New Zealand Defence Force

A public authority, also called NZDF

277 requests

(page 5)

RIMPAC 2020 further question
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to Valerie Morse on .
Partially successful.
Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data Good morning Ms Morse,   Please find attached a response to your request for information.   Regar...
NZDF Medical Officers
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to Michaela Wilson on .
Good afternoon Ms Wilson   Please find attached a response to your request of 13 May 2020:   Regards   Corporate and Ministerial Services OCDF,...
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to Valerie Morse on .
Good afternoon Ms Morse   Please find attached a response to your request of 30 April 2020:   Regards   Corporate and Ministerial Services OCDF,...
Memorial Costs
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to Blaize McCabe on .
Good afternoon Blaize   Please find attached a response to your request of 25 February 2020:   Regards   Corporate and Ministerial Services OCDF...
Mounting of Medals
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to john luke on .
    The information contained in this Internet Email message is intended for the addressee only and may contain privileged information, but not nec...
Medal for civilian
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to john luke on .
Link: [1]File-List Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data Thank you for your enquiry,   There are New Zealand Special Service Medals that, under special circu...
OIA 2019 3583
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to john luke on .
Dear Mr Luke   Please find attached a response to your request of 6 August 2019:   Regards   Corporate and Ministerial Services OCDF, Office of...
OIA 2017 2923
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to john luke on .
Good morning Mr Luke   Please find attached a response to your request of 6 August 2019:   Regards   Corporate and Ministerial Services OCDF, Of...
NZDF Reserve Force numbers
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to john luke on .
Good morning Mr Luke   Please find attached a response to your request of 24 July 2019:   Regards   Corporate and Ministerial Services OCDF, Off...
ZX Security
Request to New Zealand Defence Force by Alex Harris. Annotated by Alex Harris on .
Partially successful.
In many cases they're redacting information publicly available in other releases, so no, they're not. But that also means it is pointless to challenge...
Good evening Ms Grasmeder   Please find attached a response to your request for information:   Regards   Corporate and Ministerial Services OCDF...
Te Reo Maori
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to Alanah T on .
Good evening Alanah   Please find attached a response to your request of 18 September 2018:   Regards   Corporate and Ministerial Services OCDF,...
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to Daryl Trask on .
  The information contained in this Internet Email message is intended for the addressee only and may contain privileged information, but not necess...
Number of people detained by NZDF
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to Ti Lamusse on .
Good morning Ti   Please find attached a response to your request for information:   Regards   Corporate and Ministerial Services OCDF, Office o...
  The information contained in this Internet Email message is intended for the addressee only and may contain privileged information, but not necess...
I've taken the reply to this OIA request and used it as the basis of a blog post which calls for an end to the granting of honorary commissions in the...
Request document
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to john luke on .
  The information contained in this Internet Email message is intended for the addressee only and may contain privileged information, but not necess...
Mental and Physical Disabilities
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to SPENCER JONES on .
Good afternoon Mr Jones   Please find attached a response to your request of 26 December 2018:   Regards   Corporate and Ministerial Services OC...
Good afternoon Mr Jones   Please find attached a response to your request of 26 December 2018:   Regards   Corporate and Ministerial Services OC...
  The information contained in this Internet Email message is intended for the addressee only and may contain privileged information, but not necess...
Financial Cost of The Defence Estate
Follow up sent to New Zealand Defence Force by Simon Ewing-Jarvie on .
Thanks for the prompt turnaround of my follow-up OIA question about the Defence Estate. I have amended my blog article about the Defence Estate accor...
Good afternoon Mr Richardson   Please find attached a response to your request of 7 October 2018:   Regards   Corporate and Ministerial Services...
Good morning Phoenix   Please find attached a response to your request of 23 May 2018:   Regards   Corporate and Ministerial Services OCDF, Offi...
Indo Defence Expo and Forum
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to Valerie Morse on .
Good afternoon Ms Morse   Please find attached a response to your request of 12 November 2018:   Regards   Corporate and Ministerial Services OC...
Good morning Mr Pearce   Please find attached a response to your request of 18 October 2018:   Regards   Corporate and Ministerial Services OCDF...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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