Jonathan Brewer
Joined FYI in 2011
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This person's 21 Official Information requests
Radio Spectrum Management Complaints and Requests
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to Jonathan Brewer on .
Tēnā koe Jonathan,
On behalf of the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, please
find attached our response to your Official Informatio...
Communication of notice of change of Public Information Brochure PIB 39
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to Jonathan Brewer on .
Response to your Official Information Request ref: 2324-0220
Tēnā koe Jonathan
Please find attached the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employme...
Default synchronisation and frame structure for 3.3-3.8 GHz mobile broadband use
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to Jonathan Brewer on .
Dear Mr Brewer
Please find attached a letter and documents in response to your recent OIA
Ngā mihi
Transmission Gully Motorway Telecommunications Ducts
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Jonathan Brewer on .
Dear Jonathan,
Please find attached the response to your request of 20^th September 2021
for information under the Official Information Act 1982...
Waka Kotahi / Vodafone Shared Trenches and Ducts
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Jonathan Brewer on .
Partially successful.
Dear Jonathan,
Please find attached the response to your request of 20^th September 2021
for information under the Official Information Act 1982...
Management Spectrum Park Eligibility and Associated Persons
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to Jonathan Brewer on .
Dear Mr Brewer,
Please find attached a response and documents from Mr Len Starling in
response to your Official Information Act 1982 request ref DOI...
NES 55 Assessment of MT PIRONGIA 2 (LIGHTWIRE) radio site.
Response by Waipa District Council to Jonathan Brewer on .
Information not held.
Please find attached a response to your recent request.
Managed Spectrum Park Statutory Declarations
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to Jonathan Brewer on .
Partially successful.
Jonathan Brewer
[1][FOI #15182 email]
CC [2][email address]
Dear Mr Brewer
Please find attached the Ministry’s re...
Kia ora Jonathan
Thank you for your Official Information request regarding
briefing/discussion papers related to the possible inclusion of Ashke...
RFP - Smart Services Provision Contract Number 19-012
Response by Marlborough District Council to Jonathan Brewer on .
Partially successful.
I refer to the matter you referred to the Ombudsman and the indication
that a summary would be an alternative form of release under LGOIMA.
I atta...
Delivering better broadband for Marlborough
Partially successful.
Thank you!! This was very helpful.
RBI2: Rural Wireless Coverage Maps
Response by Crown Infrastructure Partners to Jonathan Brewer on .
Dear Jon
Please find response attached.
Kind regards
Kathryn Mitchell
General Counsel & Company Secretary
Crown Fibre Holdings Lim...
Broadband Map
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to Jonathan Brewer on .
Dear Mr Brewer –
Please find attached a response to your follow-up request below.
Kind regards,
Footpaths on Road Reserve
Response by Wellington City Council to Jonathan Brewer on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Brewer,
Please find attached a copy of the Council’s formal response to your
request for information regarding footpaths located on road...
FarmsOnLine Data Advisory Committee
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Jonathan Brewer on .
Dear Jonathan Brewer
On behalf of David Hayes, Director Preparedness and Partnerships,
please see that attached response.
Kind regards Ministerial...
RBI National Advisory Committee Details
Partially successful.
Many of the details I expected to see were witheld by MBIE under Section 9 of the OIA Act. Here is that part of the law:
9 Other reasons for withhold...
Cambridge & Kent Terrace Crosswalk Use
Follow up sent to Wellington City Council by Jonathan Brewer on .
Long overdue.
Thank you for the limited response the Wellington City Council has provided to date. I am unfortunately disappointed in the response, and do not bel...
Cambridge & Kent Terrace Crosswalk
Response by Wellington City Council to Jonathan Brewer on .
Partially successful.
Hi Jonathan
Kent Terrace and Cambridge Terrace are designated as Arterial Roads and
fall into the same road hierarchy as the Waterfront Route such...
Thank you very much for supplying this information.
Yours sincerely,
Jonathan Brewer
Broadband Challenge Grant Audit
Response by Ministry of Economic Development to Jonathan Brewer on .
Partially successful.
Please find attached a letter responding to your email of 16 November
Jane Keane | Senior Policy Ana...
Public-Private Partnership between Auckland Council and Kordia for Provision of Wifi
Response by Auckland Council to Jonathan Brewer on .
Good afternoon Mr Brewer
Please find attached Council's formal response to your request for
information, pursuant to the Local Government Offical
This person's 5 annotations
Managed Spectrum Park Statutory Declarations
Request to Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment by Jonathan Brewer. Annotated by Jonathan Brewer on .
Partially successful.
Requested an update on the 13th of May to Ashley Goodwin at Ministerial Services copying Len Starling at Radio Spectrum Management asking for them to p...
Delivering better broadband for Marlborough
Partially successful.
Marlborough eventually provided a non-corrupt version of the file. It's no longer available from them, so here's a link to a copy hosted in my DropBox...
RBI National Advisory Committee Details
Partially successful.
Many of the details I expected to see were witheld by MBIE under Section 9 of the OIA Act. Here is that part of the law:
9 Other reasons for withhold...
RBI National Advisory Committee Details
Partially successful.
15AExtension of time limits
(1)Where a request in accordance with section 12 is made or transferred to a department or Minister of the Crown or organi...
Cambridge & Kent Terrace Crosswalk
Partially successful.
In a phone call from the Wellington City Council, I was informed my request last year for information on the crossing was closed with no action. The ca...