Wellington Regional Council

A public authority

257 requests

(page 7)

Follow up at https://fyi.org.nz/request/9848-information-regarding-the-lack-of-action-on-a-particular-complaint
Follow up at https://fyi.org.nz/request/9187-correspondence-about-the-location-of-a-particular-bus
Follow up at https://fyi.org.nz/request/9690-police-involvement-with-a-particular-bus-incident
Information about the number of serious reports on buses
Request to Wellington Regional Council by Hugh Davenport. Annotated by Hugh Davenport on .
Partially successful.
Follow up at https://fyi.org.nz/request/9293-information-regarding-serious-cases
Information regarding serious cases
Request to Wellington Regional Council by Hugh Davenport. Annotated by Hugh Davenport on .
Partially successful.
Follow up at https://fyi.org.nz/request/9639-information-regarding-serious-cases
Information regarding serious cases
Request to Wellington Regional Council by Hugh Davenport. Annotated by Hugh Davenport on .
Partially successful.
Follow up at https://fyi.org.nz/request/9890-information-regarding-outcome-of-serious-cases
Follow up at https://fyi.org.nz/request/9895-information-about-bike-bus-workshops
Dear Mr Randle Attached is our response to your recent OIA 2019-101.   Yours sincerely   Nichola   Nichola Powell | Executive Assistant t...
Hello Hugh   If you have concerns with our response to your request for information you should contact the Office of the Ombudsman.   Regards...
Thanks. Great to see that action was taken after I made a request :) Yours sincerely, Hugh Davenport
Hi Karl, Attached is another version of the presentation. I checked to make sure there was no data hidden by the added text, so it should be fine now....
Kia ora Mr Hassall,   Attached is Greater Wellington’s response to your request for information (OIA 2018-347).   Have a wonderful Christmas a...
Have contacted ombudsman about all the S 2(6) refusals
Thanks for that. I will pass all these s 2(6) refusals onto the Ombudsman. Will see how they define it. Yours sincerely, Hugh Davenport
Requesting a copy of red light safety notices/posters
Request to Wellington Regional Council by Hugh Davenport. Annotated by Hugh Davenport on .
Partially successful.
Margaret responded saying this was the only copy that GWRC holds. I believe I could push for getting it from the operator, but do not feel it is worth...
Dear Hugh,   I am resending this acknowledgement with the correct date that the OIA was sent.   Acknowledgement of Request for Information  ...
Internal communication as a result of bus problem feedback
Follow up sent to Wellington Regional Council by Michael Fincham on .
Withdrawn by the requester.
Having further considered this request I've decided it's likely not appropriate to make it under the Official Information Act. If you would like t...
Dear Hugh,   Acknowledgement of Request for Information   Thank you for your email dated 11 December 2018, requesting information regarding co...
Dear Mr Davenport,   I attach a letter in response to your recent request for information (OIA 2018-356) advising that the timeframe has been exte...
Dear Hugh,   Acknowledgement of Request for Information   Thank you for your email dated 13 December 2018, requesting information regarding th...
Information about a particular bus
Response by Wellington Regional Council to Hugh Davenport on .
Withdrawn by the requester.
Dear Hugh,   Acknowledgement of Request for Information   Thank you for your email dated 19 December 2018, requesting information regarding ab...
Dear Hugh,   Acknowledgement of Request for Information   Thank you for your email dated 19 December 2018, requesting information regarding ab...
Information regarding the safe stopping distance of buses
Response by Wellington Regional Council to Hugh Davenport on .
Withdrawn by the requester.
Dear Hugh,   Acknowledgement of Request for Information   Thank you for your email dated 11 January 2019, requesting information regarding the...
Thank you for the response. Yours sincerely, Mike Mellor
Dear Ms Smith Attached is our response to your OIA 2018-285.  We will be couriering the USB stick holding all the information to your home address t...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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