckland Transport to Adam Parkinson on .
For security purposes, you must enter the code below to verify
your account to access Question The code...
Albert Park Caretakers Cottage Ops Plan #2
Response by Auckland Council to Adam Parkinson on .
Kia ora Adam,
There is no Management or Operations plan for the Albert Park Cottage.
Ngā mihi
From: Adam Parkinson <[1][FOI #24977 em...
Shed 11 Queens Wharf
Request sent to Eke Panuku Development Auckland Limited by Adam Parkinson on .
1.Is Eke Panuku responsible for the storage and care of the deconstructed Shed 11?
2. Which parts of Shed 11 were decosntrated and put into stora...
Parking Infringements Queen street Laoding Zones
Response by Auckland Transport to Adam Parkinson on .
Kia ora Adam
I’ve attached the official information you asked for
On 26 October 2023 you asked for the number of infringements issued along
Albert Park Caretakers Cottage Ops Plan
Follow up sent to Auckland Council by Adam Parkinson on .
Information not held.
I requested a copy of any Operations, Conservation and/or
management Plans for the Albert Park CARETAKERS COTTAGE in Albert Park.
For the cottage...
uckland Council Learning Quarter Working Group 2019 - 2022
Response by Auckland Council to Adam Parkinson on .
Kia ora Adam
Please find attached a response to your request for information.
If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us...
Solent St Intersection to the Strand Works
Follow up sent to Auckland Transport by Adam Parkinson on .
I am unable to gain access to the docs via the link provided in the letter through your Microsoft/AT Sharepoint system.
Please provide the docs in...
Vehicle safety rating labels - vulnerable users factored in?
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Adam Parkinson on .
Dear Adam,
Please find attached a response from Fabian Marsh, Senior Manager Road
Safety to your email of 7^th October 2021.
Emily Place - Management of Reserve and Heritage
Response by Auckland Council to Adam Parkinson on .
For security purposes, you must enter the code below to verify
your account to access 8140009330 - Adam Parkinson...
City Centre Targeted Rate project Britomart Galway (Commerce to Gore) cost breakdown
Response by Auckland Council to Adam Parkinson on .
Partially successful.
Dear Adam,
Thank you for your request for information. Please find our response
letter attached.
If you have any further queries please c...
Carparks permitted Development over Aotea CRL Station
Response by Auckland Council to Adam Parkinson on .
Hi again Adam,
If on-site parking was now proposed the consent holder would need to apply to vary the conditions of the existing consent or apply for...
Fort Street, City Centre Paver replacement policy
Response by Auckland Transport to Adam Parkinson on .
Kia ora Adam
I’ve attached the official information you asked for
On 25/04/2021 you asked for: Fort Street, City Centre Paver replacement
Has a Mandatory 2019 Traffic survey been undertaken for Wynyard Quarter
Response by Auckland Transport to Adam Parkinson on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Adam
I’ve attached the official information you asked for
On 15/12/2019 you asked for information on traffic surveys for the
Request for the latest traffic data survey and key findings from Wynyard Quarter (WQ) monitoring surveys.
Response by Auckland Transport to Adam Parkinson on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Adam
Thanks for getting in touch with Auckland Transport
When people get in touch we automatically open a case (yours was
Closure of Bonus Floor Provision City centre Public Accessways by private Owners: 2 Emily Place
Response by Auckland Council to Adam Parkinson on .
Kia ora Adam,
Thank you for your correspondence regarding the public stairs between 2
Emily Place and 14 Emily Place.
Your request has bee...
St Jerome's Laneway Festival - 27 January 2020 Request for informatopmj
Response by Auckland Council to Adam Parkinson on .
Dear Adam
Thank you for your request for information regarding the St Jerome's
Laneway Festival. Please find our response letter attached.
If you...
Latest pedestrian crossing phasings Data in Auckland City Centre
Response by Auckland Transport to Adam Parkinson on .
Dear Adam
The Walk time column is the time the green man is on, the clearance time 1 and 2 added together is the total time of the flashing red man fo...
Laneway Festival, 28 Jan2019 - Request for Event Mgmt Info
Response by Auckland Council to Adam Parkinson on .
Good morning Adam, further to your further request for information on 18
February please see attached a map that shows the distribution area.
This person's annotations
None made.