Money spent on ATMS and projects following

Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc made this Official Information request to Ruapehu District Council

The request was refused by Ruapehu District Council.

From: Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc

Dear Ruapehu District Council,

Please could you provide us a break down of costs, both incurred, and yet to be invoice, but expected for the following.

1) Total costs for the consultation/implementationof the ATMS and all associated costs since implementation. These are to exclude costs on the already established houses listed on council website

2) The total costs as above, however directly associated with Teitei Drive

3) A total dollar figure of the money received from grants or subsidies to support the above

4) Please provide a total dollar figure of the possible clawbacks from point 3, for the avoidance of doubt, is there any money that has been paid to RDC that will/may need to be paid back.

5) Is there any record of FTE or man hours spent on the Teitei project from internal staff, or expenses registered against the project that may not be captured under question 1 & 2 that can be provided.

Yours faithfully,

Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc

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From: Info
Ruapehu District Council

Attachment image8aa91d.JPG.jpg
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Attachment 20240301.pdf
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Kia ora,


Please find attached an acknowledgement letter in respect of your request
for official information regarding.


Ngā mihi



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Info Mailbox
Ruapehu District Council

Ruapehu District Council  |  Private Bag 1001  |  Taumarunui 3946  |  New
Phone: 07 895 8188  ext:    |  Fax: 07 895 3256  |  Mobile:
email: [Ruapehu District Council request email]  |  RDC website: [1]


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Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc left an annotation ()

2 April 2024

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From: Info
Ruapehu District Council

Attachment image2fcaf5.JPG.jpg
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Attachment 20240327 LGOIMA Extension 25948.pdf
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Kia ora


Please find attached a notice of extension of time letter regarding your
LGOIMA request.


Ngā mihi



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Info Mailbox
Ruapehu District Council

Ruapehu District Council  |  Private Bag 1001  |  Taumarunui 3946  |  New
Phone: 07 895 8188  ext:    |  Fax: 07 895 3256  |  Mobile:
email: [Ruapehu District Council request email]  |  RDC website: [1]


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Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc left an annotation ()

extension of time to 29 May 2024

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From: Info
Ruapehu District Council

Attachment image612c69.JPG.jpg
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Attachment FYI25948.pdf
130K Download View as HTML

Please see attached response.




Info    INFO Mailbox   
Info Mailbox
Ruapehu District Council

Ruapehu District Council  |  Private Bag 1001  |  Taumarunui 3946  |  New
Phone: 07 895 8188  ext:    |  Fax: 07 895 3256  |  Mobile:
email: [Ruapehu District Council request email]  |  RDC website: [1]


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Things to do with this request

Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc only:
Ruapehu District Council only: