Requests similar to 'Diversifying trade away from China towards the Quad'
Pacific Islands Union
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Adam Irish on .
Tēnā koe Adam,
Please see attached a letter concerning your OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Executive Services Division
New Z...
Increasing our defence and trade agreements with the next democractic superpower
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Adam Irish on .
Tēnā koe
Please see the attached letter concerning your OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Executive Services Division
New Zealand Ministry of Fo...
Reestablishing SEATO
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Adam Irish on .
Tēnā koe Adam Irish
Please see the attached letter concerning your OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Executive Services Division
New Zealand Min...
Current Geopolitical Threats
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Adam Irish on .
Tçnâ koe Adam Irish,
Please see the attached information concerning your OIA request received
on 3 March 2023.
Ngâ mihi...
New Zealand NATO membership
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Adam Irish on .
Tēnā koe Adam Irish
Please see the attached letter concerning your OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Executive Services Division
New Zealand Min...
Use of Hikvision cameras in NZ
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Adam Irish on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe Adam Irish,
On behalf of the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, please see attached a
letter regarding your official inform...
Consular loans
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Noah Fitzgerald on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Noah Fitzgerald
Please see attached our response to your OIA request of 22 May 2024.
Ngā mihi
Whatupūaho | Execu...
China and the CPTPP
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Dr Robert Shaw on .
Dear Dr Robert Shaw
Please find attached a response to your OIA request.
Kind regards
Executive Services D...
Cost of four-week English language training course for Vietnamese officials in preparation for the country’s ASEAN chairmanship in 2020
Response by Victoria University of Wellington to A S Docherty on .
Dear Adam Docherty,
Please see the attached correspondence regarding your recent Official
Information Act request.
Kind r...
Gulf livestock decision
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Hollie on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Hollie
Please find attached a response to your OIA request.
Kind regards
Executive Services Division...
Arrm Export Update 2020 to 2021
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to D Maclure on .
Tēnā koe
Please see the attached letter concerning your OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Executive Services Division
New Zeala...
Tēnā koe John Wilson,
Please see the attached letter concerning your OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Executive Services Divisi...
New Zealand Embassy @ moscow
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to John on .
Tēnā koe
Please see the attached letter concerning your OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Executive Services Division
New Zeala...
Working remotely during Covid period
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Cathy Odgers on .
Partially successful.
Dear Cathy Odgers
Please see the attached correspondence regarding your recent OIA request.
Kind regards
Executive S...
MFAT statement falsely implying human responsibility for the zionist attack on the Syrian town of Majdal Shams
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Andrew Li on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe Andrew Li,
Please see the attached letter concerning your OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Executive Services Division...
Strategic Goods Export Permits Granted to Government End Users in Countries Regarded as "Not Free" by Freedom House
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Scott on .
Tēnā koe Scott
Please see the attached letter concerning your OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Executive Services Division
foreign representative in NZ
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to john luke on .
Kia ora
Please see attached our response to your OIA request of 10 October 2023.
Ngā mihi
Whatupūaho | Executive Service...
Strategic goods list - export to US forces
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Valerie Morse on .
Partially successful.
Thank you for your enquiry,
A large number of Ministry staff are currently working on issues relating
to the impact of COVID-19...
Extract of data from OIA Tracking System
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Shane Gibson on .
Partially successful.
Thank you for your enquiry,
A large number of Ministry staff are currently working on issues relating
to the impact of COVID-19...
Coronavirus outbreak
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to BAW Russell on .
Information not held.
Thank you for your enquiry.
We advise that New Zealanders do not travel overseas at this time due to
the outbreak of COVID-19,...
Information about the number of meetings held by MFAT and DPMC OSPs and civil society groups since March 2019
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Alexander Pflaum on .
Thank you for your enquiry.
We advise that New Zealanders do not travel overseas at this time due to
the outbreak of COVID-19,...
New Zealand Scholarship: Eligibility to pursue a Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Z. Bayutas on .
Awaiting classification.
Thank you for your enquiry.
We advise that New Zealanders do not travel overseas at this time due to
the outbreak of COVID-19,...
Hongkon Kim sexual assault arrest warrant information
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Jungdong Keun on .
Awaiting classification.
Thank you for your enquiry.
We advise that New Zealanders do not travel overseas at this time due to
the outbreak of COVID-19, ass...
Meetings with Korean Embassy to New Zealand
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to Jungdong Keun on .
Waiting clarification.
Thank you for your enquiry.
We advise that New Zealanders do not travel overseas at this time due to
the outbreak of COVID-19, ass...
Chinese consular office in Christchurch
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to D Maclure on .
Information not held.
Thank you for your enquiry.
We advise that New Zealanders do not travel overseas at this time due to
the outbreak of COVID-19, ass...