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Invoices for Private Investigator Services
Response by Auckland Grammar to Cooper O'Neil on .
Dear Mr O'Neil
Please find attached a letter and supporting documentation from Mr
O'Connor, in relation to your OIA request.
Out of Zone Enrolment statistics
Response by Auckland Grammar to Jimmy King on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Jimmy
Please see the attached letter from Mr O'Connor in relation to your OIA
Executive Assistant
P +64 9 623 540...
Request for student discipline policy
Response by Auckland Grammar to L.L. Miller on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Sir / Madam
Thank you for your enquiry. The School’s policies and rules relating to
students are readily available on the School’s website...
Request for the Distribution of Staff Salaries
Response by Auckland Grammar to John Luke on .
Waiting clarification.
Dear John
Can you please provide more detail on your request and exactly what detail you require? This will enable us to better answer your query.
Auckland Grammar School Out of zone new entrant breakdown 2018-2022
Response by Auckland Grammar to Christina Woo on .
Dear Christina
Confirming receipt of your email.
On behalf of Mr O'Connor you are right about number accepted and number offered. The School accepted...
Auckland Grammar School Out of zone enrolment breakdown 2008-2017
Response by Auckland Grammar to Patrick C on .
Dear Patrick
Thank you for your query and for your patience as the School has worked to
respond to your request in a COVID-restricted environmen...
Hi - proved Minutes are attached.
I also respond to your earlier request for "I would like a copy of the
constitution of your board. To specify the...
I would like a copy of the constitution of your board. To specify the document outlining which eligible groups or affiliated associations are entitl...
Information about Auckland Grammer
Response by Auckland Grammar to Max McNicol on .
Handled by post.
The document has been despatched today Mr McNicol.
Ian Palfrey
Director of Finance & Infrastructure
P +64 9 623 5411 M +64 21 944 444 [1]www.ags...
Dear J. Kerr,
Attached is a table of the CIE results as requested.
Yours faithfully,
Mark Vella
Mark Vella
Associate Headmaste...
Board Policy on Religious Instruction
Request sent to Auckland Grammar by Archie Buissink on .
Long overdue.
I would like to know the Auckland Grammar Board of Trustees' policy on religious education within the school pursuant to Section 72 of the Education...
Opt-Out Procedures of Religious Observance in School Assemblies
Request sent to Auckland Grammar by Archie Buissink on .
Long overdue.
I would like to know the opt out procedure (if one exists) for students who do not wish to join in the religious observations during school assemblie...
Income Statements, Balance Sheets and Financial Statement notes.
Response by Auckland Grammar to walter wong on .
Handled by post.
Certainly Walter - in the mail today to you.
Communication regarding voluntary donations
Response by Auckland Grammar to Gavin Millar on .
Dear Mr Millar
Please refer to your 18 February email below.
Thank you for clarifying the request as relating to the 2015 year.
The communications a...
Compliance with s162 Education Act 1964
Response by Auckland Grammar to Alex Harris on .
In response to your two queries:
Does the school perform such affirmations..... No
Does the school require proof..... No
Christina Wilkinson
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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