(page 13)
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MPI policy on Redeemed Value
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Graham Carter on .
Graham Carter,
Please find attached response to your 14 Official Information Act
requests. References are listed below:
Who Commissioned the Operations Achilles, Overcamp and Overdue operations?
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Graham Carter on .
Graham Carter,
Please find attached response to your 14 Official Information Act
requests. References are listed below:
Memorandum of understanding
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Graham Carter on .
Graham Carter,
Please find attached response to your 14 Official Information Act
requests. References are listed below:
Government policy or Memorandum of Understanding
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Graham Carter on .
Graham Carter,
Please find attached response to your 14 Official Information Act
requests. References are listed below:
Operations Achilles, Hippocamp and Overdue 4
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Graham Carter on .
Partially successful.
Graham Carter,
Please find corresponding documents in response to your request attached.
Niki Wright | Senior Advisor-Offi...
Hawkes Bay Fishery
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Graham Carter on .
Partially successful.
Dear Graham Carter,
Please find attached letter and corresponding document regarding summaries
of meeting minutes between MPI and LegaSea Hawkes...
Discarding of Fish
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Graham Carter on .
Partially successful.
Dear Graham Carter
On behalf of Dave Turner Director Fisheries Management please find
attached a response to your information request.
Recreational Snapper Daily Bag Limits
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Graham Carter on .
Dear Graham Carter
On behalf of Peter McCarthy Chief Legal Advisor please find attached a
response to your information request.
Purchase of Offal Discharge Systems in new Trawlers
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Graham Carter on .
Dear Graham Carter
On behalf of Peter McCarthy Chief Legal Advisor please find attached a
response to your information request.
Imported fish products
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Graham Carter on .
Dear Graham Carter
On behalf of Peter McCarthy Chief Legal Advisor please find attached a
response to your information request.
Rabbit Haemorrhagic Virus
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Gary Stephenson on .
Partially successful.
Dear Gary Stephenson,
On behalf of Veronica Herrera, Director IDC & Response, please find
attached a response to your information request.
Controlled Canterbury Release of RHDV1A-K5
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Gary Stephenson on .
Dear Gary Stephenson,
On behalf of Geoff Gwyn Director Readiness and Response Services please
find attached a response to your official informat...
Companies shut down due to Campylobacter contamination
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Mark Hanna on .
Dear Mark Hanna,
Please find attached response to your official information request.
Niki Wright | Senior Advisor-Official...
Ross Sea and Fisheries
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Jacob Middleton on .
Good Afternoon Jacob,
Please find a response to your OIA request attached.
Kind regards,
Keegan Platten | Official Informati...
Who imported pea weevil's (Bruchus pisorum)?
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to H Smith on .
Dear H. Smith,
On behalf of Veronica Herrera, Director Investigation Diagnostic Centres
and Response, please find attached response to your offi...
Dogs left/found dead in cars
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Ophelia on .
Information not held.
Dear Ophelia,
Please find attached response to your two official information requests on
1 December 2016.
Niki Wright | S...
Pets left alone over summer period
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Ophelia on .
Information not held.
Dear Ophelia,
Please find attached response to your two official information requests on
1 December 2016.
Niki Wright | S...
Inspection Reports for Kamo WIldlife Sanctuary
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Harrison on .
Partially successful.
Dear Harrison,
Please find attached MPI’s response to your OIA request regarding Kamo
Wildlife Sanctuary.
Niki Wri...
Humane control of wild rabbits
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Gary Stephenson on .
Dear Gary Stephenson,
On behalf of Veronica Herrera Director IDC & Response please find attached
a response to your official information act req...
Investigations into complaints of labour abuses on board fishing vessels
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Bill on .
Partially successful.
Dear Bill
Please find attached a letter in regards to your Official Information Act
request dated 16 October 2016.
Kind regards,
Warr and Birch inventions
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Graham Carter on .
Graham Carter,
Please find attached response to your 14 Official Information Act
requests. References are listed below:
We request the following info on Observers
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Graham Carter on .
Partially successful.
Graham Carter,
Please find attached response to your 14 Official Information Act
requests. References are listed below:
Catfish in the Taupo Region
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Graham Carter on .
Graham Carter,
Please find attached response to your 14 Official Information Act
requests. References are listed below:
Forestry Reference Group and Biological Emissions Reference Group : terms of reference and membership
Partially successful.
Thank you, Information now published on the MPI website
How much funding to landcare research to research new Rabbit Haemorrhagic Virus
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Gary Stephenson on .
Dear Gary Stephenson,
On behalf of Veronica Herrera Director IDC & Response please find attached
a response to your official information act req...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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