Westport Port Pilot.

Kevin Smith made this Official Information request to Buller District Council

Currently waiting for a response from Buller District Council, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Kevin Smith

Dear Buller District Council,

On 15th Aug 2024 the BDC Posted on their Facebook site about the Manahau barge.
'The Pilot training programme was approved by Maritime New Zealand, which then enabled BDC to train a Pilot, allowing the harbour team to offer pilotage services to port users.

The Pilot approval, along with the purchase of the harbour vessel Protector and the upgrade enabling it to operate as a pilot vessel all came together with the Manahau's successful entry into Westport Harbour on Tuesday.'

The BDC also issues a media release, 31 March 2023.
'The dredge and the port staff are working together with Maritime NZ to develop a pilot training programme that will enable a pilot certificate training and certification programme for Westport to be approved by Maritime NZ.

Mr Christieson says: “This will be another first and we think, all going well, in three to four months we have the training programme signed off by Maritime NZ. The aim is to qualify a pilot which will allow them to bring vessels over 100 tonnes into and out of the Westport Port.”

Chief financial officer Douglas Marshall says: “Having this skill available to ships coming into the Westport Port, is a key for the revitalisation of this key asset for the town.'

Given the above and my belief that the BDC advertised for some Port Pilot positions, I have some questions.
Could BDC please answer the following:

1. . Did the BDC contract more Port Pilots, in addition to the three that we appear to have had already ?

2. . What is the situation with the two positions that seemed to have been advertised ?

3. . Who was the Pilot for that initial entry ?

4. . Who was the Pilot that was responsible when the vessel came back, after taking the load to Nelson ?

5. . Was there a Pilot available during the time the vessel was moored within Harbour limits, prior to the grounding ?

6. . What was the reimbursement provisions for the necessary staff, given the vessel delayed bar crossing ?

7. . Were any costs associated with the Port Pilot requirements passed on to WMS ?

7. . The Port would be required to have a Port Operating Plan, or similar named exposition.
Did this document contain the names of those holding the senior positions, including Port Manager, Harbour Master and Pilots ?

8. . Was that document correctly revised at the time and is it properly amended now ?

Yours faithfully,

Kevin Smith

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From: BDC_Lgoima
Buller District Council

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Dear Mr Smith


Thank you for your information request.  Under The Local Government
Official Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA), your request must be dealt
with as soon as is reasonably practicable and in no case later than 20
working days after the day on which the request is received.  20 working
days excludes Saturdays and Sundays, Public and Provincial Holidays and
the period between 20 December and 10 January inclusive.  On this basis,
we calculate a response to your request received on 19 January 2025 is due
by 18 January 2025, at the latest.  We shall of course endeavour to
process your request as quickly as staff resources allow.


For requests that are likely to involve substantial collation and/or
research, there may be a charge for staff time.  Under our charging
policy, staff time for the first hour is free of charge.  Thereafter this
will be charged at the prescribed rate of $40 (GST inclusive) per half
hour.  We will provide the information electronically,  however should you
wish a hard copy,  there will be photocopying charges at 20c per sheet,
with the first 20 pages being copied free of charge.  Under section 13(4)
of LGOIMA we do have the ability to request the amounts due are paid in
advance of the release of information.   Please be assured that if a
charge is likely to apply you will be notified ahead of the request being
processed so that you can decide if you wish to proceed.  At that time you
will also be given the option to refine your request.


Please note that it is our policy to proactively release our responses to
official information requests where possible. We do not publish
requesters’ personal information.  Please contact [1][email address] if
you have any questions about this.


Kind regards

Buller District Council | Phone 0800 807 239 | [2]bullerdc.govt.nz
PO Box 21 | Westport 7866
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Things to do with this request

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