Requests similar to 'How does ACC monitor social media'

Chum up with an MP and run it past them....if a member of parliament applies for info they won't be asked to pay...
Dear Mr Nicholas, I have attached a letter responding to your requests of , 5, 10 and 15 February and  5 March 2014.   ACC needs an extra  40 work...
Dear Mr Nicholas, I have attached a letter responding to your requests of , 5, 10 and 15 February and  5 March 2014.   ACC needs an extra  40 work...
Dear Mr Nicholas, I have attached a letter responding to your requests of , 5, 10 and 15 February and  5 March 2014.   ACC needs an extra  40 work...
Dear Mr Nicholas, I have attached a letter responding to your requests of , 5, 10 and 15 February and  5 March 2014.   ACC needs an extra  40 work...
Kia ora Please find attached our response to your official information request dated 29 April 2020. If you have any questions about the...
Names of Doctors contracted to acc as at December 1st 2014
Request sent to Accident Compensation Corporation by on .
Waiting clarification.
Before, or during October 2012, the then Minister for ACC Judith Collins commented in Parliament that there were 338 doctors contracted to ACC for a...
It has been stated that there are some people in society provide ACC with information about other citizens? Does ACC pay for information? If so,...
Martin Jenkins
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to D Lohr on .
Long overdue.
Dear Mr Lohr, I refer to your request of 10 February 2014 asking for information about ACC's Investigation Unit's standard operating procedures, trai...
Dr Vic Du Plessis
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to David Nicholas on .
Dear Mr Nicholas   My apologies to you.  Our records had recorded that the attached letter was sent on 11 July 2014.  The content of the letter st...
Dear Mr Harris, I have attached a response to your information request.   regards             Hugh McIlraith, Senior Advisor, ACC   ACC / Gover...
Dear Mr Lohr, ACC does not believe it is appropriate to respond to your request of 6 March 2014 via an email address that will automatically publish...
Falls at SCDHB
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to David Nicholas on .
Handled by post.
Dear Mr Nicholas   Please see attached a letter regarding your Official Information Act request of 11 August 2014.   Kind regards      ...
Dear Ms Webster,   Thank you for your email of 9 July 2013 requesting information about   "What policy does ACC have in place around the harm ca...
Search Warrants and ACC
Response by New Zealand Police to David Nicholas on .
Partially successful.
Dear David Thanks for your email. I've forwarded it to our team that handles Official information Act requests.  Kind regards, PUBLIC AFFAIRS TE...
I have attached a copy of ACC's response to your Official Information Act request.             Hugh McIlraith, Advisor, ACC   ACC / Government S...
Dear Acclaim Otago,   I have attached a copy of ACC's response to your Official Information Act request.   Regards             Hugh McIlraith...
Dear Mr Jordan   I have attached a copy of ACC's response to your Official Information Act request.   Regards           Hugh McIlraith, Senior...
Thank you for your email requesting “Who is the person/individual that handed Mr Cameron Slater, or better known as 'Whale Oil' the un-redacted sprea...
Dear Mr Nicholas Thank you for your email received earlier today in which you ask for a copy of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Health and...
Vision training
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to James Lochead on .
Good morning Mr Lochead   Attached is ACC's acknowledgement of your request for information of 30 September 2013. Please advised if you no longer w...
On March 13, 2012 - The Dominion Post revealed ACC breached the privacy of 6500 ACC clients, including rape victims, by sending their details to an...
Requests by Coroners Court
Request to Accident Compensation Corporation by P.A Hamill. Annotated by Anthony Jordan on .
Providing a summary of information requested to Coroner potentially leaves ACC open to non-transparency related issues. An example...very close to home...
I refer you to directly to attached PDF acc45screenshot document at the following website address;
Third Party Doctors and Complaints
Request sent to Accident Compensation Corporation by David Nicholas on .
I am requiring information about how ACC handles complaints about a doctor who has acted in a third party status by assessing a client. The Health a...