Hastings District Council
A public authority
21 requests
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
Vaccination status & rates
Response by Hastings District Council to Patricia Parkinson on .
Dear Patricia
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act Request –
Vaccination Status and Rates – Response
1. Further to you...
Contracts the council has developed with Joyce Advisory or Steven Joyce.
Response by Hastings District Council to Anna Sanderson on .
Dear Anna
Please see attached response
Maria Norrelle
Democracy & Governance Support Officer
[1]Heretaunga | Hastings Distr...
Dear Tim
Please see attached response and table.
Maria Norrelle
Democracy & Governance Support Officer
[1]Heretaunga | Hast...
Vibrancy Funding
Request sent to Hastings District Council by Sacha van den Berg on .
Partially successful.
Can I please have a list of all applications to the City Centre Vibrancy fund for the years 2020 - current date (including round one 2023).
Vibrancy Funding
Request sent to Hastings District Council by Sacha van den Berg on .
Partially successful.
Can I please have a list of all applications made to the City Centre Vibrancy fund for years 2020 - current date (including round one 2023).
Vibrancy Funding
Request sent to Hastings District Council by Sacha van den Berg on .
Partially successful.
May I please have the following information:
Can you please tell me who is on the committee for the City Centre Vibrancy funding, for years 2020 -...
Dear Cody
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act request- Digital
parking enforcement – Response
1. Further to your reque...
Terms and conditions for using Farndon park
Response by Hastings District Council to Grace Haden on .
Dear Grace
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act Request – Terms &
Conditions using Farndon Park – Response
1. Furt...
Drug & alcohol pathology/testing at Hastings District Council
Response by Hastings District Council to Lynn Worthington on .
Dear Lynn
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act Request – Drug and
Alcohol Testing – Hastings District Council – Response
How is the Council using its rights under the Public Health Act to inspect rental housing properties?
Response by Hastings District Council to Aaron Packard on .
Dear Mr Packard
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act Request – Rights
under the Public Health Act to Inspect Rental Housing Pr...
Dear Mr Luke
As per your email dated 3 October 2019 this request was treated as a ‘new
request’, therefore the 20 working days is taken from the 3^r...
Leagality of parking vehicles on roads for sale
Response by Hastings District Council to Pankaj Girhotra on .
Dear Sir/Madam
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act Request – ‘For
Sale’ Parked Vehicles Infringement Notices – Response
Dear Mr Leveson
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act request – Library
Wage levels – Response
1. Further to your...
Mayor and Councillor attendance this term
Response by Hastings District Council to aimee w on .
Partially successful.
Dear Emma
Regarding your Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act
request (HDC ref: IRB-2-3-16-111)
We have provided, on the...
Dear Mr Lock
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act Request – Cleaning
of Clifton Toilets – Response
1. Further to your...
Dear Sir/Madam
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act Request – Use of
Dowsing Techniques with Water – Response
1. Furt...
Use of video or audio surveillance for dog control purposes
Response by Hastings District Council to Alex Harris on .
Dear Mr Harris
In response to your LGOIMA request of this morning regarding video and
audio surveillance devices for dog control purposes.
Provide details of private bank loans/ debt held by Hastings District Council
Response by Hastings District Council to Joel Benjamin on .
Partially successful.
If calling ask for Tony Gray
File Ref IRB-2-01-14-375
8th December 2014
Joel Benjamin
Via email
Dear Joel
Request for I...
Hello Alex
This is to acknowledge receipt of your email. It has been forwarded to the Chief Executive Office.
If calling ask for Ross Holden
File Ref COM-10-12-386
7^th June, 2012
Samuel Fraser
Dear Samuel
Does the Hastings District Council open its meetings with a prayer?
Response by Hastings District Council to Alex Harris on .
Partially successful.
Dear Alex
In answer to your question, the monthly ordinary meetings of the Hastings District Council commence with a prayer.
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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