Request for correspondence and reports on the New timetable for Johnsonville train line

Tony Randle made this Official Information request to KiwiRail

The request was partially successful.

From: Tony Randle

Dear KiwiRail,

I note todays DomPost included an article titled "New timetable for Johnsonville train line plagued by delays" (URL:
This article stated "A new timetable on the Johnsonville line is being rolled out in an effort to combat ongoing delays, mostly caused by a wet track, on the steep, single-tracked suburban Wellington railway."

Can you please provide me with a copy of any reports by the Kiwirail on the proposed changes to the Johnsonville Line timetable ?

Can you please provide me with a copy of any cost estimates by the Kiwirail on the proposed changes to the Johnsonville Line timetable ?

Can you please provide me with a copy of any correspondence between the Kiwirail and the GWRC on the proposed changes to the Johnsonville Line timetable ?

If this information is held in electronic form, I would prefer it was provided in its complete and original electronic format.

Yours faithfully,

Tony Randle

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From: Louise Jago

Good morning Mr Randle

We acknowledge receipt of the below Official Information Act 1982 request.

Under the Act, KiwiRail has up to 20 working days from the date of receiving your request to respond.  Therefore, you can expect a response on or before Tuesday 25 August 2015.

We will be in touch with you if it is necessary to clarify any aspect of your request.

Kind regards

Louise Jago | Communications Co-ordinator
Ph: +64-4-498 3372 (internal extn 43372) | Fax: +64-4-473 1589 | Mob: +64-027 407 1718
Level 4, Wellington Railway Station, Bunny Street, Wellington 6011 | PO Box 593, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
Backbone of integrated transport networks

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-----Original Message-----
From: Gill Evans
Sent: Tuesday, 28 July 2015 8:38 a.m.
To: Louise Jago
Cc: Joanne Black; David Miller
Subject: FW: Official Information Act request - Request for correspondence and reports on the New timetable for Johnsonville train line

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Randle [mailto:[FOI #2987 email]]
Sent: Monday, 27 July 2015 9:39 p.m.
To: KiwiRail
Subject: Official Information Act request - Request for correspondence and reports on the New timetable for Johnsonville train line

Dear KiwiRail,

I note todays DomPost included an article titled "New timetable for Johnsonville train line plagued by delays" (URL:
This article stated "A new timetable on the Johnsonville line is being rolled out in an effort to combat ongoing delays, mostly caused by a wet track, on the steep, single-tracked suburban Wellington railway."

Can you please provide me with a copy of any reports by the Kiwirail on the proposed changes to the Johnsonville Line timetable ?

Can you please provide me with a copy of any cost estimates by the Kiwirail on the proposed changes to the Johnsonville Line timetable ?

Can you please provide me with a copy of any correspondence between the Kiwirail and the GWRC on the proposed changes to the Johnsonville Line timetable ?

If this information is held in electronic form, I would prefer it was provided in its complete and original electronic format.

Yours faithfully,

Tony Randle


This is an OIA request done via the FYI website.

Please do not send progress updates as PDF files.

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If you find this service useful as an OIA officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA page.


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From: Tony Randle

Dear Louise Jago,

Thanks for your acknowledgement. After sending in my request I realised that it may not be clear enough in obtaining the information I seek. I do want to amend my request by adding the following information.

Firstly, for the sake of clarity when I have asked for information on "proposed changes to the Johnsonville Line timetable", this includes information related to the inability of the Johnsonville Line Matangi trains being unable to meet the current timetable (e.g. this request includes asking any reports held by Kiwirail on the inability of the Matangi trains being unable to meet the current Johnsonville Line timetable).

Secondly, I also ask for the Kiwirail to please provide me with a copy of any correspondence between the Kiwirail and the Matangi train manufacturer on the inability of the Matangi trains being unable to meet the current Johnsonville Line timetable and on the proposed changes to the Johnsonville Line timetable ?

Can you please confirm Kiwirail's acceptance of this amendment to my request ?

Yours sincerely,

Tony Randle

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From: Louise Jago

Good afternoon Mr Randle

Thank you for your amended OIA request.

Kind regards

Louise Jago | Communications Co-ordinator
Ph: +64-4-498 3372 (internal extn 43372) | Fax: +64-4-473 1589 | Mob: +64-027 407 1718
Level 4, Wellington Railway Station, Bunny Street, Wellington 6011 | PO Box 593, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
Backbone of integrated transport networks

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-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Randle [mailto:[FOI #2987 email]]
Sent: Tuesday, 28 July 2015 2:47 p.m.
To: Louise Jago
Subject: Re: FW: Official Information Act request - Request for correspondence and reports on the New timetable for Johnsonville train line

Dear Louise Jago,

Thanks for your acknowledgement. After sending in my request I realised that it may not be clear enough in obtaining the information I seek. I do want to amend my request by adding the following information.

Firstly, for the sake of clarity when I have asked for information on "proposed changes to the Johnsonville Line timetable", this includes information related to the inability of the Johnsonville Line Matangi trains being unable to meet the current timetable (e.g. this request includes asking any reports held by Kiwirail on the inability of the Matangi trains being unable to meet the current Johnsonville Line timetable).

Secondly, I also ask for the Kiwirail to please provide me with a copy of any correspondence between the Kiwirail and the Matangi train manufacturer on the inability of the Matangi trains being unable to meet the current Johnsonville Line timetable and on the proposed changes to the Johnsonville Line timetable ?

Can you please confirm Kiwirail's acceptance of this amendment to my request ?

Yours sincerely,

Tony Randle

-----Original Message-----

Good morning Mr Randle

We acknowledge receipt of the below Official Information Act 1982 request.

Under the Act, KiwiRail has up to 20 working days from the date of receiving your request to respond.  Therefore, you can expect a response on or before Tuesday 25 August 2015.

We will be in touch with you if it is necessary to clarify any aspect of your request.

Kind regards

Louise Jago | Communications Co-ordinator
Ph: +64-4-498 3372 (internal extn 43372) | Fax: +64-4-473 1589 | Mob: +64-027 407 1718 Level 4, Wellington Railway Station, Bunny Street, Wellington 6011 | PO Box 593, Wellington 6140, New Zealand Backbone of integrated transport networks

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Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #2987 email]

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an OIA officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA page.


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From: Louise Jago

Attachment GWRC Briefing JVL 040615 Redacted.pdf
456K Download View as HTML

Attachment Johnsonville Line comms review FINAL July 2015 Redacted.pdf
104K Download View as HTML

Attachment Report Johnsonville Trial 20th Sept 2014 Redacted.pdf
65K Download View as HTML

Dear Tony

We refer to your Official Information Act 1982 request dated 27 July 2015 for the following information:

1. Can you please provide me with a copy of any reports by the KiwiRail on the proposed changes to the Johnsonville Line timetable?

2. Can you please provide me with a copy of any cost estimates by the KiwiRail on the proposed changes to the Johnsonville Line timetable?

3. Can you please provide me with a copy of any correspondence between the KiwiRail and the GWRC on the proposed changes to the Johnsonville Line timetable?

4. Firstly, for the sake of clarity when I have asked for information on "proposed changes to the Johnsonville Line timetable", this includes information related to the inability of the Johnsonville Line Matangi trains being unable to meet the current timetable (e.g. this request includes asking any reports held by KiwiRail on the inability of the Matangi trains being unable to meet the current Johnsonville Line timetable).

5. Secondly, I also ask for the KiwiRail to please provide me with a copy of any correspondence between the KiwiRail and the Matangi train manufacturer on the inability of the Matangi trains being unable to meet the current Johnsonville Line timetable and on the proposed changes to the Johnsonville Line timetable?

Our apologies for the slight delay in sending our response to you.

KiwiRail has provided three reports in response to Question 1 and 3 and these are attached to this response. Some of the information within these reports has been withheld under s9(2)(a), protect privacy of natural persons and for being outside of the scope of your request.

In regard to Question 2, KiwiRail is a commercial business, therefore information relating to costs is considered to be commercially confidential and this is withheld under s9(2)(i) of the Act.

In response to Questions 4 and 5, the Matangi units are owned by Greater Wellington Regional Council. Therefore any request for information specific to the Matangi and their performance should be referred to GWRC.

Under section 28(3) of the OIA, you have the right to seek an investigation and review of this response by way of complaint to an Ombudsman. Refer to for more information.

Kind regards

Louise Jago | Communications Co-ordinator
Ph: +64-4-498 3372 (internal extn 43372) | Fax: +64-4-473 1589 | Mob: +64-027 407 1718
Level 4, Wellington Railway Station, Bunny Street, Wellington 6011 | PO Box 593, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
Backbone of integrated transport networks

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-----Original Message-----
From: Louise Jago
Sent: Tuesday, 28 July 2015 3:08 p.m.
To: 'Tony Randle'
Subject: RE: FW: Official Information Act request - Request for correspondence and reports on the New timetable for Johnsonville train line

Good afternoon Mr Randle

Thank you for your amended OIA request.

Kind regards

Louise Jago | Communications Co-ordinator
Ph: +64-4-498 3372 (internal extn 43372) | Fax: +64-4-473 1589 | Mob: +64-027 407 1718 Level 4, Wellington Railway Station, Bunny Street, Wellington 6011 | PO Box 593, Wellington 6140, New Zealand Backbone of integrated transport networks

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-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Randle [mailto:[FOI #2987 email]]
Sent: Tuesday, 28 July 2015 2:47 p.m.
To: Louise Jago
Subject: Re: FW: Official Information Act request - Request for correspondence and reports on the New timetable for Johnsonville train line

Dear Louise Jago,

Thanks for your acknowledgement. After sending in my request I realised that it may not be clear enough in obtaining the information I seek. I do want to amend my request by adding the following information.

Firstly, for the sake of clarity when I have asked for information on "proposed changes to the Johnsonville Line timetable", this includes information related to the inability of the Johnsonville Line Matangi trains being unable to meet the current timetable (e.g. this request includes asking any reports held by Kiwirail on the inability of the Matangi trains being unable to meet the current Johnsonville Line timetable).

Secondly, I also ask for the Kiwirail to please provide me with a copy of any correspondence between the Kiwirail and the Matangi train manufacturer on the inability of the Matangi trains being unable to meet the current Johnsonville Line timetable and on the proposed changes to the Johnsonville Line timetable ?

Can you please confirm Kiwirail's acceptance of this amendment to my request ?

Yours sincerely,

Tony Randle

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #2987 email]

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an OIA officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA page.


-----Original Message-----
From: Louise Jago
Sent: Tuesday, 28 July 2015 9:47 a.m.
To: '[FOI #2987 email]'
Subject: FW: Official Information Act request - Request for correspondence and reports on the New timetable for Johnsonville train line

Good morning Mr Randle

We acknowledge receipt of the below Official Information Act 1982 request.

Under the Act, KiwiRail has up to 20 working days from the date of receiving your request to respond. Therefore, you can expect a response on or before Tuesday 25 August 2015.

We will be in touch with you if it is necessary to clarify any aspect of your request.

Kind regards

Louise Jago | Communications Co-ordinator
Ph: +64-4-498 3372 (internal extn 43372) | Fax: +64-4-473 1589 | Mob: +64-027 407 1718 Level 4, Wellington Railway Station, Bunny Street, Wellington 6011 | PO Box 593, Wellington 6140, New Zealand Backbone of integrated transport networks

Please consider the environment before printing

-----Original Message-----
From: Gill Evans
Sent: Tuesday, 28 July 2015 8:38 a.m.
To: Louise Jago
Cc: Joanne Black; David Miller
Subject: FW: Official Information Act request - Request for correspondence and reports on the New timetable for Johnsonville train line

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Randle [mailto:[FOI #2987 email]]
Sent: Monday, 27 July 2015 9:39 p.m.
To: KiwiRail
Subject: Official Information Act request - Request for correspondence and reports on the New timetable for Johnsonville train line

Dear KiwiRail,

I note todays DomPost included an article titled "New timetable for Johnsonville train line plagued by delays" (URL:
This article stated "A new timetable on the Johnsonville line is being rolled out in an effort to combat ongoing delays, mostly caused by a wet track, on the steep, single-tracked suburban Wellington railway."

Can you please provide me with a copy of any reports by the Kiwirail on the proposed changes to the Johnsonville Line timetable ?

Can you please provide me with a copy of any cost estimates by the Kiwirail on the proposed changes to the Johnsonville Line timetable ?

Can you please provide me with a copy of any correspondence between the Kiwirail and the GWRC on the proposed changes to the Johnsonville Line timetable ?

If this information is held in electronic form, I would prefer it was provided in its complete and original electronic format.

Yours faithfully,
Tony Randle

This is an OIA request done via the FYI website.

Please do not send progress updates as PDF files.

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an OIA officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA page.

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Tony Randle left an annotation ()

Interestingly, Kiwirail elected to redact signifacant sections of the reports provided on the basis that the information is "out of scope". Sections such as "Provide an explaination of the delays experienced on the Johnsonville Line" are deleted !

I could complain on the basis that I specifically stated my request included "information related to the inability of the Johnsonville Line Matangi trains being unable to meet the current timetable (e.g. this request includes asking any reports held by Kiwirail on the inability of the Matangi trains being unable to meet the current Johnsonville Line timetable)." I also stated that I would prefer the information" was provided in its complete and original electronic format."

But I have instead simply raised another request for a complete copy of each of these reports.

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Things to do with this request

KiwiRail only: