Requests similar to 'Traffic CCTV video footage'
Good afternoon Mr Mayo,
Please find attached the information requested under the Local Government
Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 fro...
CCTV footage of traffic incident
Response by Auckland Transport to Sheng-Hsiung Hou on .
Information not held.
Dear Sheng-Hsiung
Thank you for your request for CCTV footage for the corner of Ti Rakau
Drive and Botany Road between 10:16am and 10:30am on 19...
Hi, I would like to obtain any form of footage of a minor accident that happened on the 30th of June, Thursday afternoon around 16h20 at the traffic...
CCTV footage of traffic incident
Request sent to Auckland Transport by Joseph Rapley on .
Information not held.
Could you please provide any available footage of a traffic incident that occurred at the intersection of Chapel Road and Ti Rakau drive on Friday 2...
Traffic signal violation statistics
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Greg Bodnar on .
Partially successful.
Dear Greg
Please see the attached letter from Dave Brash, Group Manager Planning and
Investment, in response to your request of 30 April 2015 fo...
Request for Traffic Camera Footage
Request sent to Auckland Transport by J R Tristan Dean on .
Information not held.
My vehicle was hit by another car at the intersection of Tristram Avenue and Wairau Road, North Shore, Auckland, at approximately 12:52pm on Saturda...
Request for CCTV footage of Traffic incident
Request sent to Auckland Transport by Claire Rhee on .
Partially successful.
I am requesting camera footage of a Traffic Incident which occurred on the intersection of Ti Rakau Drive and Te Koha Road, Golfland, Auckland. Betw...
South Eastern Connections Study
Request sent to Auckland Transport by Hamish O'Neill on .
Waiting clarification.
I would like to request all work done to date that your organisation has access to in reference to what is referred to as the 'South Eastern Connect...
Eastern Busway, new alignment proposal through Burswood Estate
Request sent to Auckland Transport by Sarah Wardle on .
Long overdue.
I am requesting all materials that relate to the new proposed alignment for the Eastern Busway, Pakuranga to Botany section, through Burswood Estate...
Kia ora Manoj
Please find attached the response to your request of 12^th October 2022
for information under the Official Information Act 1982....
CCTV Footage on Ti Rakau Drive
Request sent to Auckland Transport by Lulu Li on .
Information not held.
Requesting CCTV footage for an incident which occurred on the Ti Rakau Dr in between Burswood Dr and Greenmount Dr on 22/11/17 in between 1:15 PM to...
CCTV Footage - Car Accident on Te Irirangi Drive near the 447 Te Irirangi Drive Motorway Exit
Request sent to Auckland Transport by Marina Vainerere on .
Awaiting classification.
On the 17th of January at approximately 7:40-7:50 there was a car accident involving myself (car registration HGQ373) and another car (registration...
Kia ora Neve
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
request, received by New Zealand Police on 7 December 2020.
Kind r...
Dear Ryan
Please find attached the response to your request for information under
the Official Information Act 1982 of 3 July 2017.
Requesting Camera Footage at Intersection East Tamaki Road and Holroyd
Request sent to Auckland Transport by Karl Dave on .
Long overdue.
I got into an accident on Friday 17/11/2023 at approximately 11:35 pm at the intersection of East Tamaki Road and Holroyd Place heading east.
CCTV footage request - car accident in Harris Rd
Request sent to Auckland Transport by Seungjae Lee on .
I am writing to request CCTV footage at an intersection between Harris Rd & Ti Rakau Dr. The accident was on the Harris Road between 5:05 pm to 5:10...
CCTV Footage of car incident
Request sent to Hamilton City Council by Mahdiya on .
Information not held.
I am in urgent need of the CCTV footage of an accident that occured on 24/11/2020 around 5:40pm on Wairere drive beside the V Rotokauri, HAMILTON....
Kia ora Steve
I’ve attached the official information you asked for
On 20/02/23 you asked for information about the cost to purchase houses
CCTV traffic incident 01/09/16
Request sent to Auckland Transport by F Hazlett on .
Information not held.
I was involved in a traffic incident on 01/09/16 between approx 12.50pm and 1.15am outside 277 K Rd. I am seeking footage or images of the incident,...
CCTV Footage - Car Accident in Somerville Roundabout/ Botany Rd and Millhouse Dr intersection.
Request sent to Auckland Transport by Leo on .
Awaiting classification.
Could you please provide CCTV footage for Somerville Roundabout (In front of Caltex - Sumerville and Meadowlands Shopping Plaza) if there is any CCT...
Request for Traffic light camera footage at intersection of Rosebank Rd/Eastdale Rd/Avondale Rd or Rosebank Rd/Ash St
Request sent to Auckland Transport by Al Ritz on .
Information not held.
I'd like to officially make a Freedom of Information request for a footage of either of the intersections stated in the "Subject/Summary" whichever c...
Tēnā koe
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
request, received by New Zealand Police on 2...
CCTV footage request on maioro road onramp
Request sent to New Zealand Transport Agency by nikolai king on .
Awaiting classification.
I was in a crash on 19/05/24 at around 5:35-45pm (yesterday) on the Maioro Street bridge onramp northbound to the western motorway/city motorway tun...
CCTV footage crime in the middle of around 170 Te irirange Drive
Request sent to Auckland Transport by Yue Ma on .
Long overdue.
Could you help me to check CCTV footage at nearby 170 Te irirangi Drive towards manukau on 17/02/2023 6:20-6:30am
A guy was probably on alcoholic...
Kia ora Tony
My name is Cameron and I’m a LGOIMA Business Partner at Auckland
Transport. I’m responsible for looking into the official information...