Communication regarding voluntary donations

Gavin Millar made this Official Information request to Auckland Grammar

The request was successful.

From: Gavin Millar

Dear Auckland Grammar,

Recently the headmaster of Auckland Grammar made public comments regarding voluntary donations being made compulsory. I am interested in seeing how Auckland Grammar presents information to parents regarding voluntary donations. Therefore I request:

1) The level of voluntary fees set by Auckland Grammar for the years 2013 to 2015 inclusive.
2) The percentage of students whose guardians donated, fully donated and did not donate for the years between 2013 and 2015 inclusive.
3) All information sent to students' guardians regarding voluntary donations, "school fees" etc. in the 2015 calendar year. This would include any information provided to all guardians of students; whether via information packets, email, direct mail or newsletters and any follow up information to guardians who had not donated. In cases where follow up letters were sent I would ask that examples be provided (to avoid any privacy implications).
4) Any processes or policies regarding the setting and collection of voluntary donations that exist.

Yours faithfully,

Gavin Millar

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From: Ian Palfrey
Auckland Grammar

Attachment FM 3 Enrolment School Donation 2016.docx
13K Download View as HTML

Attachment 1st Donation Letter 22 January 2016 003.docx
43K Download View as HTML

Dear Mr Millar

Receipt is acknowledged of your Official Information Act request dated 22 January.

In answer to your questions raised:

1. The School Donation was $975 in 2013, $1050 in 2014 and $1075 in 2015.
2. The percentage of students whose parents/guardians paid was 79% in 2013, 78% in 2014 and a provisional 78% in 2015.
3. The letters to parents are attached.
4. The process for approval of the School Donation is that the Board of Trustees approves the amount for the following year at its September meeting.

Yours faithfully

Ian Palfrey
Director of Finance and Infrastructure

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From: Gavin Millar

Dear Ian Palfrey,

Thank you for your response to my request. Given that the title of one of the attached documents was "1st Donation Letter" can you please confirm that this in fact the only letter that will be sent this year (including more individual followups)? The naming would seem to imply that there are potentially more.

Yours sincerely,

Gavin Millar

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From: Ian Palfrey
Auckland Grammar

Dear Mr Millar

Receipt of your 16 February 2016 email is acknowledged.

It is entirely possible that further communications over the School Donation will occur over the course of 2016.

As a principle, those communications will use similar language to the letter titled "1st Donation Letter".

Yours sincerely,

Ian Palfrey

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From: Gavin Millar

Dear Ian Palfrey,

In that case I'd like to point out that my request was for all communication sent in the 2015 calendar year. I'm interested in seeing the complete communication over a "fee year" to understand if more pressure is applied for the payment of voluntary donations.

Can you please provide this as per my original request.

Yours sincerely,

Gavin Millar

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From: Ian Palfrey
Auckland Grammar

Attachment School Donation Communications 2015.pdf
152K Download View as HTML

Dear Mr Millar

Please refer to your 18 February email below.

Thank you for clarifying the request as relating to the 2015 year.

The communications are attached.

May I also note your reference to a "fee year" . The School Donation is a donation, we are unable by law to call it a fee and we do not refer to it as such. A point of clarification then.

Yours sincerely

Ian Palfrey

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Things to do with this request

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