Parking Enforcement Contracts

B Fairburn made this Official Information request to Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

The request was partially successful.

From: B Fairburn

Dear Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology,

1. MBIE publish a Code of Conduct for Parking Enforcement on Private Land (the Code).
Are Te Pūkenga, any of its subsidiaries or their parking enforcement contractors signatories to the Code?

2. Subsidiaries of Te Pūkenga have contracted out parking enforcement of Staff and Student car parking areas on campus to a privately owned company called LPR Enforcement Services Ltd (LPR) who are not signatory to the Code.
Which subsidiaries of Te Pūkenga have contracts with LPR?

3. If Te Pūkenga, its subsidiaries, or LPR are not signatories to the Code;
would meeting the standards of conduct as defined by the Code and as administered by MBIE, clearly define a fair and reasonable absolute minimum standard of conduct for parking enforcement by a New Zealand Tertiary Education Institute?

4. Section 5.6 of the Code clearly defines and provides examples of misconduct “Misrepresentation of Authority” as a breach of the code.
Have subsidiaries of Te Pūkenga in fact been “Misrepresenting Authority” as explained by MBIE in the Code?

5. Subsidiaries of Te Pūkenga, and LPR liberally use the word “fine” on signs placed in parking areas, on parking enforcement breach notices, websites, and LPR’s self-named web “fine payment” portal.
Have Te Pūkenga or any of its subsidiaries or agents been granted special authority to issue “fines” or demand payment of punitive fees to Staff or Students for this or any other reason?

6. Have Te Pūkenga or any of its subsidiaries directly or through their agent LPR, taken punitive action of any nature against any staff or student for non-payment of “fines”?

7. Ara Institute of Canterbury Ltd issue a “fine” (as defined by them) of $65 for a breach of carpark terms and conditions where the full daily parking fee is $5.
Is $65 a fair and reasonable estimate of any tangible loss to Ara due to non-payment of one $5 daily parking fee? Please provide full details of how this sum was calculated.

8. Are there penalty clauses in any of the contracts Te Pūkenga or any of its subsidiaries have with LPR, to compensate LPR, if for any reason LPR were no longer able to demand payments for “breaches of terms and conditions of car parking”?

9. Please provide details of any revenue sharing arrangements set out in contracts between LPR and Te Pūkenga and its subsidiaries.
How is the share of revenue received from parking fees and fines divided between the parties to the contract(s)?

10. When contracts were negotiated and subsequently awarded for supply of “parking enforcement” services by Te Pūkenga or its subsidiaries to LPR, were these contracts awarded by an open or invited tender process?

11. How many parking enforcement companies were invited to submit proposals or tenders to provide those services?

12. Was compliance with, or being a signatory to the MBIE Code of Conduct a qualifying criteria in selection of candidates for provision of parking enforcement services?

13. Were contracts awarded to LPR after negotiation with LPR, but without receiving or considering written proposals or submissions from other candidates?

14. The contractor LPR use license plate recognition technology (LPR) to automatically record vehicle access to staff and student car parking areas on campus.
Please provide all documents related to how privacy of information collected about staff and student movements held by LPR is guaranteed by Te Pūkenga or its subsidiaries in order to comply with the Privacy Act 2020.

Yours faithfully,

B Fairburn

Link to this

From: Te Pūkenga Ministerials
Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

Tçnâ koe

Thank you for your email below requesting information under the Official Information Act 1982 related to Parking Enforcement Contracts.

As per the requirements of the OIA, you can expect a decision on your request as soon as practicable and within 20 working days from when we received it.

Should you have any questions on your request in the meantime, please feel free to contact [Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email].

Ngâ mihi

show quoted sections

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From: Chief Executive Office
Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

Attachment 2021 10 12 OIA Partial transfer Parking Enforcement.pdf
196K Download View as HTML

Kia ora


Please find attached a response to your OIA request of 29 September.


Ngā mihi


Te Pūkenga CE’s office



show quoted sections

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From: Hayley Devoy

Attachment image001.jpg
27K Download

Attachment image002.png
0K Download

Attachment image003.png
0K Download

Attachment 2021 10 12 OIA Partial transfer Parking Enforcement.pdf
196K Download View as HTML

Kia ora B Fairburn,


Thank you for your Official Information Request. This was received on
Wednesday 29 September 2021 by Te Pūkenga and subsequently partially
transferred to Ara on Tuesday 12^th October 2021. I have logged your
request as OIA/21/008.



The Ara Institute of Canterbury Ltd. (Ara) will endeavour to respond to
your request as quickly as possible. In accordance with the Act the latest
date that you can expect a response is Thursday 28^th October 2021. This
is 20 working days. The timeframe is established the day after the request
is received by the organisation and, takes into consideration any public
holidays that fall within this period.



My personal contact details are provided below, and I will be managing
your request. I will be in touch, should I require further information
pertaining to your request.


Warm regards


Hayley Devoy



[1]Ara Ltd Logo Hayley Devoy BApMgmt (HRM)

Manager – Organisational Performance

Ara Institute of Canterbury Ltd

+64 3 940 6084 | +64 21 287 6084
City Campus, Christchurch

PO Box 540, Christchurch 8140

New Zealand

[3][IMG] [4][IMG]


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contain information which

is confidential, proprietary or the subject of legal privilege.  If you
are not the intended recipient you

must delete this email and may not use any information contained in it. 
Legal privilege is not waived

because you have read this email.









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From: Valerie Bray

Attachment image001.jpg
9K Download

Attachment image002.png
254K Download

Attachment Letter from Mark Oldershaw to B Fairburn
195K Download View as HTML

Kia ora,

Please see attached correspondence from Mark Oldershaw, Chief Executive
Wellington Institute of Technology Ltd & Whitireia Community Polytechnic




Valérie Bray
Senior Executive Officer | Board Secretary | Company Secretary

Wellington Institute of Technology Ltd & Whitireia Community Polytechnic Ltd
Te Whare Wānanga o te Awakairangi & Te Kura Matatini o Whitireia

EMAIL: [1][email address]












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1. mailto:[email address]

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From: Kathryn Prendergast

Attachment image002.png
25K Download

Good Morning


Please see below reply highlighted in yellow to the OIA Request.




Kath Prendergast | PA to the CE and HR Advisor

FREE CALL 0800 4 0 FEES | [1] | Phone: 03 948 2934








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From: Catherine Olds

Attachment image002.jpg
7K Download

Good morning B Fairburn


We refer to your OIA request below, and Te Pukenga’s response and partial
transfer of that OIA.  Toi Ohomai confirms:


 1. It is not a signatory to MBIE’s Code of Conduct for Parking
Enforcement on Private Land;
 2. It does not have a contract with LPR Enforcement Services;
 3. It does consider the Code to set fair and reasonable guidelines for
parking enforcement;
 4. It has not misrepresented its authority with regard to parking
 5. It has no special authority with regard to parking enforcement;
 6. It has taken no punitive action against staff or students for
non-payment of fines;
 7. It does not impose fines for motorists who are found to have parked
for longer that the signage permits;
 8. n/a
 9. n/a
10. n/a
11. n/a
12. n/a
13. n/a
14. n/a


Catherine Olds

Legal Services Manager

Phone +64 7 921 8591  Mobile +64 27 64 33 153


[1]Toi Ohomai_Tauranga_300

  Follow us on [2]Facebook



From: Gillian Hamilton <[3][email address]>
Sent: Tuesday, 12 October 2021 11:14 am
To: Leon Fourie <[4][email address]>
Cc: Valda Bryson <[5][email address]>; Te Pûkenga
Ministerials <[6][Te Pūkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology request email]>
Subject: FW: Official Information request - Parking Enforcement Contracts



Tçnâ koe Leon


Please find attached an OIA partial transfer from Te Pûkenga.


The OIA original request is below and our response to the request is also


Ngâ mihi




Gillian Hamilton

Executive Assistant to Chief Executive


Level 2, Wintec House

Cnr Anglesea & Nisbet Streets

Hamilton 3204


M 027 233 7971 




show quoted sections

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From: Shelley Fitzpatrick

Attachment image001.gif
1K Download

Attachment OPNZL OIA response to B Fairburn email letter 15102021.pdf
159K Download View as HTML

Kia ora B Fairburn


Please find the attached response from Caroline Seelig, Chief Executive,
regarding your OIA request - parking enforcement at Te Pūkenga and its


A reply that you have received the letter would be much appreciated.


Ngā mihi 

Shelley Fitzpatrick
Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive & Board Secretary
Executive Office

Phone +64 4 9155882 or 0508 650200 extn:5882 | Fax 64 4 913 5666
3 Cleary Street, Waterloo | Private Bag 31914, Lower Hutt 5040


Link to this

From: B Fairburn

Dear Shelley Fitzpatrick,

I have received your reply to my OIA request.
As Open Polytechnic does not use a "Parking Enforcement" company, or threaten to "fine" students or staff, the brief statement was a perfectly adequate reply.
Thank you for responding promptly.

Yours sincerely,

B Fairburn

Link to this

From: Hayley Devoy

Attachment image001.jpg
27K Download

Attachment image002.png
0K Download

Attachment image003.png
0K Download

Attachment 2021 10 12 OIA Partial transfer Parking Enforcement.pdf
196K Download View as HTML

Kia ora B Fairburn,




Thank you for your Official Information Request. This was received on
Wednesday 29 September 2021 by Te Pūkenga and subsequently partially
transferred to Ara on Tuesday 12^th October 2021. This request has been
referred to me in my capacity as the person responsible for responding to
requests under the OIA at Ara Institute of Canterbury Limited (Ara).


o The response to this request is in the below table,


|  |Information Requested |Response |
|1 |Are Te Pūkenga, any of its |  |
| |subsidiaries or their parking | |
| |enforcement contractors |Parking on private property (such |
| |signatories to the [MBIE Code of |as private car parks and shop car |
| |Conduct for Parking Enforcement on|parks) is governed by the property|
| |Private Land]? |owner. Some of the major car |
| | |parking companies are signed up to|
| | |a voluntary Code of Conduct for |
| | |Parking Enforcement on Private |
| | |Land, |
| | | |
| | |  |
| | | |
| | |We can confirm that Ara’s parking |
| | |enforcement contractors are not |
| | |signatories to the Code of Conduct|
| | |for Parking Enforcement on Private|
| | |Land. |
| | | |
| | |  |
| | | |
| | |The Code of Conduct for Parking |
| | |Enforcement on Private Land is not|
| | |administered by MBIE. |
| | | |
| | |  |
| | | |
| | |  |
| | | |
| | |  |
|2 |Which subsidiaries of Te Pūkenga |Ara Institute of Canterbury of |
| |have contracts with [LPR |uses this contractor |
| |Enforcement Services Ltd]? | |
|3 |If Te Pūkenga, its subsidiaries, |The Code of Conduct for Parking |
| |or LPR are not signatories to the |Enforcement on Private Land is not|
| |Code; would meeting the standards |administered by MBIE. |
| |of conduct as defined by the Code | |
| |and as administered by MBIE, |  |
| |clearly define a fair and | |
| |reasonable absolute minimum |While Ara and our services are not|
| |standard of conduct for parking |a signatory to this code, we have |
| |enforcement by a New Zealand |considered this and can confirm |
| |Tertiary Education Institute? |that there is intent to meet this.|
| | | |
| | |  |
| | | |
| | |  |
|4 |Have subsidiaries of Te Pūkenga in|The Code of Conduct for Parking |
| |fact been “Misrepresenting |Enforcement on Private Land is not|
| |Authority” as explained by MBIE in|administered by MBIE. |
| |[section 5.6] of the Code? | |
| | |  |
| | | |
| | |We note in the voluntary code that|
| | |section 5.6 is: |
| | | |
| | |Misrepresentation of authority. |
| | |You should provide clear |
| | |information to the public about |
| | |what parking activities are |
| | |allowed and what is unauthorised. |
| | |It will be a breach of the Code if|
| | |you: |
| | | |
| | |a. misrepresent to the public that|
| | |your parking enforcement work is |
| | |carried out under the statutory |
| | |powers of the police or any other |
| | |statutory authority. |
| | | |
| | |b. use terms which imply that |
| | |parking is being managed, |
| | |controlled and enforced under |
| | |statutory authority. This includes|
| | |using terms such as ‘fine’, |
| | |‘penalty’ or ‘infringement’ |
| | | |
| | |  |
| | | |
| | |We can confirm that Ara and our |
| | |services are not a signatory to |
| | |the voluntary code. |
| | | |
| | |  |
| | | |
| | |We can confirm all parking |
| | |documentation and signage was |
| | |reviewed by our Legal advisors. |
| | | |
| | |  |
| | | |
| | |  |
| | | |
| | |  |
| | | |
| | |  |
| | | |
| | |  |
|5 |Have Te Pūkenga or any of its |Parking on private property (such |
| |subsidiaries or agents been |as private car parks and shop car |
| |granted special authority to issue|parks) is governed by the property|
| |“fines” or demand payment of |owner. Signage and messaging to |
| |punitive fees to Staff or Students|stakeholders is widely advertised.|
| |for this or any other reason? | |
|6 |Have Te Pūkenga or any of its |LPR in lines with the Terms of |
| |subsidiaries directly or through |Parking (advertised widely) on |
| |their agent LPR, taken punitive |signs has taken enforcement steps.|
| |action of any nature against any |These enforcement steps can |
| |staff or student for non-payment |include upon approach a “first |
| |of “fines”? |warning” where the Admin Fee & |
| | |Parking Charge is all that is |
| | |invoiced. |
|7 |Ara Institute of Canterbury Ltd |Ara is declining your request to |
| |issue a “fine” (as defined by |provide full details of how this |
| |them) of $65 for a breach of |sum was calculated on the basis of|
| |carpark terms and conditions where|section 9(2)(1) of the OIA |
| |the full daily parking fee is $5. |(Commercial Activities). |
| |Is $65 a fair and reasonable | |
| |estimate of any tangible loss to |  |
| |Ara due to non-payment of one $5 | |
| |daily parking fee? Please provide |Section 9(2)(i) provides good |
| |full details of how this sum was |reason for withholding information|
| |calculated. |where it is necessary to ‘enable a|
| | |agency holding the information to |
| | | |
| | |carry out, without prejudice or |
| | |disadvantage, commercial |
| | |activities. |
| | | |
| | |  |
| | | |
| | |  |
|8 |Are there penalty clauses in any |Ara is declining your request on |
| |of the contracts Te Pūkenga or any|the basis of 9(2)(1) of the OIA |
| |of its subsidiaries have with LPR,|(Commercial Activities). |
| |to compensate LPR, if for any | |
| |reason LPR were no longer able to |  |
| |demand payments for “breaches of | |
| |terms and conditions of car |Section 9(2)(i) provides good |
| |parking”? |reason for withholding information|
| | |where it is necessary to ‘enable a|
| | |agency holding the information to |
| | | |
| | |carry out, without prejudice or |
| | |disadvantage, commercial |
| | |activities |
|9 |Please provide details of any |Ara is declining your request on |
| |revenue sharing arrangements set |the basis of 9(2)(1) of the OIA |
| |out in contracts between LPR and |(Commercial Activities). |
| |Te Pūkenga and its subsidiaries. | |
| |How is the share of revenue |  |
| |received from parking fees and | |
| |fines divided between the parties |Section 9(2)(i) provides good |
| |to the contract(s)? |reason for withholding information|
| | |where it is necessary to ‘enable a|
| | |agency holding the information to |
| | | |
| | |carry out, without prejudice or |
| | |disadvantage, commercial |
| | |activities |
|10|When contracts were negotiated and|Ara was supported through this |
| |subsequently awarded for supply of|process via a fellow subsidiary. |
| |“parking enforcement” services by |This primary engagement and open |
| |Te Pūkenga or its subsidiaries to |tender process (via MIT) |
| |LPR, were these contracts awarded |demonstrated that there was nine |
| |by an open or invited tender |respondents to the tender. The |
| |process? |confirmed contractor was |
| | |subsequently engaged to work with |
| | |Ara, following additional due |
| | |diligence. |
|11|How many parking enforcement |This primary engagement and open |
| |companies were invited to submit |tender process (via MIT) |
| |proposals or tenders to provide |demonstrated that there was nine |
| |those services? |respondents to the tender. The |
| | |confirmed contractor was |
| | |subsequently engaged to work with |
| | |Ara, following further due |
| | |diligence. |
|12|Was compliance with, or being a |No - the Code of Conduct for |
| |signatory to the MBIE Code of |Parking Enforcement on Private |
| |Conduct a qualifying criteria in |Land is not administered by MBIE. |
| |selection of candidates for |The code is voluntary. |
| |provision of parking enforcement | |
| |services? |  |
|13|Were contracts awarded to LPR |LPR was awarded the contract |
| |after negotiation with LPR, but |following a tender process with a |
| |without receiving or considering |fellow subsidiary. As per item 11.|
| |written proposals or submissions | |
| |from other candidates? | |
|14|. Please provide all documents |We can confirm that our contractor|
| |related to how privacy of |has a signed agreement with the |
| |information collected about staff |Land Transport Agency (LTA) |
| |and student movements held by LPR |related to the use of information |
| |is guaranteed by Te Pūkenga or its|pertaining to vehicle ownership. |
| |subsidiaries in order to comply | |
| |with the Privacy Act 2020 | |



You have the right, by way of complaint under section 28(3) of the OIA to
make a complaint to the Ombudsman, to seek an investigation and review of
the refusal. You can do this by writing to [1][email address
or Office of the Ombudsman, PO Box 10152, Wellington 6143.


Warm regards


Hayley Devoy



[2]Ara Ltd Logo Hayley Devoy BApMgmt (HRM)

Manager – Organisational Performance

Ara Institute of Canterbury Ltd

+64 3 940 6084 | +64 21 287 6084
City Campus, Christchurch

PO Box 540, Christchurch 8140

New Zealand

[4][IMG] [5][IMG]


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From: Hayley Devoy
Sent: Wednesday, 13 October 2021 11:26 AM
To: [FOI #16929 email]
Cc: complaints <[email address]>
Subject: FW: Official Information request - Parking Enforcement Contracts
Importance: High


Kia ora B Fairburn,


Thank you for your Official Information Request. This was received on
Wednesday 29 September 2021 by Te Pūkenga and subsequently partially
transferred to Ara on Tuesday 12^th October 2021. I have logged your
request as OIA/21/008.



The Ara Institute of Canterbury Ltd. (Ara) will endeavour to respond to
your request as quickly as possible. In accordance with the Act the latest
date that you can expect a response is Thursday 28^th October 2021. This
is 20 working days. The timeframe is established the day after the request
is received by the organisation and, takes into consideration any public
holidays that fall within this period.



My personal contact details are provided below, and I will be managing
your request. I will be in touch, should I require further information
pertaining to your request.


Warm regards


Hayley Devoy



[6]Ara Ltd Logo Hayley Devoy BApMgmt (HRM)

Manager – Organisational Performance

Ara Institute of Canterbury Ltd

+64 3 940 6084 | +64 21 287 6084
City Campus, Christchurch

PO Box 540, Christchurch 8140

New Zealand

[8][IMG] [9][IMG]


This email is only intended to be read by the named recipient.  It may
contain information which

is confidential, proprietary or the subject of legal privilege.  If you
are not the intended recipient you

must delete this email and may not use any information contained in it. 
Legal privilege is not waived

because you have read this email.









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Link to this

From: Carol Christison

Attachment RESPONSE B Fairburn re Parking Enforcement Contracts 20 October 2021.pdf
196K Download View as HTML

Tçnâ koe B Fairburn


We refer to your OIA request and Te Pûkenga’s response and partial
transfer of that OIA to the Subsidiaries. 


The Universal College of Learning’s (“UCOL”) response is attached.



Yours sincerely

Carol Christison



show quoted sections

Link to this

From: Jude Spencer

Attachment image001.jpg
1K Download

Attachment image002.jpg
1K Download

Attachment image003.jpg
40K Download

Attachment B Fairburn OIA Parking NMIT response 2021 10 26.pdf
791K Download View as HTML

Kia ora


Please find attached Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology’s response
to your Official Information Act request regarding parking enforcement.


Ngâ mihi nui      


Jude Spencer
Information Manager

Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology
Te Whare Wânanga o Te Tauihu o Te Waka a Mâui
Private Bag 19
DDI +64 3 539 3379

[2] [3]



CAUTION: This e-mail message and accompanying data may contain information
that is confidential and subject to privilege. If you are not the intended
recipient, you are notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or
copying of this message or data is prohibited. If you have received this
e-mail in error, please notify me immediately by return e-mail and delete
all material you have incorrectly received. Nelson Marlborough Institute
of Technology Limited does not accept any liability for the individual
opinions of staff members expressed within this e-mail message. Thank you.


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From: Sue Thompson

Tçnâ koe B Fairburn

I am responding to your Official Information Act(OIA) request to Te
Pûkenga which,  has been  partially transferred under section 14(b)(ii) of
the OIA, to each of the Te Pûkenga subsidiaries. Otago Polytechnic Ltd ‘s
response to  your request, in respect of  whether we  or our  parking
enforcement contractors are signatories to the MBIE Code of Conduct for
Parking Enforcement on Private Land and the subsequent thirteen questions,
which are not applicable to Otago Polytechnic Ltd, follows:

Otago Polytechnic Ltd is not a signatory to the MBIE Code of Conduct for
Parking Enforcement on Private Land nor do we have any arrangements with
parking enforcement contractors. All our car parks have their use clearly
signposted and labelled including that unauthorised vehicles will be
towed. From time to time we do request that  a vehicle is towed if it is
parked in a labelled  carpark or without a permit showing if the carpark
is designated for visitors  however, this is after we have issued a
warning notice and noted the registration number.

Students have access to one hundred and twenty six  ‘first in first
served’ free carparks at the Forsyth Barr Stadium which is a maximum of
ten minutes’ walk to Otago Polytechnic Ltd .

Please come back to me if you have any further questions.

Ngâ mihi

Sue Thompson



Sue Thompson

Te Kaihâpai

Chief Executive Office

Otago Polytechnic | Te Kura Matatini ki Otago

Private Bag 1910 | Dunedin | New Zealand 9054 | 03 477 3014 | Email:
[1][email address]





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1. mailto:[email address]

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From: Kara Hiron

Attachment image001.png
10K Download

Attachment image002.jpg
2K Download

Attachment Unitec OIA Response Parking Information.pdf
238K Download View as HTML

Attachment MIT OIA Response Parking Information.pdf
230K Download View as HTML

Please see the attached documents.





Kara Hiron | Senior Legal Counsel | Unitec (Acting) and MIT

Unitec New Zealand Limited and Manukau Institute of Technology Limited

p: 09 968 8758 | m: 027 603 9523 | e: [3][email address
| e: [4][email address]





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3. mailto:[email address]
4. mailto:[email address]

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From: Michelle Barron

Attachment image001.jpg
4K Download



Apologies in the delay in responding to your email as below.  The person
who supplied our response has been on leave as have I, and today is my
first day back.


Otago Polytechnic’s response is below:


We do not engage a third party to monitor / issue fines on any of our
carparks.  From time to time we get a vehicle towed if it is parted in
someone’s carpark after we have issued a warning notice and noted the
registration number down.


Students have free first in first served carparks at The Stadium – there
are student carparks available 126.






My hours are:  Monday-Thursday 8.15-3.45pm.


[1]Otago Polytechnic Michelle Barron NDipBus.Admin (Level
Chief Executive’s Office | Executive
Otago Polytechnic | Te Kura Matatini
ki Otago

Private Bag 1910, Dunedin 9054, New
Forth Street, Level 2, Mason Centre

DDI +64 3 479 3835  | M +64 027 231
0057  | [2]





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From: Chief Executive’s Office

Attachment image063913.png
19K Download

Attachment B Fairburn OIA Request Parking Enforcement Oct 2021.pdf
222K Download View as HTML

Tēnā koe


Please find attached Tai Poutini Polytechnic's response to the OIA request
regarding parking enforcement contracts which Te Pūkenga transferred to us
on 12 October 2021.


Ngā mihi



Chief Executive’s Office​
73‑87 Tainui Street ,  Greymouth   7805  |  Private Bag 607, Greymouth 7840
ddi  [1]03 769 9402  |  free phone  0800 800 411  |  website  
COVID‑19 – how TPP is helping slow the spread:
 • following Government, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health guidelines
 • closely monitoring changes
 • increased hygiene practices
 • campus visitor rules  
 • making information available

Tai Poutini Polytechnic Ltd

73-87 Tainui Street, Greymouth 7805, New Zealand | Private Bag 607,
Greymouth 7840, New Zealand
phone +64 3 769 9400 | free phone 0800 800 411 | website [4]

show quoted sections



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From: Erin Andersen

Attachment image001.jpg
7K Download

Attachment Parking Enforcement OIA B Fairburn Response Nov 2021.pdf
170K Download View as HTML

Dear B Fairburn,


Further to your OIA request dated 29 September, 2021 to Te Pûkenga and
subsequently partially transferred to Wintec on 12 October, 2021, please
find our response attached.


If you require further clarification, feel free to contact me.


Kind regards



Erin Andersen

Director – Communications
+64-(0) 21 825 060

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Private Bag 3036, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton 3240 






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From: Nicola Conley

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Kia ora


Please find below WITT’s reply to the OIA.


Ngâ mihi


Nicola Conley | Executive Director – Corporate Services

[mobile number] | Phone (06) 757 3100 ext 8852 |
[1][email address]



Dear Te Pûkenga—New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology,


1. MBIE publish a Code of Conduct for Parking Enforcement on Private Land
(the Code). 

Are Te Pûkenga, any of its subsidiaries or their parking enforcement
contractors signatories to the Code?

Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki (WITT) is noT a signatory of
the MBIE Code


2. Subsidiaries of Te Pûkenga have contracted out parking enforcement of
Staff and Student car parking areas on campus to a privately owned company
called LPR Enforcement Services Ltd (LPR) who are not signatory to the

Which subsidiaries of Te Pûkenga have contracts with LPR?

WITT manages parking enforcement in house, it is not contracted out


3. If Te Pûkenga, its subsidiaries, or LPR are not signatories to the
Code; would meeting the standards of conduct as defined by the Code and as
administered by MBIE, clearly define a fair and reasonable absolute
minimum standard of conduct for parking enforcement by a New Zealand
Tertiary Education Institute?

WITT undertakes parking enforcement in a fair and reasonable manner and
does not use LPR


4. Section 5.6 of the Code clearly defines and provides examples of
misconduct “Misrepresentation of Authority” as a breach of the code.  

Have subsidiaries of Te Pûkenga in fact been “Misrepresenting Authority”
as explained by MBIE in the Code?

WITT is not aware of any misrepresentation of its authority or breach of
the MBIE Code


5. Subsidiaries of Te Pûkenga, and LPR liberally use the word “fine” on
signs placed in parking areas, on parking enforcement breach notices,
websites, and LPR’s self-named web “fine payment” portal. 

Have Te Pûkenga or any of its subsidiaries or agents been granted special
authority to issue “fines” or demand payment of punitive fees to Staff or
Students for this or any other reason?

No special authority granted


6. Have Te Pûkenga or any of its subsidiaries directly or through their
agent LPR, taken punitive action of any nature against any staff or
student for non-payment of “fines”?

WITT has not taken any action for non-payment of fines directly and does
not contract an agent for LPR


7. Ara Institute of Canterbury Ltd issue a “fine” (as defined by them) of
$65 for a breach of carpark terms and conditions where the full daily
parking fee is $5. 

Is $65 a fair and reasonable estimate of any tangible loss to Ara due to
non-payment of one $5 daily parking fee? Please provide full details of
how this sum was calculated.

Not applicable


8. Are there penalty clauses in any of the contracts Te Pûkenga or any of
its subsidiaries have with LPR, to compensate LPR, if for any reason LPR
were no longer able to demand payments for “breaches of terms and
conditions of car parking”?

WITT does not use LPR  (licence plate recognition)


9. Please provide details of any revenue sharing arrangements set out in
contracts between LPR and Te Pûkenga and its subsidiaries. 

How is the share of revenue received from parking fees and fines divided
between the parties to the contract(s)?

No arrangements


10. When contracts were negotiated and subsequently awarded for supply of
“parking enforcement” services by Te Pûkenga or its subsidiaries to LPR,
were these contracts awarded by an open or invited tender process? 

WITT has no parking enforcement contracts in place


11. How many parking enforcement companies were invited to submit
proposals or tenders to provide those services?

Not applicable


12. Was compliance with, or being a signatory to the MBIE Code of Conduct
a qualifying criteria in selection of candidates for provision of parking
enforcement services?

Not applicable


13. Were contracts awarded to LPR after negotiation with LPR, but without
receiving or considering written proposals or submissions from other

Not applicable


14. The contractor LPR use license plate recognition technology (LPR) to
automatically record vehicle access to staff and student car parking areas
on campus.

Please provide all documents related to how privacy of information
collected about staff and student movements held by LPR is guaranteed by
Te Pûkenga or its subsidiaries in order to comply with the Privacy Act

Not applicable


Yours faithfully,


B Fairburn




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