Far North District Council
A public authority
The Ombudsman is investigating the official information practices of Far North District Council and three other councils. If you have submitted a request for information to Far North District Council, or participated, or attempted to participate in a Council meeting in any capacity in the last 6 - 12 months you are invited to share your experience and perceptions with the Ombudsman via this survey. This survey will be open online until 28 January 2019. Further information is available from the Office of the Ombudsman.
90 requests
(page 2)
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
FNDC reserves and dog access, queries re last minute changes yesterday at Council
Response by Far North District Council to Leo Exel on .
Partially successful.
Dear Ms Leonie Exel
Please find attached a response to your request.
Yours faithfully
[1]FNDC Legal Services
logo Corporate Services...
Which FNDC Bylaws are 'revoked' due to being 'out of time' for a review?
Partially successful.
After first denying (under LGOIMA) that any bylaws had expired, FNDC finally got back to us and said that 7 have expired due to being out of time. http...
Has FNDC Reserves Bylaw been revoked?
Partially successful.
After first denying (under LGOIMA) that any bylaws had expired, FNDC finally got back to us and said that 7 have expired due to being out of time, of w...
FNDC Dog Shelters Statistics from October 2018 to February 2019
Response by Far North District Council to Victor Bokulic on .
Mr Victor Bokulic
By email only to: [1][FOI #9608 email]
Dear Mr Bokulic
Official Information Request – RFS 3936752
Thank yo...
Decision to refuse request -- process followed
Response by Far North District Council to Andrew Riddell on .
Kia ora Andrew,
Thank you for your request received 26th April 2019.
Pursuant to the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act
1987, y...
Ms Annette Inglis
By email only to: [email address]
Dear Ms Inglis
Official Information Request – RFS 3937277
Thank you for...
Irregularities at Horeke Temporary Pound and advice to Council
Response by Far North District Council to Leo Exel on .
Partially successful.
Ms Leonie Exel et al
By email only to: [FOI #9095 email]
Dear Ms Exel, Ms Inglis, Mr Bokulic
Official information request: 392327...
Requesting data on dogs impounded by FNDC
Response by Far North District Council to Victor Bokulic on .
Mr Victor Bokulic
By email only: [FOI #8920 email]
Dear Mr Bokulic
Official Information Request – RFS 3917484
Thank you for...
Horeke temporary pound - contract, and timing of construction
Response by Far North District Council to Leo Exel on .
Thank you for contacting the Far North District Council.
This is an automated reply.
The answer is no.
It took from 10 October to 5 November to get that response .
From: Ken Thomas <ken.thomas@fndc.govt.nz>
Sent: Monday, 5 November...
Russell Wharf -- maintenance and renewal budgets
Response by Far North District Council to Andrew Riddell on .
Mr Andrew Riddell
By email only: [FOI #8744 email]
Dear Mr Riddell
Official Information Request – RFS 3912744...
Actions of Police at Te Tii on Waitangi Day, ownership and license to occupy Te Karaka Tapu Historic Reserve
Follow up sent to Far North District Council by Te Ringa Mangu on .
Partially successful.
Your response does not include the application made in regard to the permit issued - this is overdue, please provide it immediately.
Yours since...
After I complained to the Ombudsman, Far North District Council agreed there was still information to release, and released it. Overall it looks like...
Number of dogs euthanised, while no contact made with rescue organisation for ~ 5 weeks
Response by Far North District Council to Leo Exel on .
Good morning, Leonie.
Thank you for contacting the Far North District Council.
Your query has been referred to our Legal Department to investigate...
Euthanizing dogs in the pound
Response by Far North District Council to Jillian Kearney on .
Partially successful.
Ms Jillian Kearney
By email only: [FOI #8169 email]
Dear Ms Kearney
Official Information Request – RFS 3897622
I refer t...
From: Carla Ditchfield-Hunia <Carla.Ditchfield-Hunia@fndc.govt.nz>
Sent: Wednesday, 29 August 2018 1:36 PM
To: 'leoexel@hotmail.com'
Subject: Offici...
Reports on the state of the Russell Wharf
Response by Far North District Council to Andrew Riddell on .
Dear Mr Riddell
Official Information Request – RFS 3888887
We have received notification from the Office of the Ombudsman of a
complaint m...
Information on the duties and condition within Horeke and Kaitaia FNDC animal shelters.
Response by Far North District Council to Victor Bokulic on .
Mr Victor Bokulic
By email only: [FOI #8168 email]
Dear Mr Bokulic
Official Information Request – RFS 3897621
I refer to you...
Mr Lloyd Jerome
By email only: [FOI #8165 email]
Dear Mr Jerome
Official Information Request – RFS 3897618...
Good morning
Your queries are answered below.
Kind regards
Legal Services
Corporate Services, Far North District Council
Total number of women in positions around animal welfare and control
Response by Far North District Council to Leo Exel on .
16 July 2018
To Ms Leonie Exel
By email only to: [email address]
Dear Ms Exel
Official Information requests: 3894610 3896...
I am requesting information on the 2007 Kaeo Flood relief funding for private homes.
Response by Far North District Council to Gary Whitehead on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Whitehead
Thank you for your request as posed below. Your request has been referred
to the Legal Services team to be considered pursuant...
I am requesting information on access to the property file and LIM report for 500 Pupuke Mangapa road Kaeo
Hi Garry
Request that council supply the dates upon which they issued property files and to whom: Council charge for property files and each invoice...
Rates where clubs have a Club Liquor License
The FNDC refunded all rates paid since 1989 as a result of this request and subsequent correspondance.
evidence of septic tank failure rate in inner city Kerikeri
Response by Far North District Council to Maurena Kokotailo on .
Good afternoon.
Thank you for contacting us at the Far North District Council.
I have forwarded your query to our Legal Department for a response - y...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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