New Zealand Defence Force
A public authority, also called NZDF
294 requests
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Good afternoon Ms Morse,
Please find attached a response to your request made under the OIA
regarding NZDF attendance at the GEOINT 2015 Symposium...
Establishment Review Report
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to D Maclure on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon D Maclure
Please find attached a response to your request made under the OIA:
Corporate and Ministerial Services
Good afternoon Ms Morse
Please find attached a response to your request:
Corporate and Ministerial Services
Office of the Chief of...
Dear Ms Morse,
Please find attached a response to your OIA of 11 September 2015 to the
NZDF, in which you sought information relating to NZDF inte...
Commercialisation of research by NZ Defence Technology Agency
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to Valerie Morse on .
Dear Ms Morse,
Please find attached a response to your OIA request of 9 September 2015 to
the New Zealand Defence Force.
Best regards,
Audit of NZDF weaponry
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to Alex Harris on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Harris
Please find attached a response to your OIA request of 4 August 2015.
Corporate and Ministerial Services
Office of...
Follow-up: Teriitorial Force dismissals
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to Liam on .
Dear Mr Stoneley,
Please find attached a response to your OIA request of 3 February
regarding Territorial Forces personnel and equipment.
Request for information relating to ANZAC participation to ANZAC Cove.
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to D Maclure on .
Dear D Maclure,
I refer to your OIA request of 14 March 2015 in which you sought
information about New Zealand’s participation in annual commemora...
Response indicates no Ministerial approval for a deployment of the NZSAS between 1 January 2014 and the present (3 March 2015).
Tends to suggest eith...
Follow up sent:
Communication involving the Heretaunga Pistol Club
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to K Smith on .
Partially successful.
Dear K Smith,
Please find attached the fifth and final enclosure in response to your
request for information.
Best regards,
Corporate a...
Decision information supporting CDF direction to DFSS Trustee to apply Reserve Account funds to cover the cost of NZDF centrally funded MIBP life insurance.
Partially successful.
Surrounding Issues that will inform readers
How many times did NZDF assisted the Police with surveillance in 2013?
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to Alex Harris on .
Dear Alex Harris,
To the best of our knowledge, no surveillance support to police was provided in 2013.
Corporate and Ministerial Services...
Dear K Smith,
Please find attached a response to your OIA request regarding statistics
on the use of Heretaunga Pistol Club and the Collins Range...
Request for data on the award of Higher Duties Pay in the NZDF
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to J. Battensby on .
Partially successful.
Dear J. Battensby
Please find attached the signed response to your OIA request of 19 June
Corporate and Ministerial S...
Process for Active, Territorial or Reserve Officers applying for Overseas Leave
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to J.D. Graham on .
Partially successful.
Dear J.D. Graham
Please find attached the response to your recent OIA request.
Yours sincerely
Deborah Mulliss
A/Manager Corporat...
Monitoring of Twitter and other internet forums
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to Alex Harris on .
Partially successful.
Hi Alex,
Please find a response to your OIA attached.
Kind Regards,
Todd O'Hara
Media Advisor
Defence Communications Group
M +64 21 626...
NZDF security manual
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to Alex Harris on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Harris,
Please find attached a response to your OIA request of 29 July 2013.
Corporate and Ministerial Services
Good afternoon,
Please find attached response to your OIA request.
Katherine O'Donnell
Media Manager
Defence Communication...
Hmm. I/S pointed out to me (via Twitter) that this requirement for Ministerial authorisation of the military being helpful is only required for emerge...
For the OIA request to be responded to directly by the Chief of the Defence Force is a credit to himself and his orgainisation, and yet another reason...
Defence Act authorisation for october 5 armed offenders incident
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to Alex Harris on .
Dear Mr Harris
Please find attached a response to your OIA request of 5 October 2012.
Corporate and Ministerial Services
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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