Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather

Chris McCashin made this Official Information request to National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited

The request was refused by National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited.

From: Chris McCashin

Dear National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited,

Any and all Information known or held by you or your department in any format including written documents, reports, memos, letters, notes, emails, draft documents, non-written information and unrecorded information regarding:
Geoengineering carried out by Air New Zealand planes, while flying over NZ air space. Especially the practice of Solar Radiation Management, using stratospheric sulfate aerosols to create a dimming effect and impact climate, known as STRATOSPHERIC SULFATE AEROSOLS GEO-ENGINEERING (SAG-SRM) - from January 2016 until now.

Any and all Information known or held by you or your department in any format including written documents, reports, memos, letters, notes, emails, draft documents, non-written information and unrecorded information regarding: the practice of artificially modifying the climate using reflective nano-materials to reflect sunlight via dispersal from jet aircraft that expand into reflective artificial clouds from January 2020 until now.

Please also provide any and all water quality research reports, specifically looking at heavy metals in water and contributory factors to metals in water.

Please also provide any and all reports completed on impact of Geoengineering on weather patterns, climate change, risks & benefits, etc etc. Effectively any and all information on Geonengineering and the impacts it is having on NZ weather.

Yours faithfully,

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From: Enquiries
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited

Thank you for your e-mail to Enquiries at NIWA.  We have received your
query and will respond as soon as possible.

Kind regards



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From: Enquiries
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited

Dear Chris,

Thank you for your request. NIWA does not hold any information on geoengineering, or the practice of artificially modifying the climate using reflective nano-materials.

You can access river water quality data from NIWA's network of sites via the NIWA Hydro Web Portal:

Please note, under section 28(3) of the Act, you have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.

Kind regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris McCashin <[FOI #20271 email]>
Sent: Thursday, 18 August 2022 3:17 pm
To: Enquiries <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather

Dear National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited,

Any and all Information known or held by you or your department in any format including written documents, reports, memos, letters, notes, emails, draft documents, non-written information and unrecorded information regarding:
Geoengineering carried out by Air New Zealand planes, while flying over NZ air space. Especially the practice of Solar Radiation Management, using stratospheric sulfate aerosols to create a dimming effect and impact climate, known as STRATOSPHERIC SULFATE AEROSOLS GEO-ENGINEERING (SAG-SRM) - from January 2016 until now.

Any and all Information known or held by you or your department in any format including written documents, reports, memos, letters, notes, emails, draft documents, non-written information and unrecorded information regarding: the practice of artificially modifying the climate using reflective nano-materials to reflect sunlight via dispersal from jet aircraft that expand into reflective artificial clouds from January 2020 until now.

Please also provide any and all water quality research reports, specifically looking at heavy metals in water and contributory factors to metals in water.

Please also provide any and all reports completed on impact of Geoengineering on weather patterns, climate change, risks & benefits, etc etc. Effectively any and all information on Geonengineering and the impacts it is having on NZ weather.

Yours faithfully,


This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #20271 email]

Is [NIWA request email] the wrong address for Official Information requests to National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited? If so, please contact us using this form:

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.


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National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA)
New Zealand
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To ensure compliance with legal requirements and to maintain cyber security standards, NIWA's IT systems are subject to ongoing monitoring, activity logging and auditing. This monitoring and auditing service may be provided by third parties. Such third parties can access information transmitted to, processed by and stored on NIWA's IT systems

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From: Chris McCashin

Dear Enquiries,

Thanks Caroline - do you know what agency would be responsible that holds the information?

Climate change commission?
Ministry for Environment?

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCashin

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From: Chris McCashin

Dear Enquiries / Caroline

Just a follow up on this - it appears that a number of current NIWA scientists were discussing this as far back as 2011 per the attached link and have done presentations on this.

Can you please re-look at all your files and come back to me, maybe liaise direct with the scientists mentioned in the article, specifically looking for the presentations completed

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCashin

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From: Chris McCashin

Dear Enquiries,

Please go back to dates from 2005

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCashin

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From: Enquiries
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited

Dear Chris,

We acknowledge receipt of your request.

Please note, the only researcher who worked in this area and is still at NIWA is currently in Antarctica and not due back until later this month. Therefore, we will not be able to meet the original deadline for this request and are extending the time to respond to 8 March 2023.

You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.

Kind regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris McCashin <[FOI #20271 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, 24 January 2023 3:44 pm
To: Enquiries <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Official Information request - Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather

Dear Enquiries,

Please go back to dates from 2005

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCashin

-----Original Message-----

Dear Chris,

Thank you for your request. NIWA does not hold any information on geoengineering, or the practice of artificially modifying the climate using reflective nano-materials.

You can access river water quality data from NIWA's network of sites via the NIWA Hydro Web Portal:

Please note, under section 28(3) of the Act, you have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.

Kind regards,

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #20271 email]

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.


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National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA)
New Zealand
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To ensure compliance with legal requirements and to maintain cyber security standards, NIWA's IT systems are subject to ongoing monitoring, activity logging and auditing. This monitoring and auditing service may be provided by third parties. Such third parties can access information transmitted to, processed by and stored on NIWA's IT systems

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Helen Wallis left an annotation ()

I would definitely call them out on this presentation.

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Jane left an annotation ()

Kia ora Caroline,

NIWA is very aware of geo-engineering:

Does NIWA hold any communication with ships offshore of New Zealand who may have used tropospheric aerosol injection prior to the cyclone?

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Jane left an annotation ()


Is NIWA aware of SCoPEx?

Bill Gates is funding research into solar geo-engineering:

Please provide any communications NIWA has had in regard to this technology.

With gratitude

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Susan left an annotation ()

As pointed out today by Rowan, in an annotation to a separate OIA request, by a separate person, to a different NZ institution, HAARP researchers from Stanford University are shown standing on the deck of NIWA's research vessel Tangaroa in Figure 4 of this document

It would therefore seem that NIWA definitely IS involved in the use of HAARP technology, possibly/probably for weather modification. It'd be interesting to see how they try to avoid admitting that. Section 6 of the Official Information Act, perhaps? Although it is kind of hard to see how admitting such involvement would prejudice NZ's security ....

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Susan left an annotation ()

The answer to FYI's question about status of this request is "none of the above". NIWA did reply to the request. First they said "NIWA does not hold any information on geoengineering" -- which in light of the information in my previous annotation to this request seems perilously close to an outright lie. Then someone else pointed out that a number of NIWA researchers had published material indicating that they were very aware of information on geoengineering -- and NIWA replied that the only one of those individuals still with NIWA is currently in Antarctica, so they can't answer the question till that person comes back. Having been to Scott Base myself, I find this also perilously close to a lie -- it's impossible to believe that NIWA couldn't ask that person on the normal radio sched.

So really, NIWA -- come on. You may or may not currently be involved in cloud seeding. But you are certainly involved in HAARP activity -- either that or you let a bunch of Stanford HAARP scientists use your research vessel to deploy a buoy, without asking them why they wanted to do that ...).

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I A M left an annotation ()

Hi Chris,

Any updates on this in light of the horrific weather bombs we’ve had lately?

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Chris McCashin left an annotation ()

Unfortunately not - I will follow up. But it’s exhausting because we know it’s happening, the technology is there and we have a guy out of Liverpool predicting weather bombs and earthquakes just by following all the spraying that’s going on! We have a constant haze in our sky, fast moving clouds and NIWA initially lying (so the are covering it up so they know it’s wrong), climate Minister knows nothing so where does all that leave things?! It is for our “safety” anyway so what can actually be done?

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Susan left an annotation ()

Is it illegal to lie in response to an Official Information Act request?

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Chris McCashin left an annotation ()

Ha unlikely - we wouldn’t have any public servants left

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Jane left an annotation ()

I have noted that the sky is covered in a white haze in Auckland often.

Phased array beam forming (5/6G towers) has been used for decades by military to achieve a highly directive antenna beam that is electrically steerable.

HAARP can paint designs in the sky. You can move the beam in any pattern.

What is the purpose of 5G and this technology in NZ if not to manipulate our weather, create food shortages and supply issues (as planned for agenda 2030) and allow the govt to “swoop in” like a hero with their three waters reform plan and buy peoples homes for them because they’re damaged, then put people into a “smart city.”

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Remedy McSheffrey left an annotation ()

The truth is being withheld for good reason. This was an act of Terrorism/Genocide there are a number of dead and so many displaced for any Government Organisation to admit to any involvement or knowledege of it would cause a national revolt, oh that's right they took away everyones guns. And if you protest they use LRAD so we are at the masters mercy really.
I personally have witnessed planes at high altitude dispursing aerosols directly over the Manukau harbour into the suburbs of Blockhouse Bay/lynfield etc almost daily since late November of 2022 up until the day before the first of the two cyclones,
And also before Gabrielle at around 3am noticed what appeared as smoke billowing from Eden Park (ground based cloud seeding via a generator) The vast number of drone and satelitte activity every night and the constant cloud brightening, explosive boom noises. I only wish I had video documentation to support these claims, but I didn't know at the time what was about to happen.
The Geo-Engineering is carried out by a contractor (private sector) can't find the link to the company.
Would love to know why, and whats the endgame??

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Chris McCashin left an annotation ()

I’ve asked James Shaw for the contractors who are doing it. No response “ we do not hold the information you requested, and we have no grounds for believing that the information is held by another department or Minister of the Crown or organisation, or by a local authority”. I even requested he formally pass onto a number of other agencies Defence, MFE and others which he declined. I have a feeling Royal Society NZ might have something to do with it as I requested comment from them and have not heard back. As I said, they lie, obfuscate and refuse information all the time and even if information comes out what can actually be done?! And we have bought and paid for NZ media “providing the facts” misdirection plays about cloud seeding although not sure anybody still bothers reading their trash?!

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I A M left an annotation ()

Thank you for your attempts. It’s extremely frustrating. Last night I created a complaint and posted on a group hoping a lot of people would send it in.
What is there to do when none of the corporations responsible will even admit knowledge??

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to express my deep concern and outrage regarding the practice of geo-engineering and its impact on human rights. Geo-engineering, which involves deliberate intervention in the Earth's climate system to counteract the effects of climate change, has resulted in severe environmental and human rights violations, including the loss of life and damage to property and ecosystems.

The practice of geo-engineering has led to numerous adverse effects on the environment, including increased floods, landslides and liquefaction, which have resulted in the loss of lives and livelihoods of many people.

The impact of geo-engineering on communities is particularly alarming. We, as living, breathing men and women, rely heavily on our lands for our livelihoods, and we are disproportionately affected by the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem damage caused by the practice. Furthermore, we have had no say in the decision-making process surrounding geo-engineering and its devastating effects.

Geo-engineering practices breach several fundamental human rights, including the right to life, health, and a healthy environment, as recognized by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The right to life is being violated due to the loss of lives caused by extreme weather events resulting from geo-engineering. The right to health is being violated by the release of pollutants into the atmosphere, causing respiratory diseases and other health problems. The right to a healthy environment is being violated by the degradation of ecosystems and the loss of biodiversity caused by the practice.

It should be the duty of the government and the international community to hold those responsible for geo-engineering accountable for their actions. Immediate action must be taken to regulate and monitor geo-engineering practices to prevent further damage to the environment and human rights violations.

I urge you to take swift and decisive action to address this urgent issue and hold those responsible for geo-engineering, accountable and especially at this imperative moment, since the current ongoing devastation in New Zealand.


(Your name)

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From: Chris McCashin

Dear Enquiries / Caroline,

Just a follow up on this and and to establish where things are at and clarify my request. For clarity and background information the following are verifiable facts

8 March 2011 40 scientists and policymakers met in Wellington to familiarize themselves with the principles behind geoengineering - this link confirms it and it was hosted by the Royal Society of NZ

NIWA Scientists presented at this workshop as noted in this presentation -

The above presentation notes the following paraphrased

- Cloud seeding is real and completed using chemicals harmful to humans
- Bill Gates is playing god in this presentation
- Climate engineering could cause "really bad stuff to happen"
- People have called for the practice to be banned
- The risks outweigh the benefits notably in NZ "New Zealand know for its clear sky and good air quailty and visibility (a high aerosol environment would significantly degrade this" - our current skies back up this practice being done
- The presentation notes the "Moral Authority" - do we have the right to do this? This confirms there are ethical / legal issues associated

So I would like to alter my request because I know NIWA are an agency part of this. So are you able to provide the following

8 March 2011 - Please provide a list of all of the people that attended this workshop - if you don't have the list available please consult Royal Society of New Zealand who hosted and NIWA works closely with
Dates Geoengineering Program(s) started in NZ
Agency(s) Responsible - NIWA, Defence, MFE, Climate Change Commission, EPA, Institute of Environment Science, MBIE - any and all agencies involved - it might be that NGO's are managing and instructing this work to distance this practice from Government - somebody at NIWA past or present will know so please find out
Number of Contract(s) currently in place
Value of Contract(s)
Suppliers / Contractors completing this work
Dates of Contract(s)
Statutory Authority by which this work is Completed
Ethical Assessment(s) to complete the work
Health Impact Assessment
Policy Statements & Public Announcements that occurred when this practice began

To add to this information request it appears NIWA have also allowed HAARP researchers from Stanford University use the RV Tangaroa to conduct research projects per this link

So please provide any and all information NIWA have on HAARP, 5G and other DEWS and any documentation that NIWA have on this technology being deployed for weather events / natural disasters. It might be that liaising with Ministry of Defense is required.

In light of everything that has recently occurred please make sure all of the queries / information is provided. It might be that external companies are completing this work to circumvent OIA provisions and distance this work from government but NIWA will be able to source the information required based on the historical context in the links. It might be that this request could be provided directly to Royal Society of NZ and they could provide all of this information.

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCashin

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James Sullivan left an annotation ()

Well this is a loopy request.

I love how conspiracy theories are so often “The enemy is so powerful they’ve fooled the entire world and can do anything. But I’m the one that can see through it while somehow being untouched by the evil peoples.”

I do feel for the poor researchers that have to put up with such silliness.

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Susan left an annotation ()

No ranty politics? Surely that includes the knee-jerk, evidence-free dismissal as "conspiracy theory" of any information that doesn't fit the poster's preferred narrative. So why wasn't James Sullivan's annotation removed in accordance with FYI's moderation policy?

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From: Enquiries
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited

Kia ora Chris,

We acknowledge receipt of your amended request. Please note, this will be treated as a new request, and we will respond by 27 March.

Kind regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris McCashin <[FYI request #20271 email]>
Sent: Monday, 27 February 2023 1:56 pm
To: Enquiries <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Official Information request - Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather

Dear Enquiries / Caroline,

Just a follow up on this and and to establish where things are at and clarify my request. For clarity and background information the following are verifiable facts

8 March 2011 40 scientists and policymakers met in Wellington to familiarize themselves with the principles behind geoengineering - this link confirms it and it was hosted by the Royal Society of NZ

NIWA Scientists presented at this workshop as noted in this presentation -

The above presentation notes the following paraphrased

- Cloud seeding is real and completed using chemicals harmful to humans
- Bill Gates is playing god in this presentation
- Climate engineering could cause "really bad stuff to happen"
- People have called for the practice to be banned
- The risks outweigh the benefits notably in NZ "New Zealand know for its clear sky and good air quailty and visibility (a high aerosol environment would significantly degrade this" - our current skies back up this practice being done
- The presentation notes the "Moral Authority" - do we have the right to do this? This confirms there are ethical / legal issues associated

So I would like to alter my request because I know NIWA are an agency part of this. So are you able to provide the following

8 March 2011 - Please provide a list of all of the people that attended this workshop - if you don't have the list available please consult Royal Society of New Zealand who hosted and NIWA works closely with Dates Geoengineering Program(s) started in NZ
Agency(s) Responsible - NIWA, Defence, MFE, Climate Change Commission, EPA, Institute of Environment Science, MBIE - any and all agencies involved - it might be that NGO's are managing and instructing this work to distance this practice from Government - somebody at NIWA past or present will know so please find out Number of Contract(s) currently in place Value of Contract(s) Suppliers / Contractors completing this work Dates of Contract(s) Statutory Authority by which this work is Completed Ethical Assessment(s) to complete the work Health Impact Assessment Policy Statements & Public Announcements that occurred when this practice began

To add to this information request it appears NIWA have also allowed HAARP researchers from Stanford University use the RV Tangaroa to conduct research projects per this link

So please provide any and all information NIWA have on HAARP, 5G and other DEWS and any documentation that NIWA have on this technology being deployed for weather events / natural disasters. It might be that liaising with Ministry of Defense is required.

In light of everything that has recently occurred please make sure all of the queries / information is provided. It might be that external companies are completing this work to circumvent OIA provisions and distance this work from government but NIWA will be able to source the information required based on the historical context in the links. It might be that this request could be provided directly to Royal Society of NZ and they could provide all of this information.

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCashin

-----Original Message-----

Dear Chris,

We acknowledge receipt of your request.

Please note, the only researcher who worked in this area and is still at NIWA is currently in Antarctica and not due back until later this month. Therefore, we will not be able to meet the original deadline for this request and are extending the time to respond to 8 March 2023.

You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.

Kind regards,

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FYI request #20271 email]

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.


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National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA)
New Zealand
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To ensure compliance with legal requirements and to maintain cyber security standards, NIWA's IT systems are subject to ongoing monitoring, activity logging and auditing. This monitoring and auditing service may be provided by third parties. Such third parties can access information transmitted to, processed by and stored on NIWA's IT systems

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From: Enquiries
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited

Kia ora Chris,

Thank you for your request. Please see below our responses.

- “8 March 2011 - Please provide a list of all of the people that attended this workshop - if you don't have the list available please consult Royal Society of New Zealand who hosted and NIWA works closely with Dates Geoengineering Program(s) started in NZ.”

NIWA does not hold this information.

- “Dates Geoengineering Program(s) started in NZ Agency(s) Responsible”

NIWA has not been involved in any geoengineering programmes and we are not aware of any organisations in New Zealand involved in such programmes.

- “So please provide any and all information NIWA have on HAARP, 5G and other DEWS and any documentation that NIWA have on this technology being deployed for weather events / natural disasters.”

NIWA does not hold any such information and is not conducting any research in this field.

Please note, under section 28(3) of the Act, you have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.

Ngâ mihi,

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris McCashin <[FOI #20271 email]>
Sent: Monday, 27 February 2023 1:56 pm
To: Enquiries <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Official Information request - Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather

Dear Enquiries / Caroline,

Just a follow up on this and and to establish where things are at and clarify my request. For clarity and background information the following are verifiable facts

8 March 2011 40 scientists and policymakers met in Wellington to familiarize themselves with the principles behind geoengineering - this link confirms it and it was hosted by the Royal Society of NZ

NIWA Scientists presented at this workshop as noted in this presentation -

The above presentation notes the following paraphrased

- Cloud seeding is real and completed using chemicals harmful to humans
- Bill Gates is playing god in this presentation
- Climate engineering could cause "really bad stuff to happen"
- People have called for the practice to be banned
- The risks outweigh the benefits notably in NZ "New Zealand know for its clear sky and good air quailty and visibility (a high aerosol environment would significantly degrade this" - our current skies back up this practice being done
- The presentation notes the "Moral Authority" - do we have the right to do this? This confirms there are ethical / legal issues associated

So I would like to alter my request because I know NIWA are an agency part of this. So are you able to provide the following

8 March 2011 - Please provide a list of all of the people that attended this workshop - if you don't have the list available please consult Royal Society of New Zealand who hosted and NIWA works closely with Dates Geoengineering Program(s) started in NZ
Agency(s) Responsible - NIWA, Defence, MFE, Climate Change Commission, EPA, Institute of Environment Science, MBIE - any and all agencies involved - it might be that NGO's are managing and instructing this work to distance this practice from Government - somebody at NIWA past or present will know so please find out Number of Contract(s) currently in place Value of Contract(s) Suppliers / Contractors completing this work Dates of Contract(s) Statutory Authority by which this work is Completed Ethical Assessment(s) to complete the work Health Impact Assessment Policy Statements & Public Announcements that occurred when this practice began

To add to this information request it appears NIWA have also allowed HAARP researchers from Stanford University use the RV Tangaroa to conduct research projects per this link

So please provide any and all information NIWA have on HAARP, 5G and other DEWS and any documentation that NIWA have on this technology being deployed for weather events / natural disasters. It might be that liaising with Ministry of Defense is required.

In light of everything that has recently occurred please make sure all of the queries / information is provided. It might be that external companies are completing this work to circumvent OIA provisions and distance this work from government but NIWA will be able to source the information required based on the historical context in the links. It might be that this request could be provided directly to Royal Society of NZ and they could provide all of this information.

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCashin

-----Original Message-----

Dear Chris,

We acknowledge receipt of your request.

Please note, the only researcher who worked in this area and is still at NIWA is currently in Antarctica and not due back until later this month. Therefore, we will not be able to meet the original deadline for this request and are extending the time to respond to 8 March 2023.

You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.

Kind regards,

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #20271 email]

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.


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National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA)
New Zealand
Connect with NIWA:<> Facebook<> LinkedIn<> Twitter<> Instagram<>
To ensure compliance with legal requirements and to maintain cyber security standards, NIWA's IT systems are subject to ongoing monitoring, activity logging and auditing. This monitoring and auditing service may be provided by third parties. Such third parties can access information transmitted to, processed by and stored on NIWA's IT systems

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Chris McCashin left an annotation ()

Well I guess that is it then. Despite NIWA being involved in this research years ago they do not have any evidence of this occurring at all! As I understand it they can feign any interest / respond to these requests because it is run by foreign interests / military so any and all requests are futile. There is however a guy on-line forecasting all of these horrendous weather events based on the aerosol spraying that is going on. He even gave some warning to Hawkes Bay about the hammering they were going to get. Suggest people find him and start following him, at least you would get warning for extreme weather events though this does nothing to save personal belongings and property based on recent results.

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Goodtimes left an annotation ()

Just another conspiracy.....

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Susan left an annotation ()

Suggest people interested in this topic follow

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darren sharpe left an annotation ()

Sunday 26th March. 11.30am - flight at about 30,000 ft flying in a South Westerly direction SUDDENLY started creating contrails...except they were not dissipating. Approximately 4 minutes later, the aircraft stopped creating trails and the existing trails were now spreading in a very wide aircraft showing on flight tracker or flight aware. Within 20 mins the sky was cloudy and hazy. We support your line of questions, and have also asked MOD for aircraft ID rules etc. keep digging

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From: Chris McCashin

Dear Enquiries,

As per previous correspondence we have established there is still a researcher who was involved in this work currently at NIWA. Given that NIWA have no information about this can you please provide from 2008 until todays date any and all emails / including attachments the researcher has with the following terms

Solar Radiation Management, using
Stratospheric sulfate aerosols to create a dimming effect and impact climate
Modifying the climate using reflective nano-materials to reflect sunlight via dispersal from jet aircraft that expand into reflective artificial clouds
Cloud seeding and floods

At the very least there will be all his correspondence, emails, notes around the time he participated in the workshop but interestingly enough none of this has made it to NIWAs files.

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCashin

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Estella left an annotation ()

Hawke's Bay didn't have a summer this year
That's highly unusual for our region and something I had not experienced in my 35 years of existence. The skies were filled with clouds overcasting the sun. Then the cyclone hit. What was interesting about this is that after it flooded and there were several helicopters rescuing people from their roof tops for days on end the cloudy skies subsided and we actually had a tiny bit of a summer. When this subsided the overcast gloom of the clouds returned. Go figure.

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From: Enquiries
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited

Kia ora Chris,

We acknowledge receipt of your request.

We will respond as soon as possible and no later than 1 May, being 20 working days after the day your request was received.

Ngā mihi,

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris McCashin <[FYI request #20271 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, 29 March 2023 6:56 pm
To: Enquiries <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Official Information request - Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather

Dear Enquiries,

As per previous correspondence we have established there is still a researcher who was involved in this work currently at NIWA. Given that NIWA have no information about this can you please provide from 2008 until todays date any and all emails / including attachments the researcher has with the following terms

Solar Radiation Management, using
Stratospheric sulfate aerosols to create a dimming effect and impact climate STRATOSPHERIC SULFATE AEROSOLS GEO-ENGINEERING (SAG-SRM) Modifying the climate using reflective nano-materials to reflect sunlight via dispersal from jet aircraft that expand into reflective artificial clouds Cloud seeding and floods

At the very least there will be all his correspondence, emails, notes around the time he participated in the workshop but interestingly enough none of this has made it to NIWAs files.

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCashin

-----Original Message-----

Kia ora Chris,

Thank you for your request. Please see below our responses.

- “8 March 2011 - Please provide a list of all of the people that attended this workshop - if you don't have the list available please consult Royal Society of New Zealand who hosted and NIWA works closely with Dates Geoengineering Program(s) started in NZ.”

NIWA does not hold this information.

- “Dates Geoengineering Program(s) started in NZ Agency(s) Responsible”

NIWA has not been involved in any geoengineering programmes and we are not aware of any organisations in New Zealand involved in such programmes.

- “So please provide any and all information NIWA have on HAARP, 5G and other DEWS and any documentation that NIWA have on this technology being deployed for weather events / natural disasters.”

NIWA does not hold any such information and is not conducting any research in this field.

Please note, under section 28(3) of the Act, you have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.

Ngâ mihi,

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FYI request #20271 email]

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.


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National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA)
New Zealand
Connect with NIWA:<> Facebook<> LinkedIn<> Twitter<> Instagram<>
To ensure compliance with legal requirements and to maintain cyber security standards, NIWA's IT systems are subject to ongoing monitoring, activity logging and auditing. This monitoring and auditing service may be provided by third parties. Such third parties can access information transmitted to, processed by and stored on NIWA's IT systems

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Virginia Crawford left an annotation ()

It's against the law to lie in response to an FYI request.

This should go to the Ombudsman immediately.

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Cher Ryker left an annotation ()

Have a look at Rocketlabs completed missions , like ,Make it rain and look ma, no hands and rocket like a hurricane ,they are launching from Mahia ,nz for muiltable goverments agencys and under experimental bases

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Chris McCashin left an annotation ()

5.30pm Sunday 23rd. 5.35 pm clouds clearing Wellington and a few trails are expanding into clouds. Must have been flights circa 5pm they were doing the spraying. Only visible as the dark clouds move. Relentless at the moment.

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From: Enquiries
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited

Kia ora Chris,

Thank you for your request.

Geoengineering is a very broad term, and we are often asked to comment on aspects of it, particularly by international scientists. As such, geoengineering frequently appears in emails, and provision of these documents would, as a consequence, require substantial collation.

As we have previously stated, NIWA is not actively involved in geoengineering in the manner you outline. We have no funding to carry out such research, and are, therefore, not involved in any research on the issue. We are not aware of any such geoengineering being conducted in New Zealand.

We do not believe the contents of these emails will enlighten you. However, if you wish to pursue this, we would require reasonable compensation before any information is made available because of the substantial collation required to meet your request as currently framed.

Please note, we are extending the timeframe to make a decision on your request to 8 May. Under section 28(3) of the Act, you have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.

Ngā mihi,

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris McCashin <[FOI #20271 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, 29 March 2023 6:56 pm
To: Enquiries <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Official Information request - Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather

Dear Enquiries,

As per previous correspondence we have established there is still a researcher who was involved in this work currently at NIWA. Given that NIWA have no information about this can you please provide from 2008 until todays date any and all emails / including attachments the researcher has with the following terms

Solar Radiation Management, using
Stratospheric sulfate aerosols to create a dimming effect and impact climate STRATOSPHERIC SULFATE AEROSOLS GEO-ENGINEERING (SAG-SRM) Modifying the climate using reflective nano-materials to reflect sunlight via dispersal from jet aircraft that expand into reflective artificial clouds Cloud seeding and floods

At the very least there will be all his correspondence, emails, notes around the time he participated in the workshop but interestingly enough none of this has made it to NIWAs files.

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCashin

-----Original Message-----

Kia ora Chris,

Thank you for your request. Please see below our responses.

- “8 March 2011 - Please provide a list of all of the people that attended this workshop - if you don't have the list available please consult Royal Society of New Zealand who hosted and NIWA works closely with Dates Geoengineering Program(s) started in NZ.”

NIWA does not hold this information.

- “Dates Geoengineering Program(s) started in NZ Agency(s) Responsible”

NIWA has not been involved in any geoengineering programmes and we are not aware of any organisations in New Zealand involved in such programmes.

- “So please provide any and all information NIWA have on HAARP, 5G and other DEWS and any documentation that NIWA have on this technology being deployed for weather events / natural disasters.”

NIWA does not hold any such information and is not conducting any research in this field.

Please note, under section 28(3) of the Act, you have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.

Ngâ mihi,

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #20271 email]

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.


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National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA)
New Zealand
Connect with NIWA:<> Facebook<> LinkedIn<> Twitter<> Instagram<>
To ensure compliance with legal requirements and to maintain cyber security standards, NIWA's IT systems are subject to ongoing monitoring, activity logging and auditing. This monitoring and auditing service may be provided by third parties. Such third parties can access information transmitted to, processed by and stored on NIWA's IT systems

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Susan left an annotation ()

"To ensure compliance with legal requirements and to maintain cyber security standards, NIWA's IT systems are subject to ongoing monitoring, activity logging and auditing. This monitoring and auditing service may be provided by third parties. Such third parties can access information transmitted to, processed by and stored on NIWA's IT systems "???

This astonishing statement means that NIWA could EASILY comply with Chris's OIA request for emails about geoengineering. Yet they (NIWA) say they have so many such emails that it would be terribly difficult to comply. In light of their own statement above, this is an outright lie. It would obviously not be at all difficult. Yet they're making half-hearted excuses and now DEMANDING MONEY to comply with the law .... Who do these people think they are??

I reckon it's time to involve the Ombudsman immediately, Chris.

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From: Chris McCashin

Dear Enquiries,

Please provide all information I requested

I have made a complaint to the Ombudsman

Unfortunately reasonable compensation cannot be paid given you have lied and tried to hide this information

Please provide the information in full within the 20 day time period

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCashin

Link to this

From: Enquiries
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited

Kia ora Chris,

Your request as currently framed is very broad and will be difficult to meet without substantial collation or research.

Unless your request is amended, we may have to refuse it under section 18(f) of the OIA. Please let us know whether you are prepared to amend or clarify your request and, if so, how.

Ngā mihi,

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris McCashin <[FOI #20271 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, 3 May 2023 11:42 am
To: Enquiries <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Official Information request - Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather

Dear Enquiries,

Please provide all information I requested

I have made a complaint to the Ombudsman

Unfortunately reasonable compensation cannot be paid given you have lied and tried to hide this information

Please provide the information in full within the 20 day time period

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCashin

-----Original Message-----

Kia ora Chris,

Thank you for your request.

Geoengineering is a very broad term, and we are often asked to comment on aspects of it, particularly by international scientists. As such, geoengineering frequently appears in emails, and provision of these documents would, as a consequence, require substantial collation.

As we have previously stated, NIWA is not actively involved in geoengineering in the manner you outline. We have no funding to carry out such research, and are, therefore, not involved in any research on the issue. We are not aware of any such geoengineering being conducted in New Zealand.

We do not believe the contents of these emails will enlighten you. However, if you wish to pursue this, we would require reasonable compensation before any information is made available because of the substantial collation required to meet your request as currently framed.

Please note, we are extending the timeframe to make a decision on your request to 8 May. Under section 28(3) of the Act, you have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.

Ngā mihi,

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #20271 email]

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.


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National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA)
New Zealand
Connect with NIWA:<> Facebook<> LinkedIn<> Twitter<> Instagram<>
To ensure compliance with legal requirements and to maintain cyber security standards, NIWA's IT systems are subject to ongoing monitoring, activity logging and auditing. This monitoring and auditing service may be provided by third parties. Such third parties can access information transmitted to, processed by and stored on NIWA's IT systems

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Ant i cloudseeding left an annotation ()

Research program:
Earth System Modelling & Prediction
Laura Revell
University of Canterbury
Olaf Morgenstern
View the full team
July 2015 – June 2024

The introduction of a new functionality into the Global Coupled 5 (GC5) configuration of the Unified Model (the physical base model of NZESM and UKESM) to make dust particles freezing nuclei, meaning they can initiate the freezing of cloud droplets. This improvement has significantly improved the realism of the model simulations and will impact future climate models that are based on the Unified Model.
We have worked with the Deep South observations team to improve marine aerosol fluxes, developed new aerosol chemistry schemes, and enhanced the ability of aerosols to interact with clouds, thus improving performance of the New Zealand Earth System Model in the Southern Ocean region.
Updates to heterogeneous chemistry and inclusion of solar variability as a climate forcer resulted in more realistic simulations of the Antarctic ozone hole.

"Clouds and aerosols are a leading source of errors in climate models, particularly over the Southern Ocean which plays a key role in determining New Zealand’s weather and climate. Throughout the Deep South National Science Challenge we have developed capacity in Earth System modelling, with considerable expertise in modelling clouds and aerosols."

Could you please explain in detail how these "climate models" that you ( NIWA ) have conducted a simulation of new zealands weather and climate over the southern ocean , also explain how this experise in modelling clouds and aerosols was gained ?
Could you please explain in detail how you (NIWA) improved marine aerosol fluxes, developed new aerosol chemistry schemes, and enhanced the ability of aerosols to interact with clouds,
Could you please explain in detail how these Updates to heterogeneous chemistry and inclusion of solar variability as a climate forcer resulted in more realistic simulations of the Antarctic ozone hole.
Finally correct me if im wrong im no "scientist" but introducing aerosols or particles into the atmosphere, is that not "heterogeneous nucleation " aka (cloud seeding) aka (weather modification) ?
You state on your (NIWA) website that (cloud seeding) is not conducted in new zealand ,yet you state as copied above in different context that is ?

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Ant i cloudseeding left an annotation ()


"As we have previously stated, NIWA is not actively involved in geoengineering in the manner you outline. We have no funding to carry out such research, and are, therefore, not involved in any research on the issue. We are not aware of any such geoengineering being conducted in New Zealand."

Are you (NIWA) currently involved or have been involved in creating simulations (in reality) climate chamge and thus change of weather events and cloud structure in the southern ocean via the introduction of foreign heavy metal ion particles (nuclei) via a contracted aircraft into the atmosphere to create heterogeneous nucleation forming a crystal for water vapor to condense on therefore creating and modifying clouds as part of your New Zealand Earth System Model research.
If this is not the case could you please explain in detail how you simulate changes in climate and weather

From NIWA website

Simulating clouds and aerosols in the NZESM (2019-22)
Budget: $1,000,000

Using observations from the Processes and Observations programme, we addressed aerosol activation to cloud droplets, cloud droplet freezing, and the interactions between clouds and aerosols over the Southern Ocean in the NZESM. We undertook three work streams:

Based on the research in the Clouds and Aerosols Observations project, we implemented and tested new model code to simulate ice-nucleating particles (predominantly dust) in the NZESM, which are important precursors to cloud development and rainfall.
In the NZESM, sea salt aerosol fluxes are highly dependent on wind speed. Previous research developed two new parameterisations of sea salt aerosol flux based on observations made as part of the Clouds and Aerosols Observation project. We tested these parameterisations in the NZESM and found an improvement in the bias in wintertime aerosol optical depth (Revell et al. 2019, 2021).
Finally, we undertook a sensitivity analysis to explore interacting uncertainties on key processes and parameterisations controlling simulated aerosol-cloud interactions over the Southern Ocean in the NZESM.

Could you please explain in detail how you implemented and tested new model code to simulate ice-nucleating particles (predominantly dust) in the NZESM, which are important precursors to cloud development and rainfall.
Could you please explain in detail how you undertook a sensitivity analysis to explore interacting uncertainties on key processes and parameterisations controlling simulated aerosol-cloud interactions over the Southern Ocean in the NZESM.

How are any of these simulations being carried out with out the use of either STATIC - DYNAMIC or HYDROSCOPIC cloud seeding .

Time to stop lying you NIWA has and gets multi million dollar funding for the projects .
Are you involved in any of the aspects i have brought to attention

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From: Chris McCashin

Dear Enquiries,

As per previously stated. I stand by my original request and I have made a complaint to Ombudsman accordingly. Notwithstanding that, and in the interest of getting some information I initially require information on the active projects. See request below. This is also to include money in & money out for the two projects with names off any additional funding, suppliers and contractors and amounts. Can you also provide the Legal processes that are undertaken to do this work.

NIWA Project
Research program:
Earth System Modelling & Prediction

Please provide any and all information associated with this project, memos, formal and informal, reports, email correspondence, slide shows attachments to emails - all the work done to date with the payments in excel format I requested.

Simulating clouds and aerosols in the NZESM (2019-22)
Budget: $1,000,000

And all the same information for this project. Appears to be the same researcher so shouldn’t be an issue. Including payments and legal processes.

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCashin

Link to this

From: Enquiries
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited

Kia ora Chris,

I refer to your official information request dated 29 March.

Due to the substantial amount of work that would be required to research and collate the information you have requested, we are refusing your request under section 18(f) of the OIA.

We have consulted with you and advised that your request as currently framed is difficult to meet without substantial collation and research, however, you advised that you preferred not to narrow the scope of your request.

Please note, under section 28(3) of the Act, you have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.

Ngâ mihi,

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris McCashin <[FOI #20271 email]>
Sent: Saturday, 6 May 2023 9:14 am
To: Enquiries <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Official Information request - Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather

Dear Enquiries,

As per previously stated. I stand by my original request and I have made a complaint to Ombudsman accordingly. Notwithstanding that, and in the interest of getting some information I initially require information on the active projects. See request below. This is also to include money in & money out for the two projects with names off any additional funding, suppliers and contractors and amounts. Can you also provide the Legal processes that are undertaken to do this work.

NIWA Project
Research program:
Earth System Modelling & Prediction

Please provide any and all information associated with this project, memos, formal and informal, reports, email correspondence, slide shows attachments to emails - all the work done to date with the payments in excel format I requested.

Simulating clouds and aerosols in the NZESM (2019-22)
Budget: $1,000,000

And all the same information for this project. Appears to be the same researcher so shouldn’t be an issue. Including payments and legal processes.

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCashin

-----Original Message-----

Kia ora Chris,

Your request as currently framed is very broad and will be difficult to meet without substantial collation or research.

Unless your request is amended, we may have to refuse it under section 18(f) of the OIA. Please let us know whether you are prepared to amend or clarify your request and, if so, how.

Ngâ mihi,

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #20271 email]

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.


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National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA)
New Zealand
Connect with NIWA:<> Facebook<> LinkedIn<> Twitter<> Instagram<>
To ensure compliance with legal requirements and to maintain cyber security standards, NIWA's IT systems are subject to ongoing monitoring, activity logging and auditing. This monitoring and auditing service may be provided by third parties. Such third parties can access information transmitted to, processed by and stored on NIWA's IT systems

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From: Enquiries
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited

Kia ora Chris,

I refer to your official information request dated 6 May:

This is also to include money in & money out for the two projects with names off any additional funding, suppliers and contractors and amounts. Can you also provide the Legal processes that are undertaken to do this work.

NIWA Project
Research program:
Earth System Modelling & Prediction

Please provide any and all information associated with this project, memos, formal and informal, reports, email correspondence, slide shows attachments to emails - all the work done to date with the payments in excel format I requested.

Simulating clouds and aerosols in the NZESM (2019-22)
Budget: $1,000,000

And all the same information for this project. Appears to be the same researcher so shouldn’t be an issue. Including payments and legal processes.

We acknowledge receipt of your request and will respond as soon as possible and no later than 2 June, being 20 working days after the day your request was received.

Ngâ mihi,

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris McCashin <[FYI request #20271 email]>
Sent: Saturday, 6 May 2023 9:14 am
To: Enquiries <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Official Information request - Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather

Dear Enquiries,

As per previously stated. I stand by my original request and I have made a complaint to Ombudsman accordingly. Notwithstanding that, and in the interest of getting some information I initially require information on the active projects. See request below. This is also to include money in & money out for the two projects with names off any additional funding, suppliers and contractors and amounts. Can you also provide the Legal processes that are undertaken to do this work.

NIWA Project
Research program:
Earth System Modelling & Prediction

Please provide any and all information associated with this project, memos, formal and informal, reports, email correspondence, slide shows attachments to emails - all the work done to date with the payments in excel format I requested.

Simulating clouds and aerosols in the NZESM (2019-22)
Budget: $1,000,000

And all the same information for this project. Appears to be the same researcher so shouldn’t be an issue. Including payments and legal processes.

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCashin

-----Original Message-----

Kia ora Chris,

Your request as currently framed is very broad and will be difficult to meet without substantial collation or research.

Unless your request is amended, we may have to refuse it under section 18(f) of the OIA. Please let us know whether you are prepared to amend or clarify your request and, if so, how.

Ngâ mihi,

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FYI request #20271 email]

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.


[ <>

National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA)
New Zealand
Connect with NIWA:<> Facebook<> LinkedIn<> Twitter<> Instagram<>
To ensure compliance with legal requirements and to maintain cyber security standards, NIWA's IT systems are subject to ongoing monitoring, activity logging and auditing. This monitoring and auditing service may be provided by third parties. Such third parties can access information transmitted to, processed by and stored on NIWA's IT systems

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Susan left an annotation ()

This annotation is posted to help the Ombudsman deal with Chris McCashin's complaint about NIWA's refusal to tell us anything about their involvement in weather modification.

Despite the fact that assorted "fact checkers" regularly pop up at the top of Google searches with paid denials that any such program exists, the following now-very-old video documents the fact that weather modification has long been a reality

There are now HAARP installations all over the world. If you care to look at satellite pics of the locations cited in the above you will actually see these installations -- they're very distinctive. Further intel and links to MSM videos can be found here

It is impossible to believe that NIWA doesn't KNOW about this stuff. They are not incompetent. Yet they continue to maintain that it's nothing to do with them, and to block or even lie in response to requests for information about their involvement. Especially in light of recent weather events, I suggest that it is very much in the public interest to know exactly HOW NIWA are involved in weather modification (as they clearly are). Therefore I would be most grateful if the office of the Ombudsman could suggest to NIWA that they reconsider their position in this matter.

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Chad Marshal left an annotation ()

NIWA Group consists of:
• National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd
• NIWA Vessel Management Ltd
• NIWA Environmental Research Institute
• NIWA Natural Solutions Ltd
• NIWA Australia Pty Ltd
• EcoConnect Ltd
• Unidata Pty Ltd
All companies have 100% ownership and voting interests, except Unidata Pty Ltd which has 80% ownership and
voting interest. NIWA Group will adhere to the following procedures, as required to be discussed under section
16 of the Crown Research Institutes Act.

Chris perhaps you could re-word your inquiry towards on of these proprietary companies instead and with some specification maybe get around that collation surcharge demanded for a response. Either try that OR "NIWA Group" - OTG

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From: Enquiries
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited

Kia ora Chris

The research you refer to sits within The Deep South National Science Challenge (NSC) which was established in 2014 as one of 11 NSCs which aim to tackle the biggest science-based issues and opportunities facing New Zealand. The Deep South Challenge (DSC) in particular is looking at understanding climate change and its impact on New Zealand.

The Earth System Modelling and Prediction (ESMP) research programme sits within the DSC and is not a single research project. There are several projects that sit within this programme. It established and continues to develop the first New Zealand Earth Systems Model (NZ ESM). The NZ ESM simulates the physical processes of atmospheric and oceanic circulation alongside the chemical and biological processes that impact the earth system.

The ‘Simulating clouds and aerosols in the NZESM’ project is part of the effort to understand how clouds form over the Southern Ocean, and how this affects climate - particularly around New Zealand. There is more about this on our website: This research programme aims to understand how clouds form via natural processes. It does not artificially create clouds.

The page also provides:
• links to news articles.
• a breakdown of the funding that has been invested in research on different parts of this system, including the time period.
• academic reports and papers that have come out of these projects.

As such, your request as currently framed is very broad and would require substantial collation and research. To help us respond, please consider refining your request, for example by letting us know if there is a specific aspect you are interested in, e.g. final reports.

Ngâ mihi

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris McCashin <[FOI #20271 email]>
Sent: Saturday, May 6, 2023 9:14 AM
To: Enquiries <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Official Information request - Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather

Dear Enquiries,

As per previously stated. I stand by my original request and I have made a complaint to Ombudsman accordingly. Notwithstanding that, and in the interest of getting some information I initially require information on the active projects. See request below. This is also to include money in & money out for the two projects with names off any additional funding, suppliers and contractors and amounts. Can you also provide the Legal processes that are undertaken to do this work.

NIWA Project
Research program:
Earth System Modelling & Prediction

Please provide any and all information associated with this project, memos, formal and informal, reports, email correspondence, slide shows attachments to emails - all the work done to date with the payments in excel format I requested.

Simulating clouds and aerosols in the NZESM (2019-22)
Budget: $1,000,000

And all the same information for this project. Appears to be the same researcher so shouldn’t be an issue. Including payments and legal processes.

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCashin

-----Original Message-----

Kia ora Chris,

Your request as currently framed is very broad and will be difficult to meet without substantial collation or research.

Unless your request is amended, we may have to refuse it under section 18(f) of the OIA. Please let us know whether you are prepared to amend or clarify your request and, if so, how.

Ngâ mihi,

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #20271 email]

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.


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National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA)
New Zealand
Connect with NIWA:<> Facebook<> LinkedIn<> Twitter<> Instagram<>
To ensure compliance with legal requirements and to maintain cyber security standards, NIWA's IT systems are subject to ongoing monitoring, activity logging and auditing. This monitoring and auditing service may be provided by third parties. Such third parties can access information transmitted to, processed by and stored on NIWA's IT systems

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From: Melissa Bray
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited

Kia ora Chris

Thank you for your OIA request. We have had no further clarification, so we are refusing the request under s18(f) of the Act because the information cannot be made available without substantial collation and research.

Please note, under section 28(3) of the Act, you have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.

Kind regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Enquiries <[email address]>
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2023 3:35 PM
To: Chris McCashin <[FOI #20271 email]>
Subject: RE: Official Information request - Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather

Kia ora Chris

The research you refer to sits within The Deep South National Science Challenge (NSC) which was established in 2014 as one of 11 NSCs which aim to tackle the biggest science-based issues and opportunities facing New Zealand. The Deep South Challenge (DSC) in particular is looking at understanding climate change and its impact on New Zealand.

The Earth System Modelling and Prediction (ESMP) research programme sits within the DSC and is not a single research project. There are several projects that sit within this programme. It established and continues to develop the first New Zealand Earth Systems Model (NZ ESM). The NZ ESM simulates the physical processes of atmospheric and oceanic circulation alongside the chemical and biological processes that impact the earth system.

The ‘Simulating clouds and aerosols in the NZESM’ project is part of the effort to understand how clouds form over the Southern Ocean, and how this affects climate - particularly around New Zealand. There is more about this on our website: This research programme aims to understand how clouds form via natural processes. It does not artificially create clouds.

The page also provides:
• links to news articles.
• a breakdown of the funding that has been invested in research on different parts of this system, including the time period.
• academic reports and papers that have come out of these projects.

As such, your request as currently framed is very broad and would require substantial collation and research. To help us respond, please consider refining your request, for example by letting us know if there is a specific aspect you are interested in, e.g. final reports.

Ngâ mihi

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris McCashin <[FOI #20271 email]>
Sent: Saturday, May 6, 2023 9:14 AM
To: Enquiries <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Official Information request - Geoengineering and Impacts on NZ Weather

Dear Enquiries,

As per previously stated. I stand by my original request and I have made a complaint to Ombudsman accordingly. Notwithstanding that, and in the interest of getting some information I initially require information on the active projects. See request below. This is also to include money in & money out for the two projects with names off any additional funding, suppliers and contractors and amounts. Can you also provide the Legal processes that are undertaken to do this work.

NIWA Project
Research program:
Earth System Modelling & Prediction

Please provide any and all information associated with this project, memos, formal and informal, reports, email correspondence, slide shows attachments to emails - all the work done to date with the payments in excel format I requested.

Simulating clouds and aerosols in the NZESM (2019-22)
Budget: $1,000,000

And all the same information for this project. Appears to be the same researcher so shouldn’t be an issue. Including payments and legal processes.

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCashin

-----Original Message-----

Kia ora Chris,

Your request as currently framed is very broad and will be difficult to meet without substantial collation or research.

Unless your request is amended, we may have to refuse it under section 18(f) of the OIA. Please let us know whether you are prepared to amend or clarify your request and, if so, how.

Ngâ mihi,

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #20271 email]

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.


[ <>
Melissa Bray
Communications Lead - Technology & Innovation and Internal Comms


National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA)
41 Market Place, Viaduct Harbour Auckland New Zealand
Connect with NIWA:<> Facebook<> LinkedIn<> Twitter<> Instagram<>
To ensure compliance with legal requirements and to maintain cyber security standards, NIWA's IT systems are subject to ongoing monitoring, activity logging and auditing. This monitoring and auditing service may be provided by third parties. Such third parties can access information transmitted to, processed by and stored on NIWA's IT systems

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Barbara left an annotation ()

Perhaps try asking NIWA if yhey have anything to do with or have any knowledge of:
NZ Biochar Research Center (NZBRC)
Biochar Network NZ (BNNZ)
Kelp Blue NZ

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Chris McCashin left an annotation ()

Just an update on this - a complaint was lodged with Ombudsman. Turns out they are probably an agency that should be disestablished given how long this complaint has been with them. In the interim I have managed to get the name of a company that has been completing “geoengineering for years in New Zealand”. So it’s definitely happening - likely funded / outsourced by government which is why they fob this off. And as far as I can tell no agency is able to tell me what permits etc are required so any and all airline / operator can just say the spraying is jet trails and nobody cares.

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Susan left an annotation ()

Thanks Barbara. Given the lack of any clear description of what actually IS being investigated by the project described here -- and the fact that the long lists of "Limitations" of the techniques being used ckearly outweigh their supposed "Benefits", it is arguable that NIWA itself should be disestablished. Why are taxpayers being charged megabucks to support a governmental organization that is behaving like this?

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Barbara left an annotation ()

Its the Paris Climate Accord (PCA) that dictates the weather requirements of every country who signed it without the peoples permission.
Each country must keep their nefarious PCA activities secret - they think we dont know about it - but we do.
I hope every pilot and govt entity and person who partakes in this activity drops dead suddenly - they deserve nothing less. And then when theyve all dropped dead we can have our natural weather back.
In the Nelson Tasman zone i believe its the Nelson Flight Training School who mostly send their planes out to lace our skies with poison according to FlightRadar.

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Cher Ryker left an annotation ()

I have seen for my own eyes and have plenty of footage ,there is one located near the auckland air port ,near rocket labs old launch pad if you look on NZ topo satellite maps ,that's how I was to learnt about this, I witnessed it first and my illness mimicked what I experienced from the spraying of Foray 48b, I have been ignored by the health system and all govt agencies since I was 12years old ,I've been trying to be heard for so long now and have about 30+ people who lived on my street who would love to have some medical research done on us before we die I'm only 34 ,my dad passed away 8 days after they sprayed 38,000ltr over out house in West Auckland if I even mention it to any GP i get laughed at ,new study's say adverse reaction to the BTK if your on anti ulcer tablets is fatal death !!

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Cher Ryker left an annotation ()

In 2003 I lost my father he was 58,cause of death upper respiratory infection left vascular failure and brocuphoania of 8days ,8 days prior they sprayed Foray 48b over our house we were in the hot zone ,my mum got thyroid cancer and had that removed nd I got selective IgA disorder nd had my gallbladder removed on-top constant diarrhoea and my sister lived on my road and my best friend and her 9 brother and sister there second youngest was born that year and had a tumor, then there father died of lung cancer aged 49 or 50 and died mother of liver cancer she also in her 50s, my sister also lived down the Rd the opposite way with he bf & baby, she lost twins at 9month ,my bf lost her baby at 9month just before Christmas last year ,6+ of us that have had our Gallbladders out and that's not counting there cuzys and our friends we went to school with and Grant philpott who worked at local high school and his case and list can go on and on and on and on but I can't even get a GP to see me mention it they laugh and ignore me and everyone around me and also having asperger and only just being diagnosed but they dnt have the clinical documents so gota do that all over again releasing I was NON VERBAL anyone wanting to contact me my email is

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Susan left an annotation ()

Re Paris Climate Accord and weather modification, see the "Climate Engineering under the Paris Agreement: A Legal and Policy Primer" here
This report (wrongly in my view) assumes the truth of both the necessity and the possibility of intervening in the natural cycle of climate change and discusses two ways of doing so -- CDR (Carbon Dioxide Reduction) and SRM (Solar Radiation Management). Ways of increasing cloud cover to reflect sunlight, which is what we're talking about here, would fall under SRM. It is therefore interesting that this report says "SRM technologies would appear to have little entry room within the Paris Agreement, but the process mechanism of the agreement provides opportunities to satisfy SRM research governance demands for transparency and public deliberation."

So let's abide by the Paris Agreement (which NZ has apparently signed without any public consultation) and actually HAVE a bit of transparency and public deliberation, shall we? You can't have it both ways. EIther this whole weather modification thing is primarily about "defense" (in which case any paranoid nutters in the SIS and DoD can arguably claim the right to do anything they like without telling us, because otherwise we might be INVADED, or bombed or something) -- or it's about climate change, in which case we MUST be allowed to know what's happening and have a rational discussion about it.

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SPENCER JONES left an annotation ()

HAARP, Weather Modification and Geoengineering all go hand-in-hand. They are all interwoven with one another, and the following reports, books, Projects, Programs and Operations can confirm weather modification as a potential weapon.

For sources on the history of weather modification, see.

1948 Project Cirrus – Contract No~ W-36-039-SC-32421 General Electric Meteorological Research. Project 'Cirrus', Hurricane Modification.
1948 Fortune Magazine, February 1948, p. 109, quoted in Lowell Ponte, The Cooling, op.cit. US Congress, Senate, Committee on Inter-State and Foreign Commerce, Weather Modification Research, Hearing, Washington D.C. US Govt. Printing Office, March 18-19, 1958; Lowell Ponte quotes Capt. Orville as reporting "that the Dept. of Defense was studying Ways to manipulate the charges of earth and sky and so affect the weather by means of an electronic beam to ionize or de-ionize the atmosphere over a given area .... Capt. Orville also discussed ongoing US Air Force experiments with 'sodium vapor, ejected from jet planes to intercept solar radiation ' over enemy countries and rain their weather. (The Cooling, op. cit. pp. 168-169.)
1950 Operation Sea-Spray.
1957 Project Skyfire - Cloud-Seeding Generator.
1958 Operation 'Argus' High-Altitude Nuclear Detonations.
1962 Operation Dominic. 31 nuclear test explosions.
1962 Operation Fishbowl. High Altitude Nuclear Weapons Effects Defense Atomic Support Agency (DASA).
1963 R.E. Huschke, "A Brief· History of Weather Modification Since 1946", Bulletin American Meteorological Society, 44:7 (July 1963) 425-429.
1965 Vietnamese Studies, No.3, Contributions to the History of Dien Bien Ph~. Hanoi Xunhasaba, March 1965, p. 201.
1966 Report - A Recommended National Program in Weather Modification Nov.1966.1966 L.M. Hartman, "History of Weather Modification", in US Congress, Senate, Committee on Commerce, Weather Modification and Climate Control, Washington, D.C US. Govt. Printing Office, 1966, 89th Congress, 2nd Sess. Senate Report 1139.
1967 Report - Summary of the U.S. Navy Program & FY 1967 Progress in Weather Modification & Control.
1967-1972 Operation Popeye (Project Controlled Weather Popeye / Motorpool / Intermediary-Compatriot) was a military cloud-seeding carried out by the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam War.
1968 O.S. Halacy Jr., The Weather Changers, New York, Harpar & Row, 1968
1968 G.J.F. MacDonald, "Geophysica1 Warfare, How to Wreck the Environment," (in) Unless Peace Comes; A Scientific Forecast pf New Weapons, Nigel Calder (Editor), London, The Penguin Press, 1968, pages 165 to 183.
1969 Project Stormfury – Operation Plan No 1-69 conduct experimental seeding of hurricane eyewalls.
1969 R.F. Taubenfeld, and H.J. Taubenfeld, The International Implications of Weather Modification," The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 25 (1), January 1969, pp. 43-46.
1970 Project Foggy Cloud - was a series of experiments in observation, modification, and treatment of fog and stratus clouds.
1970 Project Gulf Q - a Study of Maritime Cumulus Modification.
1970 Project Stormfury – Operation Plan No 1-70 Situation. An- interdepartmental agreement, executed in 1962, between the Department of Commerce (ESSA) and the -Defense Department (U. S. Navy) provided for joint sponsorship of an experimental program of weather modification in hurricanes.
1971 Julian P. Robinson, The Problem of Chemical and Biological Warfare. Vol. I: The Rise of CB Weapons, SIPRI, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Stockholm: Almqvist & ~iksell, 1971, p. 129.
Report 1971 Large Scale Effects of Cloud Seeding. 1970-71 Season & Four-Year Summary, October.1971.
1972 D. Shape 1y, II Ra i nmak i ng: Rumored Use Over Laos Alarm Arms Experts, Sci enti sts II s Science, 176 (4040), June 16, 1972, pp. 1216-1220; D. Greenberg, "Vietnam Rainmaking: A Chronicle of DOD's Snow Job." Science and Government Report, June 16, 1972 S. Rersh, "Rainmaking Is Used as Weapon by U.S.," New York Times, July 3,1972. See also the U.S. Senate Hearings in reference (4) below, particularly Weather Modification, 1974, pp. 87-123.
Earlier, in 1963, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency had apparently attempted to artificially produce rain over Saigon to control Buddhist Street demonstrations (see reference 17). It is difficult to know how to categorize this event--even in a theater of war. If it had occurred without any subsequent full scale weather modification operations, it could again perhaps best be considered as an excellent example of a trivial covert operation that could serve to pry open an entire new area of warfare if the two sides at war were even approximately evenly matched in capability, exactly in the way that chemical warfare operations began in WW I and quickly escalated.
1972 US Congress, Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations, Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment, Hearing: Prohibiting Military Weather Modification, Washington, DC: US Govt. Printing Office, 26-27 July 1972, 162 pages.
1972 LB. Weiss, "The International Legal and Political Implications of Weather Modification," Third Conference on Weather Modification, American Meteorological Society, Boston, 1972, pp. 232-236.
1973 Weather and Climate Modification, Problems and Progress: National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., 1973; see pages 16-17, 23-4.
1973 US Congress, Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations, Report: Prohibiting Environmental Modification as a Weapon of War, Report no. 93-270. Washington, DC: OS Govt. Printing Office, 27 June 1973, 7 pages.
1974 US Congress, Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations, Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment, Hearing: Weather Modification, Washington, DC: US Govt Printing Office, 1974, 123 pages.
1974 US Congress, House, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Hearing: Weather Modification as a Weapon of War, Washington, DC: US Govt. Printing Office, 24 September 1974, 39 pages.
1974 E.B. Weiss, "Weather as a Weapon," (in) Air, Water, Earth, Fire: The Impact of the Military on World Environmental Order, A Sierra club Special Publication, International Serles, No.2, May 1974, pp. 51-62.
1974 H.R.Byers, "History of ~Weather Modification", in W.N.Hess (Ed.) Weather and Climate Modification. New York: Wiley 1974, Chapt. 1.
1975 E.B. Weiss, "Weather Control: An Instrument for Wad.: Survival, 17 (2), March-April 1975, pp 64-68.
1975 E.B. Weiss, “International Responses to Weather Modification," International Organization, 29 (3), Summer 1975, pp. 805-836.
1975 US Congress, House, Committee on International Relations, Subcommittee on International Organization, Hearing: Prohibition of Weather Modification as a Weapon of War, Washington, DC: OS Govt. Printing Office, 29 July 1975, 51 pages.
1975 "Canada; A Suggested Preliminary Approach to Considering the Possibility of Concluding a Convention on The Prohibition of Environmental Modification for Military or Other Hostile Purposes", CCD/463, Aug. 5, 1975. The list was also reprinted in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 32(5), May 1976, pp. and in Seshagiri, The Weather Weapon, op. cit. pp 37-40
1976 Lowell Ponte, The Cooling, Englewood Cliffs New Jersey: Prentice Hall lac 1976.
1977 R biological-effects-of-millimeter-wavelengths. - declassif-by-cia-1977.
1977 N. Seshagiri, The Weather Weapon, New Delhi, National Book Trust, 1977.
1978 R.E. Morrison, "History of Weather Modification", in US Congress, Senate, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, Weather Modification: Programs, Problems, Policy and Potential, Washington D.C. US Govt. Printing Office, 95th.Cong. 2nd. Session, May 1978, pp. 25-55.
1982 Proceedings of International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures (1st) held at Hanover, New Hampshire on 1-3 June 1982.
1985 US Congress, House, Committee on Government Operations, Government Weather Programs (Military and Civilian Operations and Research) First Report, March 17, 1985, pp. 83-85: 143 89th Congress, First Session, House Report 177. In establishing the NSF Commission and NAS Panel on Weather and Climate Modification in 1964, Leland Haworth, then Director of NSF, wrote that "Together with the growing realization of the limitations of cloud seeding have come advances both in the technology of measurement and computer capability and in the understanding of the basic processes of the atmosphere. These advances have opened up other weather modification possibilities, some of which may cause subtle long-range climatic changes that would have widespread social and economic effects."
1988 The Artificial Clouds in the Earth’s Atmosphere, 5. February.1988.
1989 US Army Weather Operations.
1993 Environmental Impact Statement. Volume 1. Proposed High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, July.1993.
1993 Assessment of the Possible Health Effects of Ground Wave Emergency Network (Project GWEN) (1993).
1993 Air Force Material Command, USAF. Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) Final Operational Capability 1993.
1993 Weather Modification the Ultimate Weapon April 1993
1994 SPACECAST 2020. Volume II, June.1994.
1996 Rain Generating & Hail Preventing Rockets, 1996.
1997 School of Advanced Airpower Studies. Benign Weather Modification (Mar.1997)
1999 US Army Weather Support to Tactical Operations, Sub course Number IT0426.
2007 The Wilson Quarterly – Climate Engineers Playing God to Save the Planet.
2009 Operational Defenses through Weather Control in 2030, April.2009.
2014 Weather Modification As a Weapon of War Thesis Operation-Popeye (Jan.2014).
2016 Let it rain. Weather modification in Europe, USA & with a special focus on China (Mar.2016)
2016 The VMFA-115 Rainmakers of SEA. Project Popeye (2016)
Project 'GWEN', Ground Wave Emergency Network. National Academy of Sciences. Assessment of the Possible Health Effects of Ground Wave Emergency Network. Committee on Assessment of the Possible Health Effects of Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN), Board on Radiation Effects Research, National Research Council.

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Tim Wind left an annotation ()

I’ve been wondering about weather modification I stayed glued to this thread last year after the floods.. the weather changes seem suspicious to me now, and with everything stated on this thread. It’s highly possible

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Chris McCashin left an annotation ()

Just an update on this following six months plus with the Ombudsman NIWA are not “aware of any geoengineering” projects that are being undertaken in New Zealand

Despite there being ample evidence this practice is and has been going on for years unfortunately “NIWA - National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research” cannot investigate to see if any activities are going on in the “atmosphere” unless they get more money to investigate. So the “business as usual” budget does not actually cover the atmosphere that they are responsible for. You actually can’t make this up.

I will caveat this to say they never actually say it isn’t going on. It is just they aren’t aware of it and have no inclination to find out.

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SPENCER JONES left an annotation ()

Has NIWA Misled Parliament?: Climate agency feels the heat after OIA dump

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