(page 11)
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
request for memorandum of understanding between MPI and RNZSPCA
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Anusha Wijewickrama on .
MPI Manuka Honey Science program use of chemical markers to differentiate multi floral and monofloral manuka honey
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to John Hill on .
Dear John
Please see attached response to your Official Information Act request from 6 June 2017.
Myrtle species imprtation and myrtle rust connection
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to John Hill on .
Dear John Hill,
On behalf of Peter Thomson Director Plants, Food, and Environment please
find a response to your official information request at...
Tēnā koe Graham,
Thank you for your official information request as below.
Your request will be considered and an answer provided in accordance with...
Dear Ryan S
On behalf of Stephanie Rowe Director Compliance Services please find a
response to your official information request attached.
Can you please tell me how much New Zealand Kina is exported
Yours faithfully,
Peter Watts
Customary take by iwi
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Graham Carter on .
Long overdue.
Hi Graham
On behalf of Dave Turner, Director Fisheries Management, Ministry for
Primary Industries (MPI) please find attached MPI’s response to...
MPI report into Salmon deaths
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Graham Carter on .
Dear Graham
The Ministry for Primary Industries has responded to this request on 7
July 2017.
Andrew Barrowclough | Adviser, Official Informat...
Policies relating to the handling of OIA requests
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Ben on .
Good afternoon Ben
On behalf of Jeff Stewart, Manager Ministerials and Business Support,
please find attached a response to your OIA request....
Crop Desiccation in NZ
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Kyle Sutherland on .
Partially successful.
Dear Kyle,
Please find attached response to your official information request.
Niki Wright | Senior Advisor-Official Infor...
How is information from online job applications used by MPI?
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to D Dahya on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon David
On behalf of Erina Clayton, Director Human Resources, please find attached
a response to your OIA request.
Kind regar...
Cloud assessment of Atlassian Confluence Cloud
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Shane Gibson on .
Good afternoon Shane
Please find attached a response to your OIA request.
Kind regards
Justin Vickery | Senior Adviser, Official...
Details of where MPI Manuka Science has found leptosperin in other nectar sources
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to John Hill on .
Dear John
Please find attached response to your request from 19 April 2017.
Myrtle species importation and the appearance of myrtle rust in New Zealand
Request sent to Ministry for Primary Industries by John Hill on .
Long overdue.
1. Has MPI allowed the importation of Myrtle species from overseas
2. If the answer to question 1 is yes , please specify which countries the impo...
Myrtle species importation and the appearance of myrtle rust in New Zealand
Request sent to Ministry for Primary Industries by John Hill on .
Withdrawn by the requester.
1. Has MPI allowed the importation of Myrtle species from overseas
2. If the answer to question 1 is yes , please specify which countries the impor...
Myrtle Species importation and Myrtle Rust
Request sent to Ministry for Primary Industries by John Hill on .
Withdrawn by the requester.
Myrtle Species and myrtle rust
1. Has MPI allowed the importation of Myrtle species from overseas
2. If the answer to question 1 is yes , please...
Myrtle Species allowed to be imported into New Zealand and check for Myrtle rust
Request sent to Ministry for Primary Industries by John Hill on .
Withdrawn by the requester.
Myrtle Species and myrtle rust
1. Has MPI allowed the importation of Myrtle species from overseas?
2. If the answer to question 1 is yes , pleas...
Privacy Officer contact details and no response to main email address
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to D Dahya on .
Long overdue.
MPI Manuka Honey Science program synthesizing Leptosperin chemical marker
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to John Hill on .
Dear John
Please see attached response to request considered under Official Information Act received 19 April 2017.
Manuka Science for new Manuka Standards
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to John Hill on .
Partially successful.
Dear John Hill
Please see attached response to your OIA request on 20 March 2017
Please find attached response to your official information request.
Niki Wright | Senior Advisor-Official Informatio...
Data on proposed chemical markers for Manuka standards at elevated temperatures required
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to John Hill on .
Dear John Hill
Please find attached response to your OIA requests made on 24 March 2017.
Degradation of chemical markers in Manuka honey under elevated heat levels
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to John Hill on .
Dear John Hill
Please find attached response to your OIA request on 24 March 2017.
Didymo Solution found
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Graham Carter on .
Long overdue.
Dear Graham Carter,
I refer to the questions you submitted to the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) on the subject of didymo. Your questions were...
MPI decision to grant extension to expiry date to Ecolab NZ Teatspray Hibitane 2 Plus on or around March 2017
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Kip Bodle on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Kip,
Please find attached response to your official information request.
Niki Wright | Senior Advisor-Official...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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