Requests similar to 'Water quality lab test results / reports'
Drug & alcohol pathology/testing at Timaru District Council
Response by Timaru District Council to Lynn Worthington on .
Good morning Lynn
Please find attached our response to your request.
Kind regards
Ange Lumsden ^| Executive Assistant - People
and Digit...
Dear Samuel
Please find attached our response to your LGOIMA request.
Teresa Heap
Executive Secretary Timaru District Council PO Box...
Good morning Jason
Thank you for your below LGOIMA request.
Please find attached Timaru District Council’s response to your LGOIMA
Hi Tim,
Please see attached Timaru District Council’s response to your request for
Kind regards,
Meghan Taylor
Tsunami siren locations
Response by Timaru District Council to Charlie Hatchett on .
Awaiting classification.
Good afternoon Charlie
Please find attached our response to your recent LGOIMA request regarding
Timaru District Council Tsunami siren locations...
Refunds from the TDC resource concents
Response by Timaru District Council to Jason Esler on .
Partially successful.
Hi Jason,
Further to my previous email, we have started making enquires into your
request. As it is expected to take a considerable length of time...
How is the Council using its rights under the Public Health Act to inspect rental housing properties?
DISTRICT COUNCIL Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe
o Te Tihi o Maru
1 October 2020
Aaron Packard Renters United Organiser
Via email: aaron@rentersun...
Low Cost Low Risk transport projects
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to Tim Adriaansen on .
Dear Tim
Please find the response attached.
Courtney MacKenzie ^| Executive Assistant
Commercial & Strategy
[1]Timaru Distr...
All ecological management plans currently under consideration
Response by Timaru District Council to Maria-Jane Brodie on .
Hi there Maria-Jane
Thank you for your LGOIMA request of 25 July - the Timaru District Council does not have any ecological management plans currently...
ECC/EOC Seismic Resilience
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to Frank on .
Awaiting classification.
Morena Frank,
Please find attached the information you requested.
Ngā mihi
Meghan McNally
Meghan McNally | Group Coordinator C...
Why can timaru not go with the three waters reform
Response by Timaru District Council to Tui Aroha Williams on .
Good morning,
Please find attached a copy of Timaru District Council’s reply to your
Jo Williams
Jo Williams ^|...
Request of Isthmus RPF Response document
Response by Timaru District Council to H M Whiting on .
Awaiting classification.
Good morning,
Please find attached a copy of our reply.
Jo Williams
Jo Williams ^| Executive Assistant
Asbestos Management Plans
Response by South Canterbury District Health Board to Mark Montgomery on .
Morning Mark
Please find attached response to your request for more information re OIA
Request around Asbestos Management Plans.
Kind Rega...
Does the Timaru District Council open its meetings with a prayer?
Response by Timaru District Council to Alex Harris on .
Opening prayer
The Timaru District Council has an opening prayer at the beginning of each
full Council meeting.
The prayer varies at each meet...
Information pertaining to the use of security cameras in mental health inpatient facilities.
Response by South Canterbury District Health Board to Miss Black on .
Dear Karyn
Please see attached a formal response to your Official Information Act
request regarding mental health inpatient unit security camer...
Rolleston Pines Sewerage Treatment Plant
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to lskennedy on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear LS Kennedy
Please find attached a pdf version of the information as requested.
Kind regards
From: Lillian Sewell
Positive diagnoses of E.coli in South Canterbury 2015-2018
Response by South Canterbury District Health Board to Lyn Fattorini on .
Good afternoon Lyn
Our response to your OIA request concerning the Positive diagnoses of
E.coli in South Canterbury 2015-2018 is attached.
DHB Treatment Protocols
Response by Ministry of Health to Michael Vaughan on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia Ora Michael,
Please see attached response to your OIA request.
Ngā Mihi,
Brenna Shaw (She/Her)
Executive Assistant to Robbie Mogi...
Quality and Safety Issues with the Playground Equipment and Safety Matting at Caroline Bay Playground
Response by Timaru District Council to D Emery on .
Awaiting classification.
Good afternoon
I acknowledge receipt of your official information request dated 13
November 2024 for information relating to .
We received...
Penalties, admonishments, warnings, or other actions taken by ECan against bus operators
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to Cody C on .
Kia ora Cody
Please find our response letter and the following documents attached:
o LGOIMA 2993C - Instance and Balance based KPI’s.xlsx...
Number of designated PGY1 positions filled by PGY2 or higher candidates
Response by Ministry of Health to lait dalal on .
Partially successful.
Dear Lait Dalal
Please see attached a formal response to your Official Information Act
request regarding PGY1 House Officer positions.
Lab results for toxic waste transported to the Uruti Remediation NZ site
Response by Taranaki Regional Council to Gary Willison on .
Hi Gary,
Please find attached Council’s response to your request for information.
Kind regards,
Liesl Davidson
Secretary / Committee Adm...
Fire at 7 fanshawe St, auckland on 26/May/2017
Response by WorkSafe New Zealand to Hemant on .
Hello Hemant
Please find final parts of the release attached.
Kind regards | ngā mihi nui
Ministerial Services
Performance Systems|...
Can you please supply me with copies of the following:
1. All letters, emails, and reports on water quality from your Australian testing lab refer...
Here is the Department of Conservation reply, received directly: 5 June 2020
Dear Waikato Conservation Board Chair and Members
Thank you for your i...