Requests similar to 'Kainga Ora Tenants'

Dear Chris Please find attached a response from Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities. The information contained in or attached to this message is int...
Kainga Ora Policies/Restrictions on Overcrowding
Request sent to Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities by Rose Taffard on .
Partially successful.
I request the following information: 1/ What is Kainga Ora’s policies or strategies regarding Overcrowding in their properties? 2/ How many pro...
Recently, we had our security light unit(model Securimax LHT0097) of 18 years replaced with the current model for Kainga Ora homes. The new model...
Flu Vaccine & Covid Vaccine
Response by Ministry of Health to Chris McCashin on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Chris, As requested, please find attached a response to your request for information on letterhead.  Ngā mihi     OIA Services Team ...
Even though this relates to one particular tenancy it is typical of how Kainga Ora treat most of their properties. In march this year a neighbour...
Even though this relates to one particular tenancy it is typical of how Kainga Ora treat most of their properties. In march this year a neighbour...
Total Interest Cost to Ratepayers
Follow up sent to Wellington City Council by Chris McCashin on .
Awaiting classification.
Unfortunately this isn't sufficient based on the councils current financial position ($1B in debt) and forecast spending going forward. Please pro...
Inadequate Medical Screeening
Follow up sent to Fire and Emergency New Zealand by Chris McCashin on .
Awaiting classification.
Thanks for this - can you please as per my original ask for the pay-per-dose system data that has been leaked - please ask for all this information...
Smart homes project data and privacy update
Request sent to Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities by Hiria Te Rangi on .
Information not held.
Tēnā koutou, Kāinga Ora ran a project on smart homes, was awarde...
Barry Young and / or Steve Kirsch mentions in emails / Whistleblower Data
Follow up sent to Shane Reti by Chris McCashin on .
Awaiting classification.
Okay so this response confirms - Mr Reti has had ample correspondence regarding excess vaccine deaths including from Doctors in his own electorat...
Can I please be provided with information concerning the following Number of Kainga Ora tenants who have been evicted from their houses between 11...
Funding for Oranga Marae
Follow up sent to New Zealand Lottery Grants Board by aaron on .
Awaiting classification.
This request was accidentally sent twice from the website, as you will no doubt notice. If you could please disregard ONE of them. Yours faithfull...
Money to Ukraine Long overdue.
[UNCLASSIFIED] Tēnā koe Chris McCashin   Please see the attached letter concerning your OIA request.   Ngā mihi   Executive Services Divi...
Councils Mismanaged Finances
Response by Wellington City Council to Chris McCashin on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Chris, Please find attached the relevant graphs on letterhead as requested. Kia pai te rā - Have a good day. Ngā manaakitanga,  Amber S...
Eviction of unruly tenants
Response by Chris Bishop to Brendon Mills on .
OIA24-CB201   Dear Brendon   I refer to your Official Information request of Monday 15 July 2024 requesting for:   “With regards to the ne...
Banks & Government Super Profits
Response by Jacinda Ardern to Chris McCashin on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Chris McCashin Thank you for your request for information under the Official Information Act received on 2022-11-21. Please find attached the...
Mask mandate pressure & terminated teachers
Follow up sent to Jacinda Ardern by Chris McCashin on .
Awaiting classification.
Please respond on PMs letterhead I require responses from the PM and MOE Yours sincerely, Chris McCashin
two bedroom duplexes in Karaka
Request sent to Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities by tina marie kahurangi on .
Awaiting classification.
OIA request to release information of new builld developments in Burberry Karaka Auckland; Please provide: How many houses are currently built...
Please provide: Total number of incidents of anti-social behaviour committed by tenants or a person in the premises with the tenant’s permission...
Request for all Legal Opinions Relating to Vaccine Passports
Response by Jacinda Ardern to Chris McCashin on .
Information not held.
Dear Chris We acknowledge receipt of your email of 17 November 2021 requesting information under the Official Information Act 1982. In accordance wit...
Died in Sleep
Request sent to New Zealand Police by Chris McCashin on .
Awaiting classification.
Are you able to provide the following Amount of Call Outs whereby somebody has died overnight in their sleep - please exclude hospitals, rest home...
Business initiated transfer declined
Request sent to Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities by Sarah on .
I am requesting the below information. Thank you. 1) On what grounds can Kainga ora decline a tenants business initiated transfer (BIT) request?...
Agency Debt
Response by Grant Robertson to Chris McCashin on .
Awaiting classification.
Letter from Hon Grant Robertson, Minister of Finance, attached. Private Secretary | Office of Hon Grant Robertson Minister of Finance | Minister for S...
Central Bank Digital Currency
Response by Reserve Bank of New Zealand to Chris McCashin on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Chris, It appears that we have missed your initial request made on 30 September 2022 and I do apologise for this. Thank you for bringing this t...
Estimate of Illegal Aliens Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Chris,   On behalf of the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, please find attached our response to your Official Information A...