Athfield Nikau Palms

P. Moore made this Official Information request to Wellington City Council

Wellington City Council did not have the information requested.

From: P. Moore

Dear Wellington City Council,

I'd like to know what happened to the two Athfield Nikau Palm sculptures that used to be at Wellington Airport but were originally designed for the central library.

Yours faithfully,
Pamela McKirdy

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From: BUS: Assurance
Wellington City Council

Tēnā koe Jessica

Thank you for your email dated 12 January 2023 requesting information.

Our team will manage your request under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 which requires us to provide a decision as soon as possible, but no later than 10 February 2023, being 20 working days from receipt.

The reference number for your request is IRC-4323.

Please contact us if you have any further questions.

Kind regards

The Assurance Team
Email: [email address]
Wellington City Council | W

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From: BUS: Assurance
Wellington City Council

Kia ora Pamela,

Thank you for your email regarding the Nikau Palm sculptures by Ian Athfield.

In order to investigate your query, are you able to confirm when you last saw the sculptures at the Wellington Airport and were they of similar size and style to the ones designed for the Central Library?

Thank you for your time,

The Assurance Team
Email: [email address]
Wellington City Council | W

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From: P. Moore

Dear BUS: Assurance,
The Dominion Post of 12 Jan 2008 mentions the palms being at the airport. (you can get to this link via Wellington Public Library)
"where is it? Right in your home town"
Caption: Published December 26: A tricky one . . . readers might reasonably have assumed that these elegant metal nikau were the ones outside Wellington Library, but they are, in fact, at Wellington Airport."

Apparently the paper had posted mystery pictures with readers asked to name the location.

They were definitely the same Athfield palms. I remember reading somewhere that they were supposed to have been installed on two of the empty stands on the colonnade alongside the library, but for some reason had been put up at the airport instead - I have a feeling they might have been on the roundabout at the airport rather than the airport building.
So I don't know when they were installed at the airport or when they were taken away, but they were there in 2008. Please advise current whereabouts.

Yours sincerely,

P. Moore

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From: P. Moore

Dear BUS: Assurance,

Here's a photo from November 2009 showing the palms.

Yours sincerely,

P. Moore

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From: P. Moore

Dear BUS: Assurance,

Photos on Google Earth shows the palms were removed between April 2013 and June 2013.

Yours sincerely,

P. Moore

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From: BUS: Assurance
Wellington City Council

Kia ora P. Moore,

Thank you so much for providing those pieces of information, it was very kind of you and extremely helpful to the Council officers investigating the Nikau Palm sculptures whereabouts.

Whilst quite some time ago, Council officers can recall these Nikau Palm sculptures were once offered to the Wellington City Council, however they were never transferred to us and not in our possession. We understand they are similar to the sculptures located at the Central Library site, but smaller in scale.

Officers believe they are still currently owned by the Airport and most likely in storage, however we are unable to confirm this.

We would encourage you to reach out directly to the Wellington Airport with your question as they may have more information as to their whereabouts.

Thank you again for your assistance,

Kind regards

The Assurance Team
Email: [email address]
Wellington City Council | W

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From: P. Moore

Dear BUS: Assurance,

Thanks for getting back to me. As you saw from the photo link I sent you, the palms aren't "similar" to the Wellington Library palms, they are the same. Wellington City Council sold/lent/gave them to the airport instead of installing them as planned on the library colonnade. I will approach the airport and also the City Council Archives.

Yours sincerely,

P. Moore

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