Teitei Drive

Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc made this Official Information request to Ruapehu District Council

Response to this request is long overdue. By law Ruapehu District Council should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.

From: Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc

Dear Ruapehu District Council,

We have sighted documents relating to Teitei Drive from Traffic Planning Consultants and communications from Council regarding the upgrade to Teitei Drive around 2017/2018.

It is our understanding the road formation is illegally formed over rockford park / carrot park; thus we wish to obtain documentation, approvals, sign offs etc relating to the work carried out when this occurred.

1./ Please provide documents pertaining to Teitei Drive from 2014 through to 2019 relating to the conception, design, consent, approval & sign off from staff or contractors for Teitei Drive intersection to the State Highway.

2./ Please also provide any documents, internal discussions / emails / relating to the legality of the encroachment; i.e. discussions since December 2023 between council staff, councillors, the mayor or third party contractors

Yours faithfully,

Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc

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From: Info
Ruapehu District Council

Kia ora,

Thankyou for your Request for Official Information received on 31 July 2024 relating to the legality of the encroachment on Teitei Drive.

Council will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible with a decision and in any event no later than 28 August 2024, being 20 working days after the day your request was received. If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will notify you of an extension of that timeframe.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact [Ruapehu District Council request email]. If any additional factors come to light which are relevant to your request, please do not hesitate to contact us so that these can be considered.

Please note that requests may incur a reasonable charge. We will contact you with an approximate cost, before we proceed, if applicable.

Ngā mihi

show quoted sections

Original Message-----
From: Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc <[FOI #27868 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 1:35 PM
To: Info <[Ruapehu District Council request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - Teitei Drive

Warning: This email is from an External Sender. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Dear Ruapehu District Council,

We have sighted documents relating to Teitei Drive from Traffic Planning Consultants and communications from Council regarding the upgrade to Teitei Drive around 2017/2018.

It is our understanding the road formation is illegally formed over rockford park / carrot park; thus we wish to obtain documentation, approvals, sign offs etc relating to the work carried out when this occurred.

1./ Please provide documents pertaining to Teitei Drive from 2014 through to 2019 relating to the conception, design, consent, approval & sign off from staff or contractors for Teitei Drive intersection to the State Highway.

2./ Please also provide any documents, internal discussions / emails / relating to the legality of the encroachment; i.e. discussions since December 2023 between council staff, councillors, the mayor or third party contractors

Yours faithfully,

Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc


This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #27868 email]

Is [Ruapehu District Council request email] the wrong address for Official Information requests to Ruapehu District Council? If so, please contact us using this form:

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.


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From: Info
Ruapehu District Council

Attachment Ref 000055.pdf
154K Download View as HTML

Good afternoon,

Please find attached letter of extension in response to your OIA request dated 31 July 2024, Teitei Drive.

TeRina Turanga

show quoted sections

Original Message-----
From: Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc <[FOI #27868 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 1:35 PM
To: Info <[Ruapehu District Council request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - Teitei Drive

Warning: This email is from an External Sender. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Dear Ruapehu District Council,

We have sighted documents relating to Teitei Drive from Traffic Planning Consultants and communications from Council regarding the upgrade to Teitei Drive around 2017/2018.

It is our understanding the road formation is illegally formed over rockford park / carrot park; thus we wish to obtain documentation, approvals, sign offs etc relating to the work carried out when this occurred.

1./ Please provide documents pertaining to Teitei Drive from 2014 through to 2019 relating to the conception, design, consent, approval & sign off from staff or contractors for Teitei Drive intersection to the State Highway.

2./ Please also provide any documents, internal discussions / emails / relating to the legality of the encroachment; i.e. discussions since December 2023 between council staff, councillors, the mayor or third party contractors

Yours faithfully,

Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc


This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #27868 email]

Is [Ruapehu District Council request email] the wrong address for Official Information requests to Ruapehu District Council? If so, please contact us using this form:

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.


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Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc left an annotation ()

13 September 2024

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From: Info
Ruapehu District Council

Attachment image9d445f.JPG.jpg
28K Download

Attachment Ref 000055.pdf
417K Download View as HTML

Please see attached response to to your request dated 31 July 2024.




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Visible links
1. http://www.ruapehudc.govt.nz/
2. https://www.ruapehudc.govt.nz/our-servic...

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From: Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc

Dear Info,

Could you kindly advise an ETA for this to be provided.
Said documents should be retained by council and be easily and readily available.

In the mean time, please provide a count and content type of material in scope.

Yours sincerely,

Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc

Link to this

From: Info
Ruapehu District Council


Currently reviewing response and collated information. A response will be with you by no later than close of business 20 September 2024.

Land Transport Team.

show quoted sections

Original Message-----
From: Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc <[FOI #27868 email]>
Sent: Friday, 13 September 2024 2:40 PM
To: Info <[Ruapehu District Council request email]>
Subject: Re: LGOIMA Ref000055 Teitei Drive

Warning: This email is from an External Sender. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Dear Info,

Could you kindly advise an ETA for this to be provided.
Said documents should be retained by council and be easily and readily available.

In the mean time, please provide a count and content type of material in scope.

Yours sincerely,

Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc

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From: Info
Ruapehu District Council

Attachment imageb6d991.JPG.jpg
28K Download

Attachment LGOIMA 000055.pdf
15.2M Download View as HTML

Good Afternoon,


Please find attached a response in relation to your LGOIMA request.


Kind regards



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Visible links
1. http://www.ruapehudc.govt.nz/
2. https://www.ruapehudc.govt.nz/our-servic...

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From: Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc

Dear Info,

Thank you for your response in file named LGOIMA 000055.pdf

With regards to the concepts provided on page 20-23 named Concept 1, Concept 2, Concept 3, Concept 4 (Preferred).

Q1./ Please provide copies of emails or documents leading up to Concept 4 being preferred.
Q2./ Concept 1-3 clearly shows no encroachment, with concept 4 clearly showing an encroachment on Carrot Park; can you please provide approvals, resolutions, minutes, documents, emails, memos relating to this encroachment.
Q3./ Page 19, clearly show a power poll in the path of Concept 1-3; please provide all discussions and communications regarding this, i.e. how it would be overcome, or perhaps indicating why concept 4 was preferred.

With regards to meetings held 22 February 2017, 2 March 2017 and meetings related to Annual Plan 2017-2018; I have read through the online documents and related meetings referred to (submissions, drafts, etc); I was not able to find video copies of these meetings on your Facebook or Youtube channel, but was able to find other meetings prior and post these dates.

Q4./ Do you have video of the meetings pre 22 feb 2017 and post 2 March which relate to Teitei Drive, or the proposed road as it was not yet called Teitei Drive. Please provide these if so.
Q5./ Please check Clive Manleys emails, notes, memos, and all communications or records where he was involved that relate to Teitei Drive, or the proposal regarding Teitei Drive between 2016 - 2018 and provide such as we believe there
Q6./ Please provide all communications from GHD related to the proposal and concepts; the reason being, they should have advised approvals would be required for concept 4 to proceed.

Yours sincerely,

Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc

Link to this

From: Info
Ruapehu District Council

Thank you for your Request for Official Information received on 24 September 2024 relating to Teitei Drive.

We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible with a decision and in any event no later than 23 October 2024, being 20 working days after the day your request was received. If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will notify you of an extension of that timeframe.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact [Ruapehu District Council request email]. If any additional factors come to light which are relevant to your request, please do not hesitate to contact us so that these can be considered.

Please note that requests may incur a reasonable charge. We will contact you with an approximate cost, before we proceed, if applicable.

Yours sincerely

show quoted sections

Original Message-----
From: Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc <[FOI #27868 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, 24 September 2024 5:33 PM
To: Info <[Ruapehu District Council request email]>
Subject: Re: LGOIMA 000055 - Concept Design Consent Approval and Sign off on Teitei Drive 2014 to 2019

Warning: This email is from an External Sender. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Dear Info,

Thank you for your response in file named LGOIMA 000055.pdf

With regards to the concepts provided on page 20-23 named Concept 1, Concept 2, Concept 3, Concept 4 (Preferred).

Q1./ Please provide copies of emails or documents leading up to Concept 4 being preferred.
Q2./ Concept 1-3 clearly shows no encroachment, with concept 4 clearly showing an encroachment on Carrot Park; can you please provide approvals, resolutions, minutes, documents, emails, memos relating to this encroachment.
Q3./ Page 19, clearly show a power poll in the path of Concept 1-3; please provide all discussions and communications regarding this, i.e. how it would be overcome, or perhaps indicating why concept 4 was preferred.

With regards to meetings held 22 February 2017, 2 March 2017 and meetings related to Annual Plan 2017-2018; I have read through the online documents and related meetings referred to (submissions, drafts, etc); I was not able to find video copies of these meetings on your Facebook or Youtube channel, but was able to find other meetings prior and post these dates.

Q4./ Do you have video of the meetings pre 22 feb 2017 and post 2 March which relate to Teitei Drive, or the proposed road as it was not yet called Teitei Drive. Please provide these if so.
Q5./ Please check Clive Manleys emails, notes, memos, and all communications or records where he was involved that relate to Teitei Drive, or the proposal regarding Teitei Drive between 2016 - 2018 and provide such as we believe there Q6./ Please provide all communications from GHD related to the proposal and concepts; the reason being, they should have advised approvals would be required for concept 4 to proceed.

Yours sincerely,

Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc

show quoted sections

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Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc left an annotation ()

23 October

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From: Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc

Dear Info,

This request was due on the 23rd October and has not has response. please advise.

Yours sincerely,

Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc

Link to this

From: Info
Ruapehu District Council

Dear Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents Society


I refer to your official information request dated 24 September 2024 for concept design approval and sign off on Teitei Drive road formation from 2014 to 2019.

We apologise for the lateness in responding to your request and acknowledge that we have failed to respond withing legislative timeframes.

We are having administrative difficulties in locating the information requested for questions 1 to 3 and 5, 6 below.
Under section 17(a) this request involves a substantial amount of collation and research. Our searches have involved all hardcopy records, electronic and records document filing systems and archived emails.
Council will advise you of the information by the 19 November 2024.

Q1./ Please provide copies of emails or documents leading up to Concept 4 being preferred.
Q2./ Concept 1-3 clearly shows no encroachment, with concept 4 clearly showing an encroachment on Carrot Park; can you please provide approvals, resolutions, minutes, documents, emails, memos relating to this encroachment.
Q3./ Page 19, clearly show a power poll in the path of Concept 1-3; please provide all discussions and communications regarding this, i.e. how it would be overcome, or perhaps indicating why concept 4 was preferred.

Q4./ Do you have video of the meetings pre 22 feb 2017 and post 2 March which relate to Teitei Drive, or the proposed road as it was not yet called Teitei Drive. Please provide these if so.
We have decided to refuse under section 17(e) - that the document alleged to contain the information requested does not exist. There was no existence of video documentation for Council meetings during this time.

Q5./ Please check Clive Manleys emails, notes, memos, and all communications or records where he was involved that relate to Teitei Drive, or the proposal regarding Teitei Drive between 2016 - 2018 and provide such as we believe there.
Q6./ Please provide all communications from GHD related to the proposal and concepts; the reason being, they should have advised approvals would be required for concept 4 to proceed.

Yours Sincerely,

show quoted sections

Original Message-----
From: Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc <[FOI #27868 email]>
Sent: Thursday, 31 October 2024 6:24 pm
To: Info <[Ruapehu District Council request email]>
Subject: Re: Ref 000079 Concept Design Consent Approval and Sign off on Teitei Drive 2014 to 2019

Warning: This email is from an External Sender. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Dear Info,

This request was due on the 23rd October and has not has response. please advise.

Yours sincerely,

Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc

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Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc left an annotation ()

19 November 2024

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Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc left an annotation ()

19 November

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From: Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc

Dear Info,

I have not received response to this OIA, I note your last message stated "Council will advise you of the information by the 19 November 2024"

Yours sincerely,

Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc

Link to this

From: Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc

Dear Info,

Morning. This OIA was due 19th November as per your last response. I followed up on 19th November and have yet to hear back. It is now 30th November, and I havent had the courtesy of any response at all.

This case has been lodged to the Ombudsman due to your failures and we expect an immediate response.

Yours sincerely,

Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc

Link to this

From: Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc

Dear Info,

I write to you again reminding you that this OIA is overdue and council advised they would respond by 19th November. I note you have responded to a seperate enquiry asking a different set of questions on the subject matter, however these queries remain unanswered and are in breach of the LGOIMA.

I remind you of the questions asked:
Q1./ Please provide copies of emails or documents leading up to Concept 4 being preferred.

Q2./ Concept 1-3 clearly shows no encroachment, with concept 4 clearly showing an encroachment on Carrot Park; can you please provide approvals, resolutions, minutes, documents, emails, memos relating to this encroachment.

Q3./ Page 19, clearly show a power poll in the path of Concept 1-3; please provide all discussions and communications regarding this, i.e. how it would be overcome, or perhaps indicating why concept 4 was preferred.

Q4./ Do you have video of the meetings pre 22 feb 2017 and post 2 March which relate to Teitei Drive, or the proposed road as it was not yet called Teitei Drive. Please provide these if so.
We have decided to refuse under section 17(e) - that the document alleged to contain the information requested does not exist. There was no existence of video documentation for Council meetings during this time.

Q5./ Please check Clive Manleys emails, notes, memos, and all communications or records where he was involved that relate to Teitei Drive, or the proposal regarding Teitei Drive between 2016 - 2018 and provide such as we believe there.

Q6./ Please provide all communications from GHD related to the proposal and concepts; the reason being, they should have advised approvals would be required for concept 4 to proceed.

Should this not be actioned by the Friday 20th December, this will be handed over to the Ombudsman's office.

Yours sincerely,

Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc

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From: Info
Ruapehu District Council

Attachment imagea44f57.JPG.jpg
108K Download

Attachment LGOIMA 79.pdf
16.8M Download View as HTML

Kia ora


Sincerest apologies for the unreasonable delay. Please find attached a
response in relation to your LGOIMA request.


Nāku noa nā




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Visible links
1. http://www.ruapehudc.govt.nz/
2. https://eservices.ruapehudc.govt.nz/onli...

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From: Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc

Dear Info,

Thank you for the information provided.

1./ I find it hard to believe that council is not able to find
a) sign off or approval documents for the concept
b) any discussions regarding the encroachment of Teitei Drive onto Ohakune Domain, aka Rockford Park
c) staff and contractors were not able to see the clear encroachment at time of design
d) provide copies of the engineering drawings for the contract and those supplied for funding (as likely to be different).
e) provide copies of the As Built drawings and roading certification on completion of the contract works.
f) confirm the completed roading standard, as to road widths, construction standards to cater for those projected in RDC Furner email of 5 September 2016

2./ The application for funding to MBIE for the "Regional Mid-sized Tourism Facilities Grant Fund" (R - MFF-R2-004), RDC's application contained the following information for funding. Section 3.1.b stated 2 options were available "Option 1 kept the access road on. road reserve while Option 2 created a safer 90 degree "T" shaped intersection with SH49" ... "NZTA has been instrumental in the final design option chosen" Which of the above Options was subject to approved funding?

I ask for the following.
Q1.a) How has council completed the SH49 intersection over the Ohakune Domain under the guise / guidance of contractors such as PLATEAU SURVEYORS LTD & GHD NZ and any other parties involved; to install an illegal option without Ruapehu Council picking up on this.

Q1.b) If a ratepayer bordered a reserve or park and submitted to council approvals to build a driveway / access way over said reserve; which RDC departments would oversee the approvals and note / decline said application for breach

Q1.c) If a ratepayer bordered a reserve or park & installed a driveway (without submitting any approvals / documentation) over a reserve, what ramifications would that ratepayer have and which policies would they be in breach of.

Q1.d) Which RDC departments were involved in the SH49 intersection and were any approvals sought for the SH49 intersection to be installed on SH49

Q1.e) Based on council having no documentation / approvals / signoff for SH49, and the design from GHD / PLATEAU SURVEYORS LTD (or any other 3rd party) not questioned encroaching Ohakune Domain, is this illegal formation of SH49 the fault of a 3rd party or Council? If the former, will Council be seeking compensation for the third parties for the correction of SH49 physically or to legally resolve the encroachment.

Q2.a) Councils application for funding stated "NZTA has been instrumental in the final design option chosen", please provide copies of ALL communications & documentation and evidence as to NZTA's involvement and assistance in the design of the intersection.

Q2.b) Was NZTA advised the intersection would be encroaching Ohakune Domain

Q2.c) Did NZTA ever question the encroachment

Q3.1)a) In the same application, point 3.4 (Regulatory and other matters) point a (Provide evidence that you completed will meet all relevant local and national regulatory requirements) lacks any information regarding the encroachment, nor does it provide any standards for the road or intersection its self. It does however state that the Pavement will be constructed to TNZ B/02:2005 specification, that road signs will be to specification + footpath specifications. Was council asked to provide any further information regarding the SH49 intersection and Road specifications ?

Q3.1)b) As this above specification is a "performance based specification" (as opposed to a method type) does the road constructed cater for all those projected developments listed in Mr Furner's email of 5 September 2016? If not then what category and usage does the road constructed cater for to comply with this specification? Our questions must be answered by a Licensed Roading Engineer involved in the project.

Q3.2) In the same point 3.4 for Regulatory, sub point d (provide evidence that land access and other necessary permissions required for the project (if any) have been obtained); it is stated "This project is on road reserve as well as Public Land - Scenic Reserve / Local Purpose Reserve under the current management of RDC" and that "There is no land access issue to be considered further".

Q4.1) Section 5 (Declaration) has many points around agreeing that "activity/project that is a lawful activity" and "application is complete and correct and there have been no misleading statements, omissions of any relevant facts nor any misrepresentations made". Please provide evidence that RDC provided to MBIE or any other party / minister / agency, that council were to encroach on Ohakune Domain; this differs from all communications and documentation we have seen to date that always state the road will be moved to "Road Reserve" and never once mentions encroaching on Ohakune Domain.

5) RDC have confirmed funding was received by NZTA to the amount of ~$30k, please provide the application for funding and the communication thread between RDC and NZTA related to the funding or the SH49 intersection.

Yours sincerely,

Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc

Link to this

From: Info
Ruapehu District Council

Kia Ora


Thank you for your Request for Official Information received on 21 December 2024 relating to Teitei Drive and SH49 Ohakune intersection.

We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible with a decision and in any event no later than 10 February 2025, being 20 working days after the day your request was received. If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will notify you of an extension of that timeframe.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact [Ruapehu District Council request email]. If any additional factors come to light which are relevant to your request, please do not hesitate to contact us so that these can be considered.

Please note that requests may incur a reasonable charge. We will contact you with an approximate cost, before we proceed, if applicable.

Ngā mihi

show quoted sections

Original Message-----
From: Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc <[FOI #27868 email]>
Sent: Saturday, 21 December 2024 1:21 pm
To: Info <[Ruapehu District Council request email]>
Subject: Re: LGOIMA Concept Design Consent Approval and Sign off on Teitei Drive 2014 to 2019

Warning: This email is from an External Sender. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Dear Info,

Thank you for the information provided.

1./ I find it hard to believe that council is not able to find
a) sign off or approval documents for the concept
b) any discussions regarding the encroachment of Teitei Drive onto Ohakune Domain, aka Rockford Park
c) staff and contractors were not able to see the clear encroachment at time of design
d) provide copies of the engineering drawings for the contract and those supplied for funding (as likely to be different).
e) provide copies of the As Built drawings and roading certification on completion of the contract works.
f) confirm the completed roading standard, as to road widths, construction standards to cater for those projected in RDC Furner email of 5 September 2016

2./ The application for funding to MBIE for the "Regional Mid-sized Tourism Facilities Grant Fund" (R - MFF-R2-004), RDC's application contained the following information for funding. Section 3.1.b stated 2 options were available "Option 1 kept the access road on. road reserve while Option 2 created a safer 90 degree "T" shaped intersection with SH49" ... "NZTA has been instrumental in the final design option chosen" Which of the above Options was subject to approved funding?

I ask for the following.
Q1.a) How has council completed the SH49 intersection over the Ohakune Domain under the guise / guidance of contractors such as PLATEAU SURVEYORS LTD & GHD NZ and any other parties involved; to install an illegal option without Ruapehu Council picking up on this.

Q1.b) If a ratepayer bordered a reserve or park and submitted to council approvals to build a driveway / access way over said reserve; which RDC departments would oversee the approvals and note / decline said application for breach

Q1.c) If a ratepayer bordered a reserve or park & installed a driveway (without submitting any approvals / documentation) over a reserve, what ramifications would that ratepayer have and which policies would they be in breach of.

Q1.d) Which RDC departments were involved in the SH49 intersection and were any approvals sought for the SH49 intersection to be installed on SH49

Q1.e) Based on council having no documentation / approvals / signoff for SH49, and the design from GHD / PLATEAU SURVEYORS LTD (or any other 3rd party) not questioned encroaching Ohakune Domain, is this illegal formation of SH49 the fault of a 3rd party or Council? If the former, will Council be seeking compensation for the third parties for the correction of SH49 physically or to legally resolve the encroachment.

Q2.a) Councils application for funding stated "NZTA has been instrumental in the final design option chosen", please provide copies of ALL communications & documentation and evidence as to NZTA's involvement and assistance in the design of the intersection.

Q2.b) Was NZTA advised the intersection would be encroaching Ohakune Domain

Q2.c) Did NZTA ever question the encroachment

Q3.1)a) In the same application, point 3.4 (Regulatory and other matters) point a (Provide evidence that you completed will meet all relevant local and national regulatory requirements) lacks any information regarding the encroachment, nor does it provide any standards for the road or intersection its self. It does however state that the Pavement will be constructed to TNZ B/02:2005 specification, that road signs will be to specification + footpath specifications. Was council asked to provide any further information regarding the SH49 intersection and Road specifications ?

Q3.1)b) As this above specification is a "performance based specification" (as opposed to a method type) does the road constructed cater for all those projected developments listed in Mr Furner's email of 5 September 2016? If not then what category and usage does the road constructed cater for to comply with this specification? Our questions must be answered by a Licensed Roading Engineer involved in the project.

Q3.2) In the same point 3.4 for Regulatory, sub point d (provide evidence that land access and other necessary permissions required for the project (if any) have been obtained); it is stated "This project is on road reserve as well as Public Land - Scenic Reserve / Local Purpose Reserve under the current management of RDC" and that "There is no land access issue to be considered further".

Q4.1) Section 5 (Declaration) has many points around agreeing that "activity/project that is a lawful activity" and "application is complete and correct and there have been no misleading statements, omissions of any relevant facts nor any misrepresentations made". Please provide evidence that RDC provided to MBIE or any other party / minister / agency, that council were to encroach on Ohakune Domain; this differs from all communications and documentation we have seen to date that always state the road will be moved to "Road Reserve" and never once mentions encroaching on Ohakune Domain.

5) RDC have confirmed funding was received by NZTA to the amount of ~$30k, please provide the application for funding and the communication thread between RDC and NZTA related to the funding or the SH49 intersection.

Yours sincerely,

Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc

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From: Info
Ruapehu District Council

Dear Ohakune Ratepayers,

We have decided to grant your request. It is currently in draft awaiting review. We will send you the information by no later than close of business 14 February 2025.

Ngā mihi

show quoted sections

Original Message-----
From: Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc <[FOI #27868 email]>
Sent: Saturday, 21 December 2024 1:21 PM
To: Info <[Ruapehu District Council request email]>
Subject: Re: LGOIMA Concept Design Consent Approval and Sign off on Teitei Drive 2014 to 2019

Warning: This email is from an External Sender. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Dear Info,

Thank you for the information provided.

1./ I find it hard to believe that council is not able to find
a) sign off or approval documents for the concept
b) any discussions regarding the encroachment of Teitei Drive onto Ohakune Domain, aka Rockford Park
c) staff and contractors were not able to see the clear encroachment at time of design
d) provide copies of the engineering drawings for the contract and those supplied for funding (as likely to be different).
e) provide copies of the As Built drawings and roading certification on completion of the contract works.
f) confirm the completed roading standard, as to road widths, construction standards to cater for those projected in RDC Furner email of 5 September 2016

2./ The application for funding to MBIE for the "Regional Mid-sized Tourism Facilities Grant Fund" (R - MFF-R2-004), RDC's application contained the following information for funding. Section 3.1.b stated 2 options were available "Option 1 kept the access road on. road reserve while Option 2 created a safer 90 degree "T" shaped intersection with SH49" ... "NZTA has been instrumental in the final design option chosen" Which of the above Options was subject to approved funding?

I ask for the following.
Q1.a) How has council completed the SH49 intersection over the Ohakune Domain under the guise / guidance of contractors such as PLATEAU SURVEYORS LTD & GHD NZ and any other parties involved; to install an illegal option without Ruapehu Council picking up on this.

Q1.b) If a ratepayer bordered a reserve or park and submitted to council approvals to build a driveway / access way over said reserve; which RDC departments would oversee the approvals and note / decline said application for breach

Q1.c) If a ratepayer bordered a reserve or park & installed a driveway (without submitting any approvals / documentation) over a reserve, what ramifications would that ratepayer have and which policies would they be in breach of.

Q1.d) Which RDC departments were involved in the SH49 intersection and were any approvals sought for the SH49 intersection to be installed on SH49

Q1.e) Based on council having no documentation / approvals / signoff for SH49, and the design from GHD / PLATEAU SURVEYORS LTD (or any other 3rd party) not questioned encroaching Ohakune Domain, is this illegal formation of SH49 the fault of a 3rd party or Council? If the former, will Council be seeking compensation for the third parties for the correction of SH49 physically or to legally resolve the encroachment.

Q2.a) Councils application for funding stated "NZTA has been instrumental in the final design option chosen", please provide copies of ALL communications & documentation and evidence as to NZTA's involvement and assistance in the design of the intersection.

Q2.b) Was NZTA advised the intersection would be encroaching Ohakune Domain

Q2.c) Did NZTA ever question the encroachment

Q3.1)a) In the same application, point 3.4 (Regulatory and other matters) point a (Provide evidence that you completed will meet all relevant local and national regulatory requirements) lacks any information regarding the encroachment, nor does it provide any standards for the road or intersection its self. It does however state that the Pavement will be constructed to TNZ B/02:2005 specification, that road signs will be to specification + footpath specifications. Was council asked to provide any further information regarding the SH49 intersection and Road specifications ?

Q3.1)b) As this above specification is a "performance based specification" (as opposed to a method type) does the road constructed cater for all those projected developments listed in Mr Furner's email of 5 September 2016? If not then what category and usage does the road constructed cater for to comply with this specification? Our questions must be answered by a Licensed Roading Engineer involved in the project.

Q3.2) In the same point 3.4 for Regulatory, sub point d (provide evidence that land access and other necessary permissions required for the project (if any) have been obtained); it is stated "This project is on road reserve as well as Public Land - Scenic Reserve / Local Purpose Reserve under the current management of RDC" and that "There is no land access issue to be considered further".

Q4.1) Section 5 (Declaration) has many points around agreeing that "activity/project that is a lawful activity" and "application is complete and correct and there have been no misleading statements, omissions of any relevant facts nor any misrepresentations made". Please provide evidence that RDC provided to MBIE or any other party / minister / agency, that council were to encroach on Ohakune Domain; this differs from all communications and documentation we have seen to date that always state the road will be moved to "Road Reserve" and never once mentions encroaching on Ohakune Domain.

5) RDC have confirmed funding was received by NZTA to the amount of ~$30k, please provide the application for funding and the communication thread between RDC and NZTA related to the funding or the SH49 intersection.

Yours sincerely,

Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc

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Please see attached response to your LGOIMA request dated 21 December 2024
Ref: 000117.





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1. http://www.ruapehudc.govt.nz/
2. https://eservices.ruapehudc.govt.nz/onli...

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Things to do with this request

Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc only:
Ruapehu District Council only: