Northland Regional Council
A public authority
22 requests
1 follower
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Contracts the Northland Regional Council has developed with Joyce Advisory or Steven Joyce.
Response by Northland Regional Council to Anna Sanderson on .
Dear Anna
I can confirm that Northland Regional Council do not have, nor have not
had, any contracts in place with either Joyce Advisory or Stev...
Good Morning
As per your information request please see attached the following
o Northland Forward Together Strategic Planning Workshop Notes –...
Survey of Kerikeri river by Total marine
Response by Northland Regional Council to Chris Claydon on .
Dear Mr Claydon
I refer to your request for information contained in your email of 2^nd
February 2024...
Records relating to coastal consents
Response by Northland Regional Council to Craig Innes on .
Thanks Craig.
Ngā mihi
Stuart Savill
Consents Manager
Northland Regional Council » Te Kaunihera ā rohe o Te Taitokerau
Phone 09 470...
Resource consent documents for public wharves
Response by Northland Regional Council to Chris Claydon on .
Hi Chris
Yes there is a deemed coastal permit for landing and steps, as per snips
Ngā mihi
Stuart Savill
Consents M...
use of Kai iwi lakes campground
Response by Northland Regional Council to Grace Haden on .
Partially successful.
Hi Grace
I’m not sure I understand what a vaccine control group is but as of the
10th December 2021, vaccine passes have been required to camp a...
You’re welcome 😊
From: Christine Woods <[FOI #19822 email]>
Sent: Monday, 18 July 2022 12:37 PM
To: Tess Dacre <[email address]>
Subject: Re:...
Drug & alcohol pathology/testing at Northland Regional Council
Response by Northland Regional Council to Lynn Worthington on .
Good morning Lynn
In response to your query re drug and alcohol testing at Northland
Regional Council, we currently do not do any drug and alcoh...
Details of 22,000 Litre Aviation fuel and hydraulic oil release into environment
Response by Northland Regional Council to T. Benseman on .
Partially successful.
Please find below a link to the information that has been requested from
Northland Regional Council as per the below email. Please note,...
I am requesting information on the 2007 Kaeo Flood relief funding for private homes.
Response by Northland Regional Council to Gary Whitehead on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Whitehead,
Thank you for your information request as contained in your email that follows below.
The properties that were eligible for fundin...
The use of mediation in planning and consent process
Response by Northland Regional Council to Matthew Hawkins on .
Dear Mr Hawkins
Further to my e-mail of 26 September 2016, I advise that the Northland
Regional Council has not been involved in any Resource Ma...
Dear Mr Fraser
Please find attached the Council's follow up letter to our request that you provide more information to the council (please refer to the...
Does the Northland Regional Council open its meetings with a prayer?
Response by Northland Regional Council to Alex Harris on .
Good Morning Alex,
No we do not have an opening prayer before our council meetings.
Many thanks
Chris Taylor | Council Secretary
Northland Regiona...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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