Requests similar to 'Use of video or audio surveillance for dog control purposes'

Today Stuff reported that the Christchurch City Council was using audio surveillance devices for dog control purposes ("Council puts secret listenin...
Today Stuff reported that the Christchurch City Council was using audio surveillance devices for dog control purposes ("Council puts secret listenin...
Today Stuff reported that the Christchurch City Council was using audio surveillance devices for dog control purposes ("Council puts secret listenin...
Today Stuff reported that the Christchurch City Council was using audio surveillance devices for dog control purposes ("Council puts secret listenin...
Today Stuff reported that the Christchurch City Council was using audio surveillance devices for dog control purposes ("Council puts secret listenin...
Today Stuff reported that the Christchurch City Council was using audio surveillance devices for dog control purposes ("Council puts secret listenin...
Today Stuff reported that the Christchurch City Council was using audio surveillance devices for dog control purposes ("Council puts secret listenin...
Today Stuff reported that the Christchurch City Council was using audio surveillance devices for dog control purposes ("Council puts secret listenin...
Today Stuff reported that the Christchurch City Council was using audio surveillance devices for dog control purposes ("Council puts secret listenin...
Dear Mr Harris   I refer to your e-mailed Official Information Act request of 10 October 2012 detailed below.     Dear New Zealand Police,...
Kia ora Karen, Thank you for your email. I have forwarded this information to the Animal Services Team for their attention. Ngā mihi Victoria...
'Do not reply to this message, this email message has been sent from an un-monitored email address' Thank you for your email. Information that may a...
Information about "SLOW DOWN" speed signs around the city
Request to Wellington City Council by Hugh Davenport. Annotated by Hugh Davenport on .
Awaiting classification.
My response to Hayley (cc Kevin): Hi Hayley, Thank you for taking the time to reply to my email. For your information, this request is now with the...
Dear Rachael   Please find attached our response to your official information request of 23 November 2020.     Yours sincerely   Lauren...
Tēnā koe As                          Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received by New Zealand Police on 1...
Information about any cameras attached to police staff
Response by New Zealand Police to Hugh Davenport on .
Partially successful.
Hello Hugh I acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request for the information below. Your request is being actioned purs...
Good afternoon Karen   Please find below the response (in red)  to your request relating to the Dog Control Policy and Bylaw.   Regards  ...
Kia ora,  Please find attached our response to your official information request dated 12 September 2023. If you have any questions about the respon...
Good morning Mr Rowlands,   Thank you for your email of January 31 2020, asking for information under the Local Government Official Information an...
Review of the dog policy and bylaw
Response by Dunedin City Council to Rachael Nicoll on .
Awaiting classification.
  Kia Ora   I refer to your e-mail of 7 June requesting information about the proposed Dog Bylaw and Policy.  Our responses to your questions ar...
Parks and Recreation brochures
Follow up sent to Dunedin City Council by Pauline on .
Partially successful.
I refer to your email sent direct to me as a consequence of the Ombudsman requiring you to provide the information requested. My request stated my pr...
Release of communications regarding LGOIA request dated 15th November
Response by Hutt City Council to Rod Badcock on .
Awaiting classification.
Morena Rod Please find attached our responses to your correspondence of 20 December 2022 and 25 January 2023. Ngā mihi   Susan Sales Ringa Āwhina Tā...
Actions under Dog Control Bylaw
Response by Christchurch City Council to G A Findlay on .
Good evening,   Thank you for your email.   We are handling your request under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987...
Information about video surveillance systems
Request sent to Wellington Regional Council by Alex Harris on .
On 30 September, 3News reported that WRC had installed a new video surveillance system to target vandals on wellington's trains ("Wellington train s...
Keith Spry Pool Use of Cameras at pool
Response by Wellington City Council to S. Paurini on .
Awaiting classification.
Hello Seann   I have been reviewing all your information requests and have found a request that I thought I had already sent.   Please see att...