Tenancy Bonds Information Sharing & Matching Programme

Miss W. Forest made this Official Information request to Privacy Commissioner

Privacy Commissioner did not have the information requested.

From: Miss W. Forest

Dear Privacy Commissioner,

Please provide the latest reporting and the copy of the agreements that have been forwarded to the privacy commissioner pertaining the information sharing and matching relating to Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment ("MBIE") holding the Tenancy bonds related information.

Also please share the original request of, provided opinion or advice and any latest review provided to MBIE pertaining to any existing or future programmes relating to either information sharing or matching.

Additionally if any other agency or minister has sought advise or review has been provided please include the requests and responses of these.

For the avoidance of doubt this is relating both the old and new system that MBIE is adopting for the tenancy information.

Yours faithfully,

Miss W. Forest

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From: OIA
Privacy Commissioner

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Tçnâ koe


Please find attached the Privacy Commissioner’s response to your official
information request.



Aku mihi


Sharyn Leonard

Executive Assistant (Legal) | Kaiâwhina Mâtâmua – Ture


Office of the Privacy Commissioner  Te Mana Mâtâpono Matatapu
PO Box 10094, Wellington 6140



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Miss W. Forest left an annotation ()

Having checked out records, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner doesn’t hold information relating to the sharing and matching of tenancy bond information held by MBIE. As such, your request is refused under section 18(e) of the Official Information Act 1982 on the grounds that the information does not exist.

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Things to do with this request

Privacy Commissioner only: