Requests similar to 'Payments made to David Engwicht also know as Creative Communities International'

Please can you confirm the amount of money that has been paid to David Engwicht (Creative Communities International) for his work in the district si...
Could you please confirm the total amount of expenses and/or disbursements the Council has paid directly for accommodation, travel and subsistence f...
LGNZ AGM and Conference 26th July to 28th July 2023
Response by Rangitikei District Council to Robert Snijders on .
Awaiting classification.
Good morning Robert   Please see attached our response to your official information request.   Kind regards,   Lisa Daniels  |  Executive A...
Please confirm the amount of money paid to the Massey University and/or its students in developing the document "Placemaking in Bulls: A Student Gal...
Please confirm the fees paid to Maltbys, including disbursements, for the cost assessment associated with the Concept Design Report for the Proposed...
  Here is our response to your official information request.   | Carol Gordon | Team Leader Customer Services and Communications | | 46 High St...
Please confirm the fees paid to Architecture Workshop including disbursements for the Concept Design Report for the Proposed Bulls Community Centre...
Please confirm the total cost for staging this conference. The total should show the amounts spent on:- 1) Internal Staff time prior to the conf...
ABCD Conference Goa
Response by Rangitikei District Council to Robert Snijders on .
Dear Mr Snijders The response to your official information request follows: (1) Please confirm the number and names of the staff from the council tha...
Please confirm the amount of remuneration/salary and expenses paid to each councillor and the mayor. Payments for entertainment, gifts and out of...
Payments made to Duddings Lake Limited
Request sent to Rangitikei District Council by Robert Snijders on .
Please confirm the total amount paid to Duddings Lake Limited for the financial years:- 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 201...
Payments made to The Catalyst Group
Request sent to Rangitikei District Council by Robert Snijders on .
Please confirm the total amount paid to The Catalyst Group up to the end of June 2016. Please also confirm projected spend with this company this...
  Here is our response to your official information request.   | Carol Gordon | Team Leader Customer Services and Communications | | 46 High St...
Tēnā koutou Please find attached the response to your OIA request to Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities. Please do not reply to this email.   ...
OIA request spending
Response by Human Rights Commission to john luke on .
Tēnā koe John,   Please find attached a further response from the Commission in relation to your request for information.   As you will see wi...
Please provide the costs, including the peer review, referred to on page 78 of the Order Papers for the Council Meeting dated the 30th of March 2017...
Good afternoon Robert Here is our response to your official information request. Our answers are provided to each of your questions below: 1) Pleas...
  Dear Simon Please find attached a response from Leigh Deuchars, acting Director, Office of the Chief Executive to your official information requ...
Please confirm:- 1) The cost to repair/strengthen the Marton Library, and 2) The %NBS the building is now at. Costs should be inclusive of all...
Please confirm if an Earthquake Assessment has been carried out on the existing Council Buildings in Marton? If so please confirm %nbs. Please p...
ABCD Conference Goa
Response by Rangitikei District Council to Robert Snijders on .
Good morning Robert Here is our response to your official information request: It is Council policy that staff attending approved conferences continu...
Dear Andrea   Our response and documents for release are attached.   Kind regards Pip O’Flaherty   Pip O’Flaherty Senior Adviser Plannin...
Tēnā koe WellingtonNZ   Please find attached correspondence from Te Kaunihera o Pōneke | Wellington City Council.   Nga mihi   Danika Morr...
Ethnic Communities Development Fund
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to john luke on .
Kia ora John   Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request of 17 August 2021.   Ngā mihi   Ministry for Ethni...
Contracts with on-goingly funded organisations
Response by Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa to Nic Lane on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Nic   A copy of Tōtara and Kahikatea investment organisation contracts are attached.   Contractual agreements with Tōtara and Kahikate...