Questions to Clive (CEO) and Weston (Mayor) and Councillors

Barry Murphy made this Official Information request to Ruapehu District Council

The request was partially successful.

From: Barry Murphy

Dear Ruapehu District Council,

1. Clive & Weston, if you could both please provide a written statement as to the decision to use Field 1 rather than Field 2 for the first stage as per question
2. What concerns were raised as to potential issues of this project, by any staff members or council contractors
3. What consideration was taken into account for Snowmass residents, as I’m certain there would have been some
4. What concerns were raised about Carrot Park, again Im sure there were some; if not then you don’t understand the value of your tourism or the carrot park
5. As per we are being told this is going ahead no matter what, I would like to know what each existing council representative feels about this.
6. What was the process for choosing the independent and please provide documentation and policies surrounding this -
7. A question stating the independent may not be impartial was raised, was this at any time a concern, and if so, how was it mitigated -
8. The walkway between snowmass and the carrot park is of great concern, as it will be a built site for a long period of time, the access may need to be cornered off, what are the plans for this and will there be a period of time it is closed for public use, and if so, what alternatives will be in place for people walking to town as no footpaths exist on the dangerous 70km/h SH49 -
9. Please provide the traffic report stated in this question -
10. Clive, over the phone, you told me the funding was originally allocated for Taumarunui but was shifted to Ohakune due to a land claim from Ngata Rangi on the Taumarunui land, what was the address of the property at Taumarunui that was originally proposed
11. Clive, you state there was. Community consultation as per . Am I correct that the only document pertaining is “Public and Affordable Housing Asset and Tenancy Management Strategy” or are there others? Please see
12. Your document stated in point 11 highlighted wrap around services etc, have these been put in place, and if so what has changed since the policy was accepted?
13. KO stated “it is not their roll to make that happen” to bring GP’s etc, so how will this happen -
14. The community confirmed the right to housing, but not the placement and intensification of this development, why did RDC thing this was ok -
15. As per please advise what consultation was done as KO stated this is RDC land and “we can ask Clive, where was that consultation and who was it had with”, please provide this information
16. Clive, your statement at “Council felt, it was part of its roll to try and partner with people”; can you please advise who “Council” is and who decided this. Please also advise what the meaning of “felt” was in this context. Please confirm if this was an emotional feeling or a feeling in the best interest of rate payers and advise the people that had this feeling and the people that didn’t.
17. Clive, please advise if any directives were given to you or any RDC staff member by Megan Woods (or via Kainga Ora) or any other minister or their staff, to keep this project quiet; and what those directives were.
18. Clive, you said at that there was no point consulting on a piece of land that the government hadn’t committed to. Please clarify who you refer to here with “consulting” was this no point consulting with third parties, or with the community. If the former, consulting work started in at least October 2022. If the latter, why did you not consult with the public and rate payers before submitting resource consent, or when you already had design layouts of LOTs of land back in September 2022?
19. There are 12 people on the MSD waitlist for houses in Ohakune. You were asked if people would be imported to fill the 15 homes proposed to be built as per . I pose the question, why is Ngata Rangi given special preference in this project for housing, and why are the people Helen refers to and you refer to, not following government process and being given special preferences?
20. Clive, can you or Weston confirm that the houses available on TradeMe that have double glazing and good heating standards etc, listed for under $500k are more expensive than the houses and land you are proposing (i.e. this project is a cheaper alternative to buying healthy homes off the market). Or can you confirm whether this will be a cost to tax payers as this is the only way to use government resources / money to get housing in the area
21. We would like to request a zoom call with you and Weston for the public benefit of ratepayers as requested

Yours faithfully,

Barry Murphy

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From: Info
Ruapehu District Council

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Attachment Acknowledgement.pdf
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Kia ora


Please find attached your acknowledgement to your LGOIMA request.


Ngā mihi

TeRina Turanga



Info    INFO Mailbox   
Info Mailbox
Ruapehu District Council

Ruapehu District Council  |  Private Bag 1001  |  Taumarunui 3946  |  New
Phone: 07 895 8188  ext:    |  Fax: 07 895 3256  |  Mobile:
email: [Ruapehu District Council request email]  |  RDC website: [1]

[2]Empowering Communities Enhancing Lives Fund

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From: Barry Murphy

Dear Info,

I am advising that this is another OIA that has failed to receive a response.

Yours sincerely,

Barry Murphy

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From: Barry Murphy

Dear Info,

You acknowledged this oia on 14 august and a response was due by 11 September. I have had no further response since and you are in breach of the oia requirements. Please acknowledge your obligations and respond asap with the response to my questions.

Yours sincerely,

Barry Murphy

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From: Barry Murphy

Dear Info,

This request is now being sent to the ombudsman due to lack of response

Yours sincerely,

Barry Murphy

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From: Barry Murphy

Dear Info,

This request is still outstanding

Yours sincerely,

Barry Murphy

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From: Info
Ruapehu District Council

Attachment imagece7164.JPG.jpg
64K Download

Attachment FYI23796.pdf
244K Download View as HTML

Afternoon Mr Murphy,


Please see attached response to your request dated 11 August 2023 ref


Kind regards



Info    INFO Mailbox   
Info Mailbox
Ruapehu District Council

Ruapehu District Council  |  Private Bag 1001  |  Taumarunui 3946  |  New
Phone: 07 895 8188  ext:    |  Fax: 07 895 3256  |  Mobile:
email: [Ruapehu District Council request email]  |  RDC website: [1]


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Things to do with this request

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