Wellington Regional Council

A public authority

258 requests

(page 3)

Dear Brian Warburton   We have received an email from you on Sunday 17 April requesting the following information:   Please provide: - in re...
Kia ora Tony,   Attached is Greater Wellington’s response to your recent request for information and corresponding attachments.   Nga mihi,...
Kia Ora   Please find attached Greater Wellington Regional Council’s transfer letter to your recent OIA 2022-050.   Ngâ mihi Teressa   [...
Metlink Brand Guidelines
Response by Wellington Regional Council to Tommi Joyce on .
Kia ora Tommi Attached is Greater Wellington’s response to your Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 request, together with t...
Good afternoon   Please find attached a response to your OIA request.   Ngā Mihi   [1]makaurangi Amanda Vickerman Executive Assistant to...
Dear Peter Gent,   Please find attached Greater Wellington Regional Council’s response letter to your recent OIA P-7-22350   Thank you   N...
Metlink harassment
Response by Wellington Regional Council to Heath Kruidenier on .
Waiting clarification.
Dear Mr Kruidenier Feedback received via the FYI website I refer to further correspondence received on 1^st November 2019 via the FYI.org.nz websi...
Hello David   Thank you for your email.  Metlink has not requested an exemption to provide QR tracer codes on public transport.  Below is an excer...
Tçnâ koe Brian,   Please find attached Greater Wellington’s response to your recent request for information.   Ngâ mihi, Alex   [1]makau...
Rail Heritage
Response by Wellington Regional Council to Iain Palmer on .
Partially successful.
Dear Iain   Attached is Greater Wellington’s response to your recent request for information.   Kind regards   Alice Clark – She/Her Kaiâ...
Dear Mr Warburton   Please find attached Greater Wellington Regional Council’s response to your OIA request 2021-297 and attachments.   Yours...
Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data Hello Mr Randle   Please see attached Greater Wellington Regional Council’s response to your recent...
Dear Mr Warburton   Please find attached Greater Wellington Regional Council’s response to your OIA request 2021-274 and supporting document.  ...
Dear Mr Warburton   Please find attached Greater Wellington Regional Council’s response to your recent OIA request 2021-249.     Ngâ Mihi...
Dear Dan Peter,   Please find attached Greater Wellington Regional Council’s response letter to your recent OIA 2021-253.   Thank you    ...
Kia ora,   Attached is Greater Wellington’s response to your recent request for information and corresponding attachments.   Kind regards,  ...
Hello Scott   Please see attached Greater Wellington Regional Council’s response to your recent OIA 2021-157.   Kind regards Rebecca Dobbs...
Bus lateness
Response by Wellington Regional Council to J Murphy on .
Awaiting classification.
Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data Hello J Murphy   Please see attached Greater Wellington Regional Council’s response to your recent O...
Tony,   Hope your week going well.  How about us catching up early morning one day next week?  At, say perhaps, 0815 or 0830 on either Monday (14^...
It's interesting to see Wellington Regional Council take safety of passengers, whether dangerous driving or a dangerous vehicle, as being unimportant a...
Kia ora Mr Warburton Thank you for your further email.  I am sorry to hear you had a problem with the map attachment.  I have copied the map and ins...
Dear Mr Warburton   Please find attached Greater Wellington Regional Council’s response to your recent OIA request 2021-066.   Yours sincerely...
New Subdivisions
Response by Wellington Regional Council to Adam Irish on .
Information not held.
Dear Adam,   Thank you for your email dated 9 March 2021, requesting information regarding new subdivisions.   Your request is being transferr...
Dear Mr Warburton   Please find attached Greater Wellington Regional Council’s response to your recent OIA request 2020-190.     Ngâ Mihi...
Dear Mr Warburton On behalf of the Acting General Manager for the Environment Management Group, attached is the response to your request, together w...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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