A O'Sullivan
Joined FYI in 2015
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This person's 20 Official Information requests
Residential rental losses for tax year ending 31 March 2024
Response by Inland Revenue Department to A O'Sullivan on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora,
Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act. ...
As usual an excellent response from IRD.
Kainga Ora leasing from private providers
Response by Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities to A O'Sullivan on .
Dear A O’Sullivan
Please find attached a response for your Official Information Act request
of 30 September 2021.
Yours sincerely
That $8 million of ratepayer money - what was it spent on?
Response by Wellington City Council to A O'Sullivan on .
Dear A. O’Sullivan,
Thank you for your email to the Council received on 18 November 2020 in
which you requested information relating to the City...
Another exemplary response from IRD.
Income Support weekly update report to 20 November
Response by Ministry of Social Development to A O'Sullivan on .
Partially successful.
Dear A O'Sullivan
Thank you for your request of 28 November 2020 to the Ministry of Social
Development (the Ministry) requesting, under the Offi...
Good and timely response from IRD, thank you! Also some helpful additional information added.
Briefing to the Incoming Minister of Housing
Response by Megan Woods to A O'Sullivan on .
Partially successful.
Dear A O’Sullivan,
Please find attached a response from the Minister of Housing to your
Official Information Act Request of 16 August 2019.
Briefing to the Incoming Associate Minister of Housing (Public Housing)
Response by Kris Faafoi to A O'Sullivan on .
Partially successful.
Dear Ms O'Sullivan
Please find attached a signed letter from Hon Kris Faafoi in response to
your Official Information Act request below.
Briefing to the Incoming Minister for Urban Development
Response by Phil Twyford to A O'Sullivan on .
Dear A O’Sullivan,
Please find attached the response from Hon Minister Phil Twyford.
Kind regards
Julia Minko
Office of Hon...
Income related rent subsidy - average per social housing unit
Response by Ministry of Social Development to A O'Sullivan on .
Partially successful.
Dear A O’Sullivan
Please find attached a letter from the Manager, Ministerial Services.
Yours sincerely
Ministerial Services
Status of Rental Warrant of Fitness
Response by Dunedin City Council to A O'Sullivan on .
A reply has been emailed to the fyi address below. Let me know if you do not receive it.
Current status of Rental Warrant of Fitness in Wellington City
Response by Wellington City Council to A O'Sullivan on .
Hello A O'Sullivan,
Please find the Council response to your request, and additional information, as attached.
Kind regards
Chris Brown | Issu...
Since the 1990s has there been a policy that state rental housing is available for life?
I thought the principle question has been ignored, and it should be re-asked for those tenants who arent in the groups mentioned.
Rental housing warrant of fitness - article in NZDoctor
Response by University of Otago to A O'Sullivan on .
Dear Mr/Ms O'Sullivan,
In response to your query I advise that the three cities referred to in the New Zealand Doctor article were Dunedin, Wellington...
Investment properties - financial gain derived
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to A O'Sullivan on .
Partially successful.
Dear A O'Sullivan
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request of 5 August 2015.
Kind regards,
BRM Official Correspond...
Accommodation Supplement impact on market rents
Response by Ministry of Social Development to A O'Sullivan on .
Partially successful.
Dear A O’Sullivan,
Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information
Act request of 16 April 2015.
Wellington City Council employees and the Living Wage
Response by Wellington City Council to A O'Sullivan on .
Hello A O'Sullivan,
Thank you again for your patience, following your information request.
Please find attached the Council's response to your reques...
Chatham Rock Phosphate application - interactions between EPA staff and the Decision Making Committee
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to A O'Sullivan on .
Information not held.
Dear A O’Sullivan
Please find attached the EPA’s response to your OIA request dated 23
February 2015.
We note that you have not been suppl...
Chatham Rock Phosphate application - information relating to the two EPA staff reports submitted
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to A O'Sullivan on .
Partially successful.
Hello A O’Sullivan
Please find attached the EPA’s response to your OIA dates 21 February
We hope this is of use to you.
This person's 10 annotations
As usual an excellent response from IRD.
Library data
Increasing online borrowing with auto returns will impact late return numbers.
WCC Rates and Billing Service hasn’t been able to respond
Awaiting classification.
Kiwiblog General Debate today has a post about your request.
Mayor meeting with ERW/antivaxxers
Partially successful.
There is a post about this LGOIM Act request today (7 May) on Kiwiblog's General Debate thread. Along with some posts concerning (non) release of info...
Another exemplary response from IRD.
Good and timely response from IRD, thank you! Also some helpful additional information added.
Causes of death of people testing positive with Covid-19 in New Zealand.
Partially successful.
Summary posted on Kiwiblog General Debate today. Should get plenty of readers there, even potentially a journalist or two!
This request is getting some airtime today over at KiwiBlog (General Debate 17 August).
Request referred to in Kiwiblog General Debate today 5 July.
Since the 1990s has there been a policy that state rental housing is available for life?
Very good response. Clear and including some added value. Good job!