Browse and search requests (page 11)


373 Official Information requests found

Copy of Rail Contract 2014-2017
Response by Auckland Transport to Hemant on .
Dear Hemant   We refer to you request for information dated 10 July 2018 and our subsequent response on 22 August 2018.   We had anticipated a...
Dc's with either unofficial or given a name?
Follow up sent to KiwiRail by Colby James on .
Partially successful.
Thanks and also I understand directly it's becasue mainly I was confused because ever since I was reading the wikipedia article on Dc class I hav...
Dear Tony,   Please find attached the response to your request of 29 March 2018 for information under the Official Information Act 1982. Due to...
Wiri to Quay Park - aka The Third Main Schedule of Works
Response by KiwiRail to Ben Ross on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Ross   Please find attached a response for information requested under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987....
Dear Mr Crawford Attached is our response to your recent OIA 2018-113 plus two attachments.   Yours sincerely Helen Plant   Helen Plant | E...
Details of the EWL redesign
Response by Ministry of Transport to Nicholas Lee on .
Partially successful.
Good Afternoon   Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your request for information relating to the East West Link.   I attempted to...
Dear Mr Randle Attached is our response to your recent OIA 2018-100 plus two attachments.   Yours sincerely Helen Plant   Helen Plant | Exe...
Request of Locomotive Statuses
Response by KiwiRail to Steven on .
Partially successful.
Good morning Stephen, please find attached our response to your OIA request in regard to KiwiRail locomotive statuses.   Kind regards   Helen...
2 Plus 1 Road Layout Assessment
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Andrew Riddell on .
Dear Andrew Thank you for letting us know about the missing appendices. Please find attached the updated Business Case as requested. We will also up...
Good Morning Concerned Ratepayer   Attached is a copy of the Mayor’s diary for the period 5 December 2016 until 3 June 2018.   Names of member...
Dear Tony   Please find attached the response to your request of 23 March 2018 for information under the Official Information Act 1982.   Rega...
Kiwi Rail Public Line
Response by Ministry of Transport to AshC on .
Dear AshleyC,   Please find attached our response to your OIA request, OIA2018.08 in regard to the Southerner service.   Regards   Helen...
Cause of signaling fault for trains.
Response by Wellington Regional Council to Andrew Crow on .
Dear Andrew Crow, please find attached our response to your OIA request, OIA2018.07, seeking information on a signals fault on the Hutt Line in Febru...
Dear Mr Butler, please find below the response to your OIA2017.069 request on Drury West Rail with supporting documents attached.     We refer t...
Industrial action 8th December 2017
Response by Auckland Transport to David Brotherhood on .
Dear Mr Brotherhood   Thank you for your email.      At the outset, I  sincerely apologise for the administrative oversight.  I had assumed th...
Dear Mr Randle,   We refer to your request for information which was transferred to KiwiRail on 5 December 2017 in which you have requested the fo...
Written off/retired locos
Response by KiwiRail to trainlover67 on .
Good afternoon Trainlover67   Thank you for your email dated 15 October 2017, received by KiwiRail on 16 October 2017, in which you requested the...
Stratford–Okahukura Line, IwiRail and other Proposed Lines
Request to KiwiRail by Harriet Gale. Annotated by Keith Burton on .
Harriet, it doesn't sound like KiwiRail have any firm plans for any of their mothballed lines. I believe Stratford to Taumarnui should converted to a...
McNicol Road HPMV Permit
Response by Auckland Transport to John McKellar on .
Dear Mr McKellar   Thank you for your request for information dated 28 July 2017 regarding Fulton Hogan’s application for an HPMV permit for McNic...
Upper North Island Freight Story
Response by KiwiRail to Harriet Gale on .
Good afternoon Harriet,   We refer to your request for information dated 22 June 2017 in which you ask for:   1.       Marsden Point Rail Link...
Auckland Rail Network Questions
Response by KiwiRail to Harriet Gale on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Harriet Thank you for your email response on 13 July 2017 clarifying your request (from the below email dated 18 June 2017) for the fol...
Mean Distance Between Failures
Response by KiwiRail to Tim Frank on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Tim   Thank you for your email dated 28 June 2017 where you request the following information:   “…advise how the Mean Distance...
DBR Preservation
Response by KiwiRail to Colby James on .
Good afternoon Colby Thank you for your email dated 29 July 2017. After the tenders closed on 17 July 2017 KiwiRail received a large amount of intere...
Third Main Business Case Follow Up
Request to New Zealand Transport Agency by Harriet Gale. Annotated by Luke C on .
The Ombudsman's investigation into the processing of Harriet's OIA request, and a model protocol on dealing with OIA requests involving ministers: h...
Dual Mode Locos/Units
Response by KiwiRail to Harriet Gale on .
Good afternoon Harriet   We refer to your request for information dated 29 June 2017 in which you ask for:   1.       KiwiRail has stated the...