22 Sloss Road
Colin L Campbell made this Official Information request to South Waikato District Council
The request is waiting for clarification. If you are Colin L Campbell, please sign in to send a follow up message.
From: Colin L Campbell
Dear South Waikato District Council,
Can you supply:
1) a copy of all correspondence regarding Glenview Holiday Park
2) a list of any and all visits to said property by council staff/contractors and reasons why
3) an explanation as to why the property rating file used to calculate rates on Glenview appears not to include values/parameters that reflect the true number of buildings on the property.
Yours faithfully,
Colin L Campbell
From: INFO
South Waikato District Council
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Thanks for getting in touch.
Customer Services
[1][IMG] South Waikato District Council
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South Waikato District Council
Good morning Mr Campbell,
Thank you for your LGOIMA request (2315111). Please find below our
In response to 3) below, the rating data for 22 Sloss Road does reflect
accurate information to calculate rates for the 2023-24 rating year with
the valuation having been last updated in June 2023. The number of
self-contained dwellings are recorded. Commercial & industrial properties,
farms and other non-residential properties do not have the number of
individual non-residential buildings recorded in rating data but these are
included in valuations. Residential properties typically have fewer
non-residential buildings, such as garages or sheds, but the number of
such buildings is also not shown on rating data for those properties.
The Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (the Act)
is taken into account when deciding on our response to requests for
information. In relation to 1) and 2) of your request, as per sections
17(f) and 17B of the Act, we would like to provide you with the
opportunity to refine your request at which point we will again assess
your request.
Section 17 Refusal of requests of the Act states:
A request made in accordance with section 10 may be refused only for 1 or
more of the following reasons, namely:
(a) that, by virtue of section 6 or section 7, there is good reason for
withholding the information:
(b) that, by virtue of section 8, the local authority does not confirm or
deny the existence or non-existence of the information requested:
(c) that the making available of the information requested would—
(i) be contrary to the provisions of a specified enactment; or
(ii) constitute contempt of court or of the House of Representatives:
(d) that the information requested is or will soon be publicly available:
(da) that the request is made by a defendant or person acting on behalf of
a defendant and is—
(i) for information that could be sought by the defendant under the
Criminal Disclosure Act 2008; or
(ii) for information that could be sought by the defendant under that Act
and that has been disclosed to, or withheld from, the defendant under that
(e) that the document alleged to contain the information requested does
not exist or, despite reasonable efforts to locate it, cannot be found:
(f) that the information requested cannot be made available without
substantial collation or research:
(g) that the information requested is not held by the local authority and
the person dealing with the request has no grounds for believing that the
information is either—
(i) held by another local authority or a department or Minister of the
Crown or organisation; or
(ii) connected more closely with the functions of another local authority,
or a department or Minister of the Crown or organisation:
(h) that the request is frivolous or vexatious or that the information
requested is trivial.
Section 17B Duty to consider consulting person if request likely to be
If a request is likely to be refused under section 17(e) or (f), the local
authority must, before that request is refused, consider whether
consulting with the person who made the request would assist that person
to make the request in a form that would remove the reason for the
Jillian Anderson
Kaiwhakahaere matua
Executive Officer | South Waikato District Council
3 Torphin Crescent, Tokoroa, 3420
T: 07 985 3120 | W: [1]www.southwaikato.govt.nz
From: Colin L Campbell <[2][FOI #24627 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 1, 2023 8:37 PM
To: INFO <[3][email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - 22 Sloss Road
Dear South Waikato District Council,
Can you supply:
1) a copy of all correspondence regarding Glenview Holiday Park
2) a list of any and all visits to said property by council
staff/contractors and reasons why
3) an explanation as to why the property rating file used to calculate
rates on Glenview appears not to include values/parameters that reflect
the true number of buildings on the property.
Yours faithfully,
Colin L Campbell
This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[4][FOI #24627 email]
Is [5][South Waikato District Council request email] the wrong address for Official Information
requests to South Waikato District Council? If so, please contact us using
this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER This email (including any attachment
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disclosure under applicable law. Accordingly, if you are not the intended
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information electronically transmitted and your communication with us
through such means signifies your acceptance of any risk attaching
thereto. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual
sender and may not necessarily reflect the views of South Waikato District
Council. South Waikato District Council makes reasonable efforts to
ensure that its email has been scanned and is free of viruses, however can
make no warranty that this email or any attachments to it are free from
viruses. Any statement contained herein is not to be construed as an offer
to enter into any contractual obligation nor an acceptance of any offer.
Thank you.
Visible links
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence