Requests similar to 'Correspondence discussing removal of MoH webpage/guidance'
COVID-19 Vaccine Strategy Taskforce and Advisory Group documents
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to Sebastian on .
Kia ora Sebastian
Please see attached for MBIE’s response to your Official Information Act
request. There are nine documents in scope: 5 weekly...
Catalogue of COVID-19 Response Measures and Variant of Concern exercise
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Harold on .
Kia ora koe,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Coo...
Conflicts of Interest - Tony Blakely and John Whitehead
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to John Armstrong on .
Dear John
Further to your email, the documents on the Department's website are attached above and a link to the suite of docs is available here: https...
COVID-19 vaccination advisory and governance group meeting minutes
Response by Ministry of Health to Sebastian on .
Kia ora Sebastian,
Please find attached a partial response to your official information act
request. The Ministry sincerely apologies for the delay....
Covid-19 Technical Advisory Group reports and other knowledge informing the Covid-19 response
Response by Ministry of Health to Sebastian on .
Kia ora Sebastian
Please find attached a response to your official information act request
Ngā mihi
OIA Services
Government Servic...
Border Committee Minutes
Response by Ministry of Health to Craig Bishop on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Craig
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Request for
Border Committee Minutes.
Ngā mihi nui,
COVID-19 Technical Advisory Group Minutes for 2021
Response by Health New Zealand to Al on .
Kia ora,
Please find attached the response for your request for official
Ngā mihi
OIA Services Team
Manatū Hauora | Ministry of H...
Ministry of Health internal investigation into February outbreak and other documents
Response by Ministry of Health to Harold on .
Kia ora Harold,
On 26 August 2021, the Ministry of Health (the Ministry) sent you a
response regarding your request for information, ref: H2021...
All information relating to expectations that public sector employees are vaccinated against COVID
Response by Public Service Commission to Lisa on .
Dear Lisa
Please find attached our response to your below OIA request.
Kind regards
Enquiries Team
īmēra: [1][email address]
Te K...
Covid-19 Technical Advisory Group meeting minutes
Response by Ministry of Health to Sebastian on .
Kia ora Sebastian,
Please find attached a response to your official information act request
Ngā mihi
OIA Services
Government Servi...
Public interest considerations re: OIA refusal of info re vaccine certification
Response by Ministry of Health to John Jacobson on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Mr Jacobson
Please find attached a letter regarding your requests for official
information on 13 April 2021 (H202104400 refers) and...
Supporting Social Cohesion in the COVID-19 Response, Post-Winter Strategy and other documents
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Sebastian on .
Kia ora koe,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Coo...
Border Executive Board documents
Response by New Zealand Customs Service to Sebastian on .
Dear Sebastian
Please see find attached a response to your request under the Official
Information Act (1982).
Ngā mihi
Border Executive Board Se...
COVID-19 weekly situation updates, DHB PPE stock review
Response by Ministry of Health to Scott on .
Kia ora Scott
Please find attached a letter regarding your request for information.
Ngā mihi
OIA Services Team
[1]Ministry of H...
Advice on measures to support improved ventilation and health system readiness for COVID-19
Response by Ayesha Verrall to Sebastian on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia Ora Sebastian
Please see attached the Ministers response to your request made under the Official Information Act
Our apologies again for the dela...
COVID-19 Immunisation Implementation Advisory Group meeting minutes
Response by Ministry of Health to Scott on .
Kia ora Scott
Apologies, there seems to have been a scanning error. Thank you for picking up on this.
Please find attached the requested minutes....
Kia ora Harold,
Please find attached the Ministers response to your request for official
Ngā mihi,
Testing and Therapeutics Technical Advisory Groups documents
Response by Ministry of Health to Harold on .
Kia ora Harold
Please find attached the response to your request for official
Ngā mihi
OIA Services Team
[1]Ministry of H...
Breakdown of vaccinated/unvaccinated hospitilisations & deaths
Response by Ministry of Health to Helen Wallis on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe Helen,
Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982 (the
Act) to the Ministry of Health (the Ministry) on 24 Nov...
Covid 19 Modelling and other reports
Response by Ministry of Health to Helen Wallis on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe Helen,
Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982 (the
Act) to the Ministry of Health (the Ministry) on 24 Nov...
Tçnâ koe George,
Please refer to the attached correspondence, which provides the
Department’s decision on your OIA request and the information t...
Documents relating to COVID-19 advisory groups
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Scott on .
Kia ora Scott,
Please find attached the final document pack for release under you OIA.
Have a great summer.
Noho ora mai | Stay well
Erin Sampson (...
Minutes for meetings COVID-19 National Response groups and COVID-19 Chief Executives Board
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Sebastian on .
Kia ora koe,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Coordinator...
A Cabinet paper related to 14 February Alert Level changes; National Resurgence Response Plan; two weekly reports
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Scott on .
Kia ora koe,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Coo...
Alternative treatment of COVID 19
Response by Ministry of Health to darren sharpe on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Darren Sharpe
Thank you for your requests dated 22 August 2020 for information on
COVID-19. Please note that your requests have been consoli...