Public-Private Partnership between Auckland Council and Kordia for Provision of Wifi

Jonathan Brewer made this Official Information request to Auckland Council

The request was successful.

From: Jonathan Brewer

Dear Auckland Council,

In 2007 Auckland issued a tender for a city-wide wifi network. This tender was won by Kordia, and the network operates to this day.

1. What did the Council contribute to the existing network build as a one-off capital contribution?

2. What, if any, subsidies does the council contribute to the existing network on an ongoing basis - i.e. OpEx?

3. Does the Council pay Kordia for the use of any infrastructure - such as a dedicated SSID on the network, or connections for CCTV or SCADA purposes?

3a. If so, what are the details of these arrangements?

4. Does the existing network meet the requirements of the Council as set out in the 2007 tender process?

5. Is the council satisfied with the visual aspects of the public space equipment installed after the 2007 process?

6. What are the existing network performance characteristics, and how have these changed over time since the initial installation?

7. Is the Council satisfied with backhaul arrangements for the existing network?

8. What Council infrastructure (i.e. pits, poles, buildings) has been utilized in the existing network, and what are the financial arrangements around this use?

Yours faithfully,

Jonathan Brewer

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From: FYI Requests

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Good afternoon Mr Brewer
Please find attached Council's formal response to your request for
information, pursuant to the Local Government Offical
Information & Meetings Act 1987.


Kim Ravenscroft | Information Advisor
Electoral Office/Public Information Unit | Democracy Services
Ph 09 301 0101 | Extn (40) 5050 | Fax 09 301 0100
Auckland Council | Level 16 | Civic Administration Building | 1 Greys
Avenue | Auckland

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[Auckland Council]

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