Number of tenants who have evicted from their houses over last year and anti social behaviour complaints

Warren Murdoch made this Official Information request to Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities

The request was successful.

From: Warren Murdoch

Dear Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities,

Can I please be provided with information concerning the following

Number of Kainga Ora tenants who have been evicted from their houses between 11/7/22 and 10/7/23.

Number of complaints that have been received against Kainga Ora tenants between 11/7/22 and 10/7/23 and the number of complaints that have been substantiated.

Number of Kainga Ora houses that have been found to be contaminated with methamphetamine over the current guideline level of 1.5

Number of peope who are on the waiting list for a Kainga Ora houses in Ohakune.

Yours faithfully,

Warren Murdoch

Link to this

From: Kainga Ora Correspondence
Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities

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Kia ora Warren


Thank you for your request, dated 12 August 2023, for information under
the Official Information Act 1982


We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in
any event no later than 8 September 2023, being 20 working days after the
day your request was received by Kāinga Ora in accordance with section
15(1) of the OIA.


If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will notify you of
an extension of that timeframe.


We may also contact you if further clarification or refinement of your
request is required to enable a decision to be made.


Ngā mihi




[1]KO LH


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From: Kainga Ora Correspondence
Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities

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Attachment OI Transfer letter to requestor.pdf
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Kia ora Warren


Please find attached, a notification for a partial transfer of your


Kind regards
Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities





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[2] or email Kāinga Ora at
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From: OIA_Requests (MSD)


Tēnā koe Warren Murdoch,

Thank you for your request regarding the number of applicants on the
Housing Register in Ohakune transferred from Kainga Ora on 17 August 2023,
under the Official Information Act 1982. Your request has been forwarded
to the appropriate officials at National Office to respond. You may expect
a decision regarding your request to be sent to you as soon as possible.


Ngā manaakitanga,


Official and Parliamentary Information Team   |  Ministerial and

Executive Services

Ministry of Social Development | Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora


Our Purpose:
We help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent
Manaaki Tangata, Manaaki Whānau

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erase all copies of the email and attachments. The Ministry of Social
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attachments after transmission from the Ministry.

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From: Kainga Ora Correspondence
Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities

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Attachment OIA Response Warren Murdoch.pdf
348K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Warren,


Please find attached a response to your request for information.


Kind regards
Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities




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[2] or email Kāinga Ora at
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From: Warren Murdoch

Dear Kainga Ora Correspondence,

Thankyou for your reply

I would appreciate it if you could answer my question 3 properly. I asked how many of your houses when tested for meth were over 1.5. I do not want to know how many houses were over 15.

Could you please provide that information

Yours sincerely,

Warren Murdoch

Link to this

From: Kainga Ora Correspondence
Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities

This email address is not monitored. You may either contact Housing New
Zealand through or email Housing New
Zealand at [1][email address]



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Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities

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Kia ora Warren,


I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your official information request
dated 30 August 2023 for the number of Kaianga Ora houses that have been
tested for meth contamination, and have returned a reading over
1.5ug/100cm2 between 1/8/22 to 31/7/23.


Clarification of the answer provided to your previous request

Please see attached for reference, our previous response dated 29 August
2023. We advised that Kāinga Ora has had 361 homes that exceeded the
methamphetamine (meth) decontamination threshold and been decontaminated
over the last five years.


To clarify, the 361 homes are inclusive of both the Sir Peter Gluckman
threshold (15 μg/100cm²), and the New Zealand Standard 8510:2017 threshold
(1.5 μg/100cm²), and therefore by default, all 361 homes would have
returned a reading over 1.5 μg/100cm².


Alternative interpretation of your current request

As you have advised you are not interested in how many houses were over
the Gluckman threshold, we can interpret your request to be for the


-          the number of Kaianga Ora houses that have been tested at a
threshold of 1.5 ug/100cm2 for meth contamination, and have returned a
reading over 1.5ug/100cm2, between 1/8/22 to 31/7/23’.


This interpretation will limit the request to be asking for just the
number of houses where we are contractually obligated to have a meth
testing threshold of 1.5, that have subsequently returned results
exceeding 1.5.  


Timeframes to respond

If you are agreeable to this interpretation, we will consider your request
under the Office Information Act 1982, and will endeavour to respond to
your request as soon as possible, in any event no later than 20 working
days after the day we have received your confirmation, in accordance with
section 15(1AA) of the Act.


If we do not hear from you by 6 September 2023, we will consider your
request on its original merit, and respond to you no later than 27 August
2023, in accordance with section 15(1) of the Act.


If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will notify you of
an extension of that timeframe. 


Yours sincerely 

Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities.


[1]KO LH


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[2] or email Kāinga Ora at
[3][email address].


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From: OIA_Requests (MSD)

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Tçnâ koe Warren Murdoch,


Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information
Act request.


Nâ mâtou noa, nâ


Official Information Team   |  Ministerial and Executive Services

Ministry of Social Development


Our Purpose:
We help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent
Manaaki Tangata, Manaaki Whânau





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received this email in error please notify the author immediately and
erase all copies of the email and attachments. The Ministry of Social
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attachments after transmission from the Ministry.

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From: Kainga Ora Correspondence
Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities

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Attachment OIA Response Warren Murdoch.pdf
346K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Warren,


Please find attached a response to your request for information.


Kind regards
Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities




You may either contact Kāinga Ora Homes and Communities through
[1] or email Kāinga Ora at
[2][email address].


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for the people it is addressed to. If you are not the intended recipient,
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From: OIA_Requests (MSD)

Tçnâ koe Warren Murdoch,


We refer to your request of 17 August 2023, regarding the number of people
who are on the waiting list for Kainga Ora houses in Ohakune.


Following discussion with the Ombudsman’s office, we have decided to
reconsider our original decision on your request. We now consider there
overriding public interest in releasing this information, in the
circumstances of this request. Therefore, I can confirm for you that at
the time of your request, there were 11 households waiting for public
housing in Ohakune, made up of 38 people. These 11 households were
comprised of:

o 4 single person households.
o 4 single person households with 1 or 2 children.
o 3 single or two person households with 3 or more children.


We hope this satifies your original request.


Nâ mâtou noa, nâ


Official Information Team   |  Ministerial and Executive Services

Ministry of Social Development


Our Purpose:
We help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent
Manaaki Tangata, Manaaki Whânau



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are not the intended recipient, any use, dissemination, distribution or
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Things to do with this request

Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities only: