Indian truck licence conversion

Paul Walker made this Official Information request to Ministry of Transport

The request was successful.

From: Paul Walker

Dear Ministry of Transport,
I have had some one apply for a job at my transport company the hold a Indian heavy vehicle licence, and has experience driving a bus in India does this convert over to a nz class 5 licence

Yours faithfully,
Paul Walker

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From: Assigned Task DL

Kia ora Paul,


Thanks for your email. Our reference is 37412955.


To be eligible to convert to a New Zealand class 5 licence the India
driver licence must be current or expired not more than 12 months ago and
display a class of HV or HGV or TRANS as being held.


In addition the Licence Holder will require a certificate of particulars,
issued by the India driver licensing authority not more than six months
previously. The information on the certificate of particulars must confirm
the classes held and the type and weight of vehicle that is licensed to
drive. For class 5 , this must state a truck/trailer or combination
vehicle, with GCW over 25,000kg.


We also require evidence of the licence validity.


Further information about converting to a New Zealand licence and
obtaining the evidence of validity is available on our website:


[1]Converting to a New Zealand driver licence


For any further assistance you can contact us on 0800 822 422 (Monday to
Friday, 8am to 5.30pm). Please select option 1 (reference number) and
quote reference number 37412955.


Ngā mihi


Vicki Steele


Senior Customer Service Representative


Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

Palmerston North Office

Private Bag 11777, Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand


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