Training Manual and guidance documents for Parking Enforcement Officers and use of Mobile License Plate Recognition (LPR)

Sam Harris made this Official Information request to Hamilton City Council

Currently waiting for a response from Hamilton City Council, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Sam Harris

Dear Hamilton City Council,

I am writing to you under the Official Information Act (1982) (OIA) and Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (1987) (LGOIMA) as a citizen of New Zealand to request:

1. All training material and guidance documents for your Parking Enforcement Officers (Operational Guidelines).

2. Operational Guidelines for infringement issuance and evidence collection particularly for Parking longer than stated parking signs.

3. Any parking enforcement training material/manuals relating to Code of conduct, limitations of authority, Instructions for issuing infringement notices, and enforcement considerations.

4. Council policy on parking enforcement officers use of vehicle-mounted ANPR License Plate Recognition equipment (LPR) for parking compliance.

5. What LPR equipment parking enforcement currently use. This should also include:
a) The relevant business contract details
b) The factory operational manuals for this LPR equipment.

6. Operational guidelines on parking enforcement officers use of LPR for parking compliance (including infringement issuance and evidence collection).

7. Operational Guidelines on parking enforcement officers use of LPR for; Parking longer than stated parking signs.

8. What particular offences parking enforcement officers use such LPR equipment to detect.

9. What areas parking enforcement patrol with LPR. This should be in a viewable format (e.g map/s of patrol circuits).

10. Any certifications or maintenance schedules for LPR equipment in use particularly:
a) Certificates for any LPR equipment mounted to vehicle/s in use for the year 2024.
b) Maintenance schedules for any LPR equipment mounted to vehicle/s in use for the year 2024.

11. A full list of what evidence is collected using LPR for infringement detection.

12. A full list of what evidence is collected using LPR particularly for parking longer than stated parking signs (e.g ANPR hits 1 & 2, context images of a car, images of wheels etc.)

Yours faithfully.

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Things to do with this request

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