New Zealand Post Limited
A public authority, also called New Zealand Post
66 requests
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
Address my parcel was delivered to
Response by New Zealand Post Limited to M.S.Dixon on .
Partially successful.
Kia Ora Mr Dixon,
Firstly our sincerest apologies for the delay in our response to you.
I can confirm since your request an update in the invest...
Wellington postal workers refusing to deliver pamphlets from "Better Wellington"
Response by New Zealand Post Limited to Paul Hope-Cross on .
Kia Ora Paul,
I am responding to your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request about
Wellington postal workers refusing to deliver pamphlets from...
Information systems
Response by New Zealand Post Limited to [User 80394] (Account suspended) on .
Kia Ora [User 80394 name removed by],
First and foremost, I would like to thank you for your patience.
Please find responses to your reque...
How many missing parcels on 4th May 2023 from Bulls Post Shop Pick Up
Response by New Zealand Post Limited to T on .
Kia Ora T,
We have spoken to the Bulls agency as well as checking any lodged
complaints / queries at NZ Post and we are aware of only 2 parcels that...
Thanks for your email. In regards to your follow up queries please find below our response.
Q1 - Yes, the item would treated as undeliverable and...
Former New Zealand Post Brand Guidelines
Response by New Zealand Post Limited to Thomas A. on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Thomas
In order to make the appropriate redactions and protect our commercial position in accordance with section 9 (2) (b) (ii), this is the...
Information Regarding Misrouted Inbound Receptacles, Efficiency for International Routes, Terminal Dues and Remail
Response by New Zealand Post Limited to Mr Laing on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Mr Laing
In relation to questions 6 and 7 we have requested from the UPU their
Parcels Performance Reports from the QCS Mail Reporting S...
Cost of "Wellington Redesign" Product
Response by New Zealand Post Limited to Vaughan on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Chelle and Vaughn
Further to your request under the Official Information Act that we
received on 3 May regarding the total cost of the W...
A photo of the post box at 40 Byblos Place, The Gardens, Auckland 2105
Response by New Zealand Post Limited to David Jackson on .
Partially successful.
Hi David
In response to your Official Information Act request for the delivery
photo in relation to Track & Trace Number: HB002709225NZ, please...
delivery issues during Covid
Response by New Zealand Post Limited to Jon Dow on .
Partially successful.
Dear Jon
Thank you for your Official Information Act request received on 13 May
You have asked us the following questions:
Vulnerable Customer Policies and/or Procedures
Response by New Zealand Post Limited to B SMITH on .
Good morning B Smith,
We have conducted and completed a search for information concerning your
OIA request asking for informaiton on "any polici...
OIA request dated 2 July 2021 re 39 Station Road Post Office
Response by New Zealand Post Limited to Margaret Matthew on .
Partially successful.
Hi Margaret
I can confirm that there is a current agreement in place for the provision of Post Shop services at 39 Station Road until at least 2024, b...
Is NZ Post warehousing parcels from overseas if they arrive too quickly?
Response by New Zealand Post Limited to Micheal on .
Hi Michael
Firstly, please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to your OIA request.
In response to your question "Is New Zealand Post cur...
Hi Mark
We have reviewed your request and due to how far back the information you are seeking goes, unfortunately we no longer hold that information,...
United States Postal Service (USPS) Service Suspension to New Zealand
Response by New Zealand Post Limited to John Sanders on .
Partially successful.
Hi John
Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act. Your request relates to all documents and correspondence between USPS (or anoth...
Dear Mr Soar
I am following up on my previous message and again would like to sincerely
apologise for the messaging you heard when calling our Nation...
Costs and expected lifetime of Paxster vehicles
Request to New Zealand Post Limited by Rich Seager (Account suspended). Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
Partially successful.
I actually like the idea of the Paxters, and am hoping that they're economically viable. It is certainly useful that they can maneuver onto footpaths....
No email address or contact name for Privacy Act requests
Response by New Zealand Post Limited to S. Paurini on .
Partially successful.
Please note that a search of the NZ Post website for "privacy officer" gives a first search item which leads to the Contact List page at
List of historical Post Offices closed
Response by New Zealand Post Limited to Becca Danielle on .
Hi Becca
We refer to your request of 16 December 2019 under the Official
Information Act 1982 (the Act), and your subsequent email on 9 January...
Thanks NZ Post.
In the absence of others having not done it.
reply received
Oia Officer <>
Thu, Apr 18, 12:30 PM
to me
Dear Mr Chapman,
We write in reference to your r...
Dear Cody,
Thank you for clarifying your request under the Official Information Act 1982 (the ‘Act). You have asked for:
"a complaints summary for th...
Calculation of due dates under the OIA
Response by New Zealand Post Limited to Mark Hanna on .
Thanks Mark - we were aware of the calculator and I see that it does work for our purposes now. Will point to that in our process.
OIA Officer
This e...
Total number of postboxes in Auckland across time periods
Response by New Zealand Post Limited to Shane Henderson on .
Partially successful.
Dear Shane
I refer to your request below, and can advise the following:
There were 520 street receivers in the greater Auckland region at the end of...
Staff wellbeing and PAXSTER use.
Response by New Zealand Post Limited to Katie Torrington on .
Partially successful.
Dear Katie
Thank you for your request.
Please see attached.
OIA Officer
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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