This person's 17 Official Information requests
Can you advise what is 10th Tpt regiment, but I do not understand what Tpt is mean?
Due unbale to find other source did not provide the meani...
Kia ora,
Please see the attached correspondence regarding your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Executive Services D...
Bus Services to Auckland region
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to D Maclure on .
Awaiting classification.
Good afternoon D Maclure,
Please find attached a response to your request.
Corporate and Ministerial Services
OCDF, Office...
Tēnā koe
On behalf of Hon Andrew Little MP, please find attached an OIA response
from the Minister to you.
Note that you may r...
Arrm Export Update 2020 to 2021
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to D Maclure on .
Tēnā koe
Please see the attached letter concerning your OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Executive Services Division
New Zeala...
Dear D Maclure.
Please find attached, the New Zealand Defence Force’s response to your
Official Information Act 1982 request of 7 April 2021....
Chinese consular office in Christchurch
Response by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to D Maclure on .
Information not held.
Dear D Maclure
Thank you for your email. These issues are a matter for the Chinese
consular office or Embassy, and your enquiry...
Dear Mr Maclure,
Further to the explanation provided below, and following discussions with the Ombudsman's Office, any documentation that may exist wo...
Tendering cost of purchase on military hardwares?/Military airlift options.
Response by Ministry of Defence to D Maclure on .
Dear D Maclure,
Thank you for your request for official information of 15 May 2018. Please find attached your response.
We apologise for the delay i...
Dear D Maclure
A response is attached regarding your Official Information Act Request.
Best Regards
Lucy May
Lucy May -...
Concerned some NZ made films was not released due incomplete or other reasons
Response by New Zealand Film Commission to D Maclure on .
Dear D Maclure
As you may be aware, the New Zealand Film Commission (NZFC) is a crown
entity established by the New Zealand Film Commission Act...
Media monitoring and spending on facelift
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to D Maclure on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Maclure
Please find attached a letter in regards to your Official Information Act
request dated 18 October 2015.
Establishment Review Report
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to D Maclure on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon D Maclure
Please find attached a response to your request made under the OIA:
Corporate and Ministerial Services
Request for information on some TV programme declined to be captioned due reasons.
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to D Maclure on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Maclure
Thanks for your email.
I think you are saying that sometimes a new series is not captioned when
the previous series has b...
Request for information relating to ANZAC participation to ANZAC Cove.
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to D Maclure on .
Dear D Maclure,
I refer to your OIA request of 14 March 2015 in which you sought
information about New Zealand’s participation in annual commemora...
Auckland Transport History
I agree with Auckland Transport's response and that your request was too broad. The way it was worded would of meant tearing up the office to find ever...
Good afternoon,
Please find attached response to your OIA request.
Katherine O'Donnell
Media Manager
Defence Communication...
This person's 1 annotation
Scropion Tanks Incidents
It in the hand of the Ombudsman at the moment so it waiting for response so please patient with me.