Requests similar to 'Details of the Old Mangere Bridge Replacement (Nov 2018)'
Tender documents for the Old Mangere Bridge replacement project
Request sent to New Zealand Transport Agency by Nicholas Lee on .
Please provide the tender documentation set for the OMB replacement project.
An ROI was issued in November [1], but the next step had not be publi...
Details of the Old Mangere Bridge replacement
Clarification sent to New Zealand Transport Agency by Nicholas Lee on .
Sorry, I've been busy last week with school holidays.
Unfortunately your email address is blocked by FYI. So I can't send you a direct email. I've...
Dear Tony
Please find attached the response to your request of 16 August 2019 for
information under the Official Information Act 1982.
Walking and cycling across the Auckland Harbour Bridge: GetAcross
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Bevan Woodward on .
Partially successful.
Dear Bevan
Please find attached the response to your request of 9 August 2021 for
information under the Official Information Act 1982.
Official Information request - Emissions analysis of Mill Road and other projects in NZ Upgrade
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Nicholas Lee on .
Partially successful.
Dear Nicholas
Please find attached a letter advising of a transfer of your request for
information under the Official Information Act 1982 of 9...
Auckland Harbour Crossing : Peer Review: Economic benefits of a cross-harbour walking and cycling link
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Darren Conway on .
Kia ora Darren
Please find attached a letter from Josh Driscoll, Manager, Ministerial
Services (Transport Services) regarding your request for i...
Waterlea Primary School Auckland, Out of Zone New Entrants 2016
Request sent to Ministry of Education by J. Rowe on .
I would like to request information on the number of out of zone new entrant (Year 1) students admitted to Waterlea Primary School, Mangere Bridge,...
Lotto NZ Digital RFP (RFx ID: 13446527) - User Experience
Request sent to New Zealand Lotteries Commission by K. A. Reid on .
I noticed there was a Tender for "Lotto NZ Digital RFP" on the tender page.
RFx ID: 13446527
NZTA Board Minutes and CEO Reports (2019/04 Request)
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Nicholas Lee on .
Partially successful.
Dear Nicholas
This email acknowledges receipt of your below correspondence.
Your correspondence has been forwarded to the appropriate secti...
Status mode choice for A2B?
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Nicholas Lee on .
Dear Nicholas
Please find attached a letter advising of a transfer of your request for
information under the Official Information Act 1982 of 4...
CEO Reports to the NZTA Board
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Nicholas Lee on .
Partially successful.
Dear Nicholas
This email acknowledges your attached requests for information made under
the Official Information Act 1982.
Your request ha...
Bridges, South Karori Road
Response by Wellington City Council to Kieran Gunn on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Kieran,
Please find attached the response to your information request of 25
September 2017.
Josh Driscoll
Copies of reports to the NZTA Board
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Nicholas Lee on .
Unusual response.
Dear Nicholas
This email acknowledges your attached requests for information made under
the Official Information Act 1982.
Your request ha...
Auckland Harbour Bridge Shared Path: SSBC unredacted
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Darren Conway on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Darren
Please find attached the response to your request of 27 October 2022 for
information under the Official Information Act 1982.
Proposed closure of Ava railway bridge footpath
Response by KiwiRail to Mike Mellor on .
Good afternoon
Please find our response as per the attached.
Kind regards
Dave Allard | Senior Government Relations Advisor
DDI: 027 201 8182...
Auckland Harbour Bridge - Traffic Volumes and other information
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Richard Young on .
Dear Richard
Please see the attached letter with a review of the decision in OIA-9593.
Ministerial Services
Te Waka Kōtuia |...
Dear R Leveson,
Thank you very much for your request.
At some sites Wi-Fi extends outside a library building 24 hours a day,
seven days a...
NZTA Board Minutes and CEO Reports (2019/05/27 Request)
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Nicholas Lee on .
Partially successful.
Dear Nicholas
This email acknowledges your below request for information made under the
Official Information Act 1982.
Your request has be...
Watercare - “Letter of Direction" from Waikato Regional Council
Response by Auckland Council to Nicholas Lee on .
Hi Nicholas,
We have transferred your request to Watercare and they will respond to you
Kind regards
Sarah Parry-C...
Kaiwharawhara station closure
Response by Wellington Regional Council to Greg Bodnar on .
Dear Mr Bodnar,
Thank you for your request for information, received by Greater Wellington
Regional Council on the 26^th July 2013. Our reply i...
Air Surveillance Complementary Capability
Response by Ron Mark to Simon Ewing-Jarvie on .
Partially successful.
Tena koe Simon
On behalf of the Hon Ron Mark, I acknowledge your OIA request requesting
the following information:
“1. Tender documents re...
List and summary of Modelling work done for the Manukau Harbour
Response by Auckland Council to Nicholas Lee on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Nicholas,
Unfortunately your request in its current state is quite broad and we are
unable to confirm what informaiton you are seek...
Details of the EWL redesign
Response by Ministry of Transport to Nicholas Lee on .
Partially successful.
Dear Nicholas,
Thank you for your email.
Please find attached our response to your request of 20 June 2018 for
information under the Official...
Bank Accounts Upon Release/ID for prisoners
Request sent to Department of Corrections by Felix Lee on .
Partially successful.
I would like to request details under the OIA regarding the Bank Accounts Upon Release scheme.
1. What are the types of ID provided and the total...
Victoria and Church Street roundabout costs
Response by Auckland Transport to Nicholas Lee on .
Kia ora Nicholas
I’ve attached the official information you asked for
On 14/09/2020 you asked for information about the cost of the new