Report on Future Buller community meetings Nov/Dec 2023.

Kevin Smith made this Official Information request to University of Canterbury

Currently waiting for a response from University of Canterbury, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Kevin Smith

Dear University of Canterbury,

During November and December 2023, two UC staffers were involved in a series of public meeting on the West Coast.

They combined with Future Buller to do a series of eight meetings.
They may have also included content from the TTPP Coastal Hazards team as there seemed to be a combined effort at times.

I am requesting copies of the reports Nohah Forde submitted following this activity.
Her role was to report on the communication aspects of the climate related public meetings.

The reports I am seeking may have been to the University, BDC, Future Buller, WCRC and possibly even TTPP among others.

Nohah Forde

PHD Researcher · University of Canterbury
Researching inter-professional communication in climate adaptation efforts

Could you please provide the reports covering that activity, during the roadshows of late 2023 ?

Yours faithfully,

Kevin Smith

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From: Information and Records Management
University of Canterbury

Kia ora Kevin

I acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act (OIA) request sent on Saturday 18 January 2025 on behalf of the University of Canterbury. UC+IBk-s reference for this request is OIA 25.206. We will be back in touch within the timeframes as set out in the Act.

Ng+AQE- mihi


Information and Records Management
Te Whare W+AQE-nanga o Waitaha +AHw- University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand

Classification: Public
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Smith
Sent: Saturday, 18 January 2025 2:50 pm
To: Information and Records Management
Subject: Official Information request - Report on Future Buller community meetings Nov/Dec 2023.

+AFs-You don't often get email from Learn why this is important at +AF0-

Dear University of Canterbury,

During November and December 2023, two UC staffers were involved in a series of public meeting on the West Coast.

They combined with Future Buller to do a series of eight meetings.
They may have also included content from the TTPP Coastal Hazards team as there seemed to be a combined effort at times.

I am requesting copies of the reports Nohah Forde submitted following this activity.
Her role was to report on the communication aspects of the climate related public meetings.

The reports I am seeking may have been to the University, BDC, Future Buller, WCRC and possibly even TTPP among others.

Nohah Forde

PHD Researcher +ALc- University of Canterbury Researching inter-professional communication in climate adaptation efforts

Could you please provide the reports covering that activity, during the roadshows of late 2023 ?

Yours faithfully,

Kevin Smith


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From: Information and Records Management
University of Canterbury

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Kia ora Kevin


Please see the attached transfer letter regarding this request.


Ngā mihi  




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From: BDC_Lgoima

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260K Download

Dear Mr Smith


We are in receipt of an Official Information Act transfer from the
University of Canterbury.  Under The Local Government Official Information
and Meetings Act (LGOIMA), your request must be dealt with as soon as is
reasonably practicable and in no case later than 20 working days after the
day on which the request is received.  20 working days excludes Saturdays
and Sundays, Public and Provincial Holidays and the period between 20
December and 10 January inclusive.  On this basis, we calculate a response
to your transferred request received by BDC on 28 January 2025 is due by
27 February 2025, at the latest.  We shall of course endeavour to process
your request as quickly as staff resources allow.


For requests that are likely to involve substantial collation and/or
research, there may be a charge for staff time.  Under our charging
policy, staff time for the first hour is free of charge.  Thereafter this
will be charged at the prescribed rate of $40 (GST inclusive) per half
hour.  We will provide the information electronically,  however should you
wish a hard copy,  there will be photocopying charges at 20c per sheet,
with the first 20 pages being copied free of charge.  Under section 13(4)
of LGOIMA we do have the ability to request the amounts due are paid in
advance of the release of information.   Please be assured that if a
charge is likely to apply you will be notified ahead of the request being
processed so that you can decide if you wish to proceed.  At that time you
will also be given the option to refine your request.


Please note that it is our policy to proactively release our responses to
official information requests where possible. We do not publish
requesters’ personal information.  Please contact [1][email address] if
you have any questions about this.


Kind regards

Buller District Council | Phone 0800 807 239 | [2]
PO Box 21 | Westport 7866
Community Driven | One Team | Future Focused | Integrity | We Care
Email Disclaimer: This correspondence is for the named person's use only.
It may contain confidential or legally privileged information or both. No
confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any mistransmission. If
you receive this correspondence in error, please immediately delete it
from your system and notify the sender. You must not disclose, copy or
relay any part of this correspondence if you are not the intended
recipient. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual
sender, except where the sender expressly, and with authority, states them
to be the views of Buller District Council.     

[3]Community funding | Buller District Council

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From: Kevin Smith

Dear BDC_Lgoima,

To BDC Regulatory Services Manager.

I filed an OIA request to University of Canterbury and it appears to have been transferred to BDC.

While I would be interested in pursuing the request in the form they have suggested it is not really what I am seeking.

Nohah Forde attended those roadshows as a PhD student doing a study on the communications of climate change.
I spoke to her at several of the events, most notably being those at Ngakawau, Carter's Beach (1) and Punakaiki.

I actually filed Official Complaints about the roadshow activity, based on Economy, Effectiveness and Intent.
The BDC complaint was handled by Steve Gibling, it was about a year ago.

I have seen documents from Future Buller since the roadshow and that has me doubting some of the content.
Indeed, we now believe we should have even deeper concerns about the entire business.

I can't understand why the UC does not have correspondence that can be released under the act.
I spoke to the 'Concerns Dept' at the University and the picture just got murkier.

I have left a message with Claire O'Connell and it may well be that I will have to amend my request to include UC internal correspondence.

I would appreciate if the BDC could also release whatever possible relating to the reports on the roadshow presentations.
I expect the content would cover;

. The meetings and attendance figures
. The response from the public present
. Media reporting of the events.
. The Official Complaints.
. The expectations, concerns and recommendations.
. The financial situation, ie Costs.
. Co-ordination with other agencies, ie WCRC, TTPP and UC.
. A rating, an assessment of the overall success, or failure, of the meetings.
. Feedback from Councils and Stakeholders in the programme.

Yours sincerely,

Kevin Smith

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From: BDC_Lgoima

Kia ora

Thank you for your email to Buller District Council requesting information
under The Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA).

The LGOIMA team will send an official response to your request within 2
working days of this email.

Kind regards / Ngā mihi nui


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From: BDC_Lgoima

Attachment image001.jpg
19K Download

Dear Mr Smith


Thank you for your further information request dated 3 February and
apologies for the late acknowledgment for the extra information


Under The Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA),
your request must be dealt with as soon as is reasonably practicable and
in no case later than 20 working days after the day on which the request
is received.  20 working days excludes Saturdays and Sundays, Public and
Provincial Holidays and the period between 20 December and 10 January
inclusive.  On this basis, we calculate a response to your request
received on 3 February 2025 is due by 4 March 2025, at the latest.  We
shall of course endeavour to process your request as quickly as staff
resources allow.


For requests that are likely to involve substantial collation and/or
research, there may be a charge for staff time.  Under our charging
policy, staff time for the first hour is free of charge.  Thereafter this
will be charged at the prescribed rate of $40 (GST inclusive) per half
hour.  We will provide the information electronically,  however should you
wish a hard copy,  there will be photocopying charges at 20c per sheet,
with the first 20 pages being copied free of charge.  Under section 13(4)
of LGOIMA we do have the ability to request the amounts due are paid in
advance of the release of information.   Please be assured that if a
charge is likely to apply you will be notified ahead of the request being
processed so that you can decide if you wish to proceed.  At that time you
will also be given the option to refine your request.


Please note that it is our policy to proactively release our responses to
official information requests where possible. We do not publish
requesters’ personal information.  Please contact [1][email address] if
you have any questions about this.


Kind regards


Buller District Council | Phone 0800 807 239 | [2]
PO Box 21 | Westport 7866
Community Driven | One Team | Future Focused | Integrity | We Care
Email Disclaimer: This correspondence is for the named person's use only.
It may contain confidential or legally privileged information or both. No
confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any mistransmission. If
you receive this correspondence in error, please immediately delete it
from your system and notify the sender. You must not disclose, copy or
relay any part of this correspondence if you are not the intended
recipient. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual
sender, except where the sender expressly, and with authority, states them
to be the views of Buller District Council.     

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Things to do with this request

University of Canterbury only: