New Zealand Lotteries Commission
A public authority
18 requests
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- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
IT and Digital Department Remuneration Details
Response by New Zealand Lotteries Commission to Andy on .
Kia ora Andy,
Please find the response to your OIA regarding IT and Digital Department
Please let me know if you have any fu...
TOPS Training materials ,Dip vs Coupon winning ticket data, and powerball rollover amount
Response by New Zealand Lotteries Commission to RM on .
Good day
Please find the response to your OIA for PDF copies of modules 3 and 9.
Please let me know if you have any other qu...
Powerball ticket sales revenue by draw
Response by New Zealand Lotteries Commission to Dylan Bradshaw on .
Kia Ora Dylan
Please find the response to the request you sent through regarding ticket
sales revenue for Powerball for each of the last 20 draw...
Kia Ora Sharna
Please find the response to the request you sent through regarding our
draw integrity.
Please let me know if you have any f...
Lotto retailer handbook
Follow up sent to New Zealand Lotteries Commission by Felix Lee on .
Hi Dominique,
I have received your email today. You have been very helpful and the information provided answers my questions.
Thank you for your he...
Lotto NZ Brand Guidelines
Response by New Zealand Lotteries Commission to Thomas A. on .
Kia Ora Thomas,
Hope this finds you well. I've attached our response to your OIA request, including a copy of our brand guidelines.
If you have any f...
Good afternoon Cody,
I hope this email finds you well.
Please find attached Lotto NZ’s response to your Official Information Act
request received o...
Revenue generated by Lotto NZ till date (Sept 2021)
Response by New Zealand Lotteries Commission to S Rasool on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear S Rasool,
I hope this email finds you well.
Please find attached Lotto NZ’s response to your Official Information Act
request received on 28 S...
Six60 collaboration
Request to New Zealand Lotteries Commission by Sarah James. Annotated by Oliver Lineham ( volunteer) on .
A system issue on our ('s) end delayed emails on 24 February. This caused the out-of-order dates above and the apparent non-response by the d...
Outlets info
Response by New Zealand Lotteries Commission to Barry Garrick on .
Partially successful.
Good morning Mr Garrick
Please accept my apologies for taking an extended period of time to respond to your request. Please note that names and contact...
Hi Steve,
This letter is in response to your enquiry to Lotto New Zealand on 11
March 2019. Your request was as follows:
I was curious to...
Total number and breakdown of unclaimed prize winnings across all games in the last calendar year.
Response by New Zealand Lotteries Commission to Connor Stirling on .
Hi Connor
This letter is in response to your enquiry to Lotto New Zealand on 22
February 2019. Your request was as follows:
I would like t...
Statistics regarding demographics and average spend
Response by New Zealand Lotteries Commission to Fraser THompson on .
Hi Fraser
This letter follows on from your enquiry to Lotto New Zealand on 29 June.
Please find attached additional information in response to t...
Lotto NZ Digital RFP (RFx ID: 13446527) - User Experience
Response by New Zealand Lotteries Commission to K. A. Reid on .
Dear K. A. Reid
Please find attached the response to your recent OIA request.
Kind regards
Emilia Mazur
General Manager, Corporate Communications a...
Dear N Perera
This letter is in response to your email to Lotto New Zealand on 27 July.
Your request was as follows:
All historical Power...
Spending on advertising in last financial year
Response by New Zealand Lotteries Commission to Matthew Proctor on .
Dear Matthew,
A response to your OIA request is attached.
Kind regards
Emilia Mazur
General Manager, Corporate Communications
e [email address]
t +...
Use of facial recognition technology
Response by New Zealand Lotteries Commission to Alex Harris on .
Dear Alex
Thank you for your emailed request of 7 November 2013 to Lotto NZ. Your request was as follows:
What Quiv...
Lottery Demographics
Response by New Zealand Lotteries Commission to Joshua Grainger on .
Partially successful.
Dear Joshua
Please find attached NZ Lotteries’ response to your recent OIA request.
Kind regards
Karen Jones
Karen Jones
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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