Wellington postal workers refusing to deliver pamphlets from "Better Wellington"

Paul Hope-Cross made this Official Information request to New Zealand Post Limited

Currently waiting for a response from New Zealand Post Limited, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Paul Hope-Cross

Dear New Zealand Post Limited,
I understand Interfering with mail is a Commonwealth offence punishable by up to 5 years jail.I understand these pamphlets have not been delivered on all routes yet.
What will NZ post do to ensure that the pamphlets are delivered to ALL residents?
Will any rogue postal workers who further refuse to deliver the pamphlets be reported to the police?
Given the serious nature of the law breaking by the people who are entrusted with the security and sanctity of our mail, namely the postal workers, will appropriate disciplinary action be undertaken?
What is the approximate disciplinary action for a criminal act of this nature by your staff?
What would be the appropriate response from NZ post if this type of offending was carried out by members of the public?
Has NZ post reported these crimes to NZ police?
What action is NZ post taking against the postal workers union for encouraging them to break the law and does this include a police complaint?

Yours faithfully,
Paul Hope-Cross

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Things to do with this request

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