Environmental Protection Authority
A public authority, also called EPA
55 requests
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- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
SIRRL Fast-Track application
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to John Russell-Hodge on .
Tēnā koe John,
Please find attached our response to your OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Gianni-Rose Farrant
Official Correspondence Advisor ...
Kia ora Adam,
The clarification of the scope of your request on 24 April resulted in an
adjusted due date (23 May.)
Attached is the Minist...
Messenger ribonucleic acid is developed in vitro and this is in the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996:
genetically modified organism m...
EPA determination process classification of BNT162b2 as a new organism
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to J Bruning on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora J Bruning
Please find attached our response to your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Darryl Ward
Senior Advisor, Official Corresp...
Cost of PG
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to Jean Roberts on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe Jean,
Please find attached our response to your OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Gianni-Rose Farrant
Official Correspondence Advisor ...
Copies of any documentation (particularly reports and submissions) to PFAS or "forever chemical" use in New Zealand
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to MHitchman on .
Information not held.
Hello [FYI request #13470 email],
Thank you for your email. We have received your message and it is being
handled by one of our agents. Please expect...
Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Committee
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to john luke on .
Kia ora John
Please find a response to your OIA request attached.
Ngā mihi,
Kaia Kento (she/her)
Official Correspondence Advisor
Staff turnover Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to Al on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Al,
Please find attached our response to your OIA request dated 3 May.
Kind regards
Fiona O’Brien (she/her)
Official Correspondence Advi...
Minutes of Board Meetings
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to John on .
Partially successful.
Dear John
Thank you for your email.
We have provided you with all information held by the EPA that is in scope
of your request, subject to...
Time of receipt of written notice from Minister for Environment re section 36
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to Harris Leigh on .
Information not held.
Kia ora
This email is confirmation that the Ministry has received and logged this
OIA request received by your office.
Please contact Lachlan Brow...
ECan's application of Glyphosate into the Rakaia River
Follow up sent to Environmental Protection Authority by David Haynes on .
Long overdue.
With reference to the OIA I issued to the EPA 22 July 2022 and your response of August 03, 2022 I have yet to receive a robust response from you.
2023 board appointments OIA
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to john luke on .
Good afternoon John
Thank you for your Official Information Act request (below). The Environmental Protection Authority do not hold the information yo...
Communications between Environmental Protection Agency and Monsanto
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to Amber Craig on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora e Amber, ngā mihi o te ahiahi
Please find attached our final response to your OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Darryl W...
Copy of education and advice to ECan re glyphosate use on Rakaia River
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to David Haynes on .
Good afternoon
Please find attached a response to your request.
Kind regards,
Lisa MacKenzie (she/her)
Official Correspondence Advisor,...
Genetic engineering applications to EPA from 2017 onwards
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to J Bruning on .
Good morning
Please find attached a response to your enquiry.
Kind regards,
Lisa MacKenzie (she/her)
Official Correspondence Advisor, Government Engag...
Disclose Submissions: Assessing Risk Hazardous Substances 2018
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to J Bruning on .
Partially successful.
Hello [FYI request #12677 email],
Thank you for your email. We have received your message and it is being
handled by one of our agents. Please expect...
Local Authorities and Unreviewed Plans
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to Sean Marshall on .
Information not held.
Good afternoon
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request of 14 March 2022.
Kins regards
Lisa MacKenzie (she/her)
Rules for Glyphosate Use on and Alongside Freshwater Bodies
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to David Haynes on .
Dear David
Please find attached a response to your request from Dr Christopher Hill, General Manager, Hazardous Substances and New Organisms.
Kind r...
Ornamental Fish and Marine Invertebrates importation list
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to Troy Cornwall on .
Tēnā koe Troy
On behalf of Peter Thomson, Director Plant & Animal Health, please find
attached the response to your Official Information Act req...
2019 Waikato Whenuakite Operational Report
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to Wendy Pond on .
Hello [FYI request #12577 email],
Thank you for your email. We have received your message and it is being
handled by one of our agents. Please expect...
2019 Waikato Whenuakite Operational Report
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to Wendy Pond on .
Dear Wendy
Thank you for your Official Information Act request.
Please find attached our response.
Kind regards
Darryl Ward
West Coast Te Maruia 2019 - 1080 Aerial Operator's report
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to Wendy Pond on .
Partially successful.
Hello [FYI request #12626 email],
Thank you for your email. We have received your message and it is being
handled by one of our agents. Please expect...
Members of the EPA's New Organisms Team and their academic qualifications and experience
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to Joanne Hurley on .
Good afternoon Joanne
Please find attached a response from Dr Chris Hill, General Manager, Hazardous Substances and New Organisms.
Kind regards
A breakdown of EPA-wide remuneration, ethnicity, gender, and area of work
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to Mr Green on .
Hello [FYI request #13345 email],
Thank you for your email. We have received your message and it is being
handled by one of our agents. Please expect...
Covid-19 Recovery Act Consenting Process for Picton Ferry Terminal
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to Brent Yardley on .
Awaiting classification.
Good afternoon
Please find attached a response to your request.
Kind regards
Lisa MacKenzie (she/her)
Official Correspondence Advisor,...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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